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Everything posted by Jena

  1. I couldn't agree more with "You're an american or you're not." IMO, I think all race dividing programs should be shut down. No more "Minorities" please. No extra scholarships for blacks or asians, etc... I think everyone should be considered equal and have the same equal opportunities to either succeed or fail. I don't believe in special privileges just because your a man or a woman or black or brown... everyone has the ability to work hard and succeed at attaining their goals, regardless of their color. It's not the color of my skin that gave me an edge over Shaniqua, and I'm tired of that excuse existing. If I beat you at a race it's cause I'm better than you, not because I'm white and screw you for being a sore loser. And make inmates grow their own food too! Put the convicts in a huge compound and make them grow their own veggies, milk and slaughter their own cows. We should be living off them, not the other way around. They're the ones that screwed up and are supposed to be repaying their debt to society. And make child support standard too! WTF. Base it on the age of the child and cost of living in the area the child lives, not on how much money the dad makes. I can't understand how Frank pays $600/month for one kid and Ted only pays $200/month for one kid. Child support should be a set amount, regardless of income... shouldn't have to pay more just because you make more, and you shouldn't get out of having to support your child completely just because you don't make as much money.
  2. I've been demoted??? To all those wondering when they will be invited to join the VS Moderating Team... Send money to: Jena c/o Charlie's Bedroom And I will see what I can do. Jeremy!
  3. QUOTE (Plan_B @ Oct 17 2007, 12:59 PM) I'm votin for the chick. It's time for some vag in the white house. Jena for President!!
  4. I don't understand the mention of New Orleans being attacked by liberalism. After reading that I felt the same way I did after hearing Ms S. Carolina or where ever she was from.
  5. Hey!! This thread isn't about me!!! WTFire??!! That's about all I want to contribute.
  6. I just suspended... can't remember his name, and I don't really feel like going to look for it. Anyway, I suspended this guy for 4 hours because he was being overly disgustingly rude... imo. Thank you.
  7. What exactly is the topic of this thread? And what are you attempting to argue about? I'm having a difficult time figuring it out, too much stupidity mixed in. The name is Kashif, not lil ketchup... nor is he a little urine colored puppet. I might not have said this before, so consider this the one time warning. Keep your insults to yourself. I don't like it. If all you have to contribute is insults and sarcasm then keep your contributions to yourself.
  8. I never considered the "no job with out false documentation" point. It's a nice one. Thank you. That would be a lot of money, wouldn't it? All these illegal aliens paying taxes but not claiming returns. I wonder where it's going. And... do you honestly think that there are no illegal aliens working under the table? So the Americans are letting the Mexicans have our janitorial work, but not letting the people in India and China have our design/software/manufacturing jobs... those are being taken from us. Got it. I really don't think I'm being a bigot... and I don't take kindly to being called one. Spanish doesn't make me uncomfortable, neither does French, German, etc... I'm in awe of people who speak more than just one language, I still get confused speaking just one. "plenty of other nations speak upwards of 10 different languages." Yep, your right. And if every individual state in our nation spoke a different language, the same would be true for us as well.
  9. I'm not sure I agree with this statement at all. As far as black people go, it's not like they came here 'took our jobs' pocketed a lot of untaxed money to send back to their homeland to fund bringing more of them over here to work jobs we don't want for money they don't pay taxes on. I'm failing to see how you can relate the two. And for that matter, the Chinese, Europeans, etc as well. I also don't see how they are keeping our economy competitive, please explain. The way I see it, they need to stop coming here... period. We need to deport all the ones that are here (illegally) back to wherever they came from, put up a massive boarder control, and only let back in those that have gone through proper channels to become US citizens. I don't have issues with anyone being an American, what I do have issues with however, is thousands of illegal aliens not paying taxes. If they're going to be here, live on American soil, work American jobs, then they should pay American taxes... and speak English.
  10. Yall need to say what camera you're using to take these pictures. I want a new camera.
  11. I'm sorry. I just didn't understand it. Type another, and I promise to laugh and give love. OR... we can skip the joke and go straight to the love.
  12. Ok you two. Let's stay on topic... I'm really interested in people's opinions of this guy. I think I like this guy... so I'm curious as to why (in some of your opinions) I shouldn't.
  13. Greg... O' Greg... where have you been my whole life?

  14. I have always been one to think "They are here because they want a better life and more opportunity, let them be." But... after spending 30 minutes to an hour 3 different times, waiting for a Customer Service Rep speak English to a translator who then spoke Spanish to the customer, who then thought a moment, then replied back to the translator who had to tell the CSR, turning what should have taken no more than 10 minutes into a complete waste of my time... my viewpoints are starting to change. Holy smokes... it's annoying sometimes.
  15. I'm standing up and clapping while shouting Encore Encore!
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