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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. This just in: there's more than one Paul on VS! t'was PaulR that helped him move.
  2. I'm sitting on a wad of money b/c rates are so low right now... Looks like we'll be making a downpayment on a rental house very, very soon. I'd rather be a land lord in a student town than stare at that money in my sorry 1.85% annual yield savings account.
  3. It was the Dell, 'fortunately'. The Mac is wonderful, just wonderful.
  4. It's sad really. First it was the sound, it was given me an error message for an invalid driver for the audio device. Then it was my memory stick, telling me that it wasn't a valid device... The straw that broke the camel's back was when it gave me a flashing green screen for 15 minutes yesterday when I tried to turn it on. I'm taking it to IT in a few hours. After that, it's back to Dell if I still have issues.
  5. Very fitting this morning Re-installing parts of Vista Ultimate for the 2nd time in just 4 days... Missing drivers....again....
  6. She's not ugly. Those are excellent pictures, I love the fish, perfect color combo.
  7. Dr. Seuss lives on... $7K for this beauty, PM me if I need to test drive it for you.
  8. A couple from Costa Rica, taken 4 years ago. China, this past May.
  9. Vista Ultimate is a little bit better than Basic. Paid $11 for it, so I can't complain (and yes, it's legit, student discount FTW). But had to download it twice to get it to work properly...
  10. Shame to waste such a nice plane. $1 says the plane eats it.
  11. That picture creeps me out. It really does.
  12. That Civic isn't exactly stealth. And side note:
  13. Yeah, for some reason, having an ECU sitting on my desk is all it took for me to miss it...
  14. Driveway shots with my car already dirty, I don't think anyone will complain about missing anything.
  15. Johann, where did you buy the rods ? Should be another good project. Does that bring the Volvo fleet up to 4 cars ?
  16. Are you trying to spell pedophile ? If you did, you failed. Great meeting you and Natasha. Thanks for stopping by. Shoot me a PM/text when you want to ride, I know a few good routes around campus and this area.
  17. I'll be at the house around 5.30pm. Until then, I'm at the Reitz. :)
  18. Dude, stop by, I waxed the car and it actually looks decent!
  19. Nuhin' but love, Buddy, you know it!
  20. Dude, you're awesome, $2K, you got it! My paypal is: doyouthinkImthatdumb@yomama.com :P
  21. I've been exposed to the fumes of industrial strength glue for over an hour (building a desk just 20 ft from my door).... Yeah, I think I'm messed up. :)
  22. I'm so sick of seeing this repost. Noobs! Yes, it's Shellie, he's only on here when he gets in arguments with Rob (T5M).
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