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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. Oh yeah ? My brother in law only drives Audis, swears by them but I always feel like they look very dated after 3-4 years. Still love them though, they're great.
  2. I might have seen too many of these lately but anyway, I like this version of the Daytona Coupe.
  3. Strap to her top, I think. And an all time favorite:
  4. Graydon in the house! I love old school Japanese stuff.
  5. Quick bumpage since I am not good about keeping up with threads. Pulled the head, no major surprise (thankfully...) 101_4312 by Exim-Cars, on Flickr Pull more parts to expose the cam: 101_4310 by Exim-Cars, on Flickr Cam looked good, happy Matt is happy. (didn't want to have to take the bottom end apart...) I haven't measured to see if the block had sagged yet. 101_4311 by Exim-Cars, on Flickr These engines are known to cave in between the 2nd and 3rd cylinder over time. I have very small tolerances to work with, so if that's the case here, I'll have some serious work. Head needs a thorough cleaning/prepping. 101_4295 by Exim-Cars, on Flickr Anyway, I haven't finished the prep for the new HG yet. My goal is to have it completely prepped and re-assembled this week but we'll see how things play out.
  6. WTF am I looking at here John Boy ?
  7. We need to teach you the internets.
  8. Same here, REALLY not looking forward to it. Accountant has had me pay each quarter, based on estimates but looks like we underestimated.
  9. He was, I think he was ticketed as well. There is a longer movie of him, some of his moves had me in tears.
  10. Mike: I hope not, it'd make a skunk smell so fresh and so clean.
  11. I swear, your random use of capital letters makes me want to punch a kitten.
  12. 39 choices, I think you'll find what you're looking for.
  13. It's not. I don't remember what was used, but I know there were Sharpies and paint involved.
  14. How about this one ? Learn about anatomy while making small talk with her.
  15. McMaster for online. Or Fastenal. If they don't have it, it doesn't exist.
  16. Did you coat the new lines with anything ? I know Fords here love to get rust on brake lines, they have no coating. I guess it won't matter if you don't plan on driving the carrier in the snow/salt.
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