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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. Yeah Vanilla has quite the cult following. Taking my old beater mountain bike apart and using some of the components to build a single gear to beat around the neighborhood with the kids.
  2. Long overdue thread revival..... Alain (Burn-E) Digging the Miley love Alain. Nice!
  3. That reminds me, I need to install the proper hardware for my EST exhaust before Fall really hits.
  4. Dude's in a wheel chair, isn't he ?
  5. The bid bad Appalachian trail. Have fun, it's a blast.
  6. No clue, but the formatting looks like VS in the initial stage. Ask Chuck. Back off-topic and re-igniting the tattoo debate.
  7. You're a hipster. He's a player. You lowered your 850. He lifted his S70 (at least the front end). Different strokes for different folks.
  8. I'd do it moving overseas but this seems extreme for the US. Timmy ( ): the pod is a great idea, I forgot about that.
  9. Plenty of other options if that's what U-Haul is quoting but it will add up quickly. Figure about $600-$800 for the car in an open carrier going across the US. Belongings need to be packed and hauled which can cost a lot, quickly. As Tommy Boy asked, does your company give you anything towards the cost of relocating across the US ?
  10. Call A2B Systems (Clay and Rob) and ask for a quote. Feel free to tell them (or not) that Matt from Exim-Cars gave you their name. They'll quote the car shipping portion. My advice would be to rent a U-Haul with a trailer and do it yourself. I'm guessing you're not moving a 2500 sq ft house so it ought to fit in a normal sized U-Haul.
  11. That chick rocks, I love her stuff.
  12. This is the OT thread, not the "Owning > Renting" thread.
  13. You're doing it wrong. Keep your components 3 years, you'll thank me for it. Spend on the car please, this is a car forum, not SuckNuts.
  14. This thread sucks without pics. Just saying.
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