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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. So you're looking at a pink car ? That's cute.
  2. Why should Mike be the only with a famous presidential candidate doing odd things as an avatar ?
  3. So you are the JRL of rodents. Who'd have thought ?
  4. What are you ? The JRL of rodents ? Mouse, rat, squirrel, aren't they basically the same vermin ?
  5. Love hawks. Amazing birds. The videos is hilarious, the guy's face at the end....
  6. Nope, no jet in that picture. You thinking of a Saab maybe ?
  7. I'll admit this much: the word filter is funny....
  8. Removing the cardboard might have been justified, given the setting..... On topic:
  9. Yeah, search Youtube for H2Oi vids and you'll a few people getting popped on the same stretch. I've never gone to H2O and I recognize the spot, that tells you how often in shows up in pictures of people getting tickets after the show.
  10. Plenty of women like that out there, just gotta find them. H2oi ? Seems like people always get busted on that stretch.
  11. Might be for the best...caption underneath the photo read: HRE wheels... Found them and from what I heard, HRE sends a little tube of lube with every quote. How thoughtful.
  12. Anyone recognize the center caps on these wheels ? Trying to track down more information about them.
  13. Who says he took it ? I had my wife take one of the speedometer Wednesday since I was doing 125 mph and needed proof. It was on a private road, of course.
  14. Nice! I wish Youtube wouldn't censor cuss words.
  15. That's what I'm talking about! I'd give my left nut for some serious snow this week.
  16. That was my issue: I was having to block so many people, I figured FB wasn't for me. I didn't want to be the bitter user, I rarely used it anyway.
  17. Facebook account deleted this morning. The general political and religious douchebaggery finally pushed me over the edge.
  18. I'd rep you up a thousand times if I could. I've posted it on FB but I'll throw it on here too: See ? Even the Mayans don't think it's happening!
  19. I would love to see the reaction of a tech if you were to drop it off at a dealer for maintenance. This car is insane Hussein! Do you feel like you're getting it to be as reliable as it is powerful ?
  20. You can't compare yourself to a dinosaur to make yourself look better Mike. Jim was the first person to use the interwebs, true story. The new CEO at Yahoo (the young woman they plucked from Google) is kicking it into high gear, I'm interested to see what she'll do. I have a friend who works at Yahoo and I'm sure she feels better about her job with this new CEO.
  21. You need to make that top piece and sell some, I'd have bought one in a heart beat when I had the wagon. Nice work, clean and tasteful, I like it.
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