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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. You know it's bad when Mike's dropping F bombs talking about it. It has started to affect me, I can't get 20' boxes out of Houston, have to quote 40' to my clients who want to ship cars individually in smaller containers. Shipping industry is in needs of changes, no doubt about it.
  2. No Pat. You don't know cold. I had a warm ride yesterday, only 30F when I left the house. Normally 25 F this time of year. Layer up and nut up.
  3. West coast, so probably coming from Asia. Could simply be a Japanese boat who's used to driving on the left. I wouldn't sweat it.
  4. Yeah, I think either a junkie road bike or a CX bike would be the ticket. Good luck Pat.
  5. My 5S is dying an ugly, ugly death. As much as I don't want to pay full fare for an Iphone 6, I may not have a choice.
  6. He will come to fear those sidewalks with the R front spoiler. They are the work of the devil, there just to rip front spoilers off nice cars. He will learn, one scrape and he will park like Hipster Gabe.
  7. Dude is sooooo Jersey, it screams Jersey even before you see the Garden State plate.
  8. If he didn't before, he does now. That car took a serious beating it's impressive he was able to walk away, adrenaline high or not.
  9. This time of year, you would be better off on Gator skins. I know you don't like them, but honestly I couldn't be happier with the ones on my wife's bike. She commutes on them and hasn't had a flat since making the switch from regular road tires.
  10. Yes, wife got her PhD there and I got my MBA from UF. Loved the school, worked there for 2 years as well.
  11. Don't think I didn't catch your note Ginger. You better listen to Chuck on this.
  12. Urban Meyer is a gifted coach. He did wonders at FL, even if he allowed players to act like semi-Gods but he got wins which decided his career path. I personally would rather see 'Bama win again, I hated FSU b/c of their rapist of a QB but I'd like to see the Ducks win too. So basically, I'm a happy camper at this point.
  13. I've posted it before. I just lack creativity tonight.
  14. I'd start there and see where it takes you. When P2R's with similar mileage go for $5,000, you have to price your car accordingly. Given the info on it, the maintenance, etc... I am sure it will move fast.
  15. It's nice, no doubt but it's a $3,500 car. A 98 T5M with nice mods and lower mileage in pristine condition is for sale on VCOA for $4,500.
  16. Urgh, don't let that jack slip.... Looks great dude, nice choice of color. Honestly never thought an 850 could pull it off but you're proving me wrong.
  17. Good job, looks great. Very well done. You said: "thanks...overall it is ok.", what's wrong besides the crazy amount of dust ?
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