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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. Latest Jay Lenos Garage, notice anything?
  2. Fuel pump is literally a half hour job in an 850. Does it call for pulling part of the awd and dropping the tank or something?
  3. Well considering both sides back then had similar weapons rifles and cannons. Why should I now not be allowed to own some RPG's, drones, F22's and maybe some nukes? That way I can be on similar ground as da guberment.
  4. Step 1: Make people register firearm Step 2: Ban firearms you don't like Step 3: You now have a database to find the people/guns you don't like... profit?
  5. I don't disagree with you on that stuff. But as your "data" tells you... as long as the guns are out there... Pikachu I choose you! Because Pikachuha has my back. He will never rat me out.
  6. How about you guys quit telling me you want "control" when you want confiscation.
  7. Shot mine today. Good fun. Is that the one where the groups flip flop on their opinions?
  8. No way a child can play this and NOT go on a mass murder rampage. GTA IV w/ Toy Story mod
  9. What about the violent video games? I bet all these people played Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto. Those sick bastards. Think of Jack Thompson's carrer.
  10. How did I miss this? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/18/matthew-falkner-taco-id_n_1018230.html
  11. Yeah, I bet the "social dynamics" are nothing like other "inner city" problems with "black youths".
  12. I don't even lock my doors. Honest to "god" I don't know where the house keys are. I go to the grocery store and leave the windows down, radar detector, radio and stuff all just sitting there. I live in the hood.
  13. Chicago so far this year. Year To Date Totals Shot & Killed: 311 Shot & Wounded: 1895 Total Shot: 2206 Total Homicides: 371 One a day this month. October to Date Shot & Killed: 28 Shot & Wounded: 205 Total Shot: 233 Total Homicides: 33 http://heyjackass.com/
  14. The thing is it will never happen because none of them (politicians) want to commit "political suicide". They probably could do it if they truly wanted to. But... come on... whats more important to them, guns or reelection. So guy in Cali was talking about banning body armor. *goes back to browsing AK's*
  15. Lets be honest though Mike. A confiscation or buyback isn't going to happen when 90 out of 100 people own a gun.
  16. Gun control can work. http://gizmodo.com/the-world-just-got-its-second-all-3d-printed-metal-gun-1651348942
  17. Turns out gun control doesn't stop criminals. And gun confiscation in America = WAY too late. Sorry Mike.
  18. Should have just called the cops after the fact. http://www.wbtw.com/story/26851008/1-dead-after-nc-grandfather-fires-back-at-trio-in-attempted-rape-of-teen-granddaughter-sheriff-says
  19. Long shot who know's the 480 Turbo owner?
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