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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. I made the mistake of logging back into mine about 2 weeks ago. Checked a few times since then and deleted it today. It's more of a waste of time than anything, it's one more thing to keep up with and it's information I don't always want to see floating around.
  2. Ditch that autotragic. But you already knew to do that. Looks even better on this big screen, nice find.
  3. Still looks like death in the pictures to me. Look at the overspray in the wheels wells, it's sloppy. And I dunno, it looks tacky to me, I appreciate the effort but it didn't come together for me.
  4. Mine ? I'm thinking about changing the avatar. I just lack ideas.
  5. Only quoting your post to show the picture of the Civic. Makes me think of this guy:
  6. Couldn't care less about the details. But I'm completely serious about you learning a trade or furthering your education. There are plenty of students who work and take classes on a full time basis. Trust me, a job and 12-14 hours/semester will keep you out of the bars! Take it from someone who waited until his early 30's to get his master's degree: the longer you wait, the harder it is to go back.
  7. So hang on, he didn't leave on his terms ?! Kevin, get off VS, stop dumping money into your NA and get an education.
  8. I'll give it to you: you are entertaining. IIRC, since it's been a year since I really looked into buying one: cooling system was something that came up a lot. Otherwise, they're fairly straight forward but expensive to maintain. And no offense, but you might want to hold off until you have a steady job. It's about as intelligent as a friend who's a school teacher (2nd year into the job) and is using 2/3 of her salary on payments on her brand new X5.....
  9. Read the reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Cloverdale-Fresh-Whole-Rabbit/dp/B00012182G/ref=pd_sim_sbs_t_6
  10. That truck took a beating.... Snow coming here Friday, it should make for an interesting evening as everyone starts doing 15 mph in a 45 mph zone.
  11. #3 and #1 got me, and the first comment had me in tears. Our house always has a faint smell of gasoline and motor oil. Guests notice it, we don't.
  12. Exactly. You're screwed either way. (see what I did there ?)
  13. Good to know. Yes, I need to snap a few quick pics of a dark gray car this afternoon, it'll be interesting to see how it does with the polarizer.
  14. Yes, recommended by the owner of a site I use a lot. Also bought a UV filter, haven't tried it yet. Silver car + bright sun + light background + bad photographer = crappy results. Love that place, I miss it. 100% replica. I don't know of a silver real one, they were all finished in primary colors IIRC.
  15. DSC_0015 by Exim-Cars, on Flickr kinda digging my $10 Hoya filter! Makes for nice pics.
  16. Blissfully unable to answer your question Beiber.
  17. Do it! I think Mike's was in response to Chuck's, I just took it in a different direction.
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