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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. I wonder if you would even know what's going on until you come to a stop.
  2. Big ole flat pedals with little screw sticking through for better grip. She can go clipless once she knows the bike well.
  3. Travis. I actually saw the quote and thought of him before I saw the dude's face.
  4. If you knew anything about Mike, you'd realize he probably doesn't watch Fox News. But don't let me get in the way of everyone beating a dead horse.
  5. Travis posted a good frame not long ago, that would be a good starting point. MTBreview used to be a great source of used parts on the cheap. Ebay has kind of taken that role now. Do you want a hard tail or full suspension ? Can't say much about used prices, I haven't looked enough.
  6. It happened in Australia not long ago. Stick on the road flew into his spokes. Catapulted him over the bars, but I think he was mostly OK. Very good vid though! BOT, not as lucky as the guy on the bike:
  7. $50 shipped on mine if you want it. Bought to work on a RN engine I was going to build and the engine turned out to be a dud.
  8. If you fall and no one sees you fall, did you still fall ?
  9. I had forgotten that he broke his back. That's insane, I hope he bounces back.
  10. I'm still amazed he didn't have glazed brake pads afterwards.
  11. I've had to wash a ketchup stain on a headliner once (at least I hope it was ketchup), that wasn't fun. I really didn't like that.
  12. Watch some action flick. I don't recommend porn, the boners are awkward with the bibs.
  13. Be thankful it's not bras like me. And this is on my work computer, I'm the only one with the access code to it. I don't wear bras don't buy them, don't pay attention to them. And yet, I feel like I'm every bra maker's target buyer.
  14. Run some too, if your joints allow it. 20 minutes of running will yield much better health than 20 mins of riding. And those endorphines will kick in too!
  15. I agree, iPhone 6 is the way to go. You would feel an immediate improvement and your friends would love you for it. Big question is who would outlove who ?
  16. Neu, are you looking to be in shape or do you want to competitive as well ? If in shape, I'd start with 45 minutes on the bike, then after 3 rides/week, bump it up to 1:15 hrs, then after 3 rides/week go to 2 hours/ride for 3 times a week. More than anything, make sure you eat well too while you're doing all of this. (that means cutting back on beer and other dead calories) If you want strength or if you have time, some sessions with weight would make a big difference. You can do simple exercises to build your core (abdominal twist, pull ups, jumping jacks) and build that into your training. If you want a smooth pedal stroke, do some specific trainer exercises like pedaling one leg at a time while the other is unclipped, etc....
  17. More of a camel toe than a schlong, honestly.
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