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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. Why don't people ask these "gang bangers" you speak of what the problem is? Hint it's not guns. Those "gang bangers" would use anything. There was a good documentary posted a while back in this thread. That actually followed these "gang bangers" and other people around and nobody mentioned guns as a problem. Meanwhile in GA... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/23/georgia-gun-bill_n_5199630.html?utm_hp_ref=tw http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/04/23/georgia-governor-to-sign-bill-expanding-gun-rights/?intcmp=latestnews
  2. Kind of why I'm starting to lean that way (plus the MKIII Supra parts). R33's are at every meet around here. Most of them are them are the illegal FL cars. Canadians, shit weather but beautiful car importation laws. 15 years > 25 years. You guys are getting R34's now.
  3. I'm looking at GTST's a GTR would have to be beat to be in my range. Not wanting a car payment. So I'm looking at something more like this. But the GTR bumper, hood and panels do swap over. Plus most I see for sale have a RB25DET swap already done. Soarer don't see as many around here (only seen 1) but tuning would cost a bit more. A huge plus for it would be it shares a lot parts with MK3 Supras so parts/maintenance would be cheaper.
  4. Looked at a second gen Toyota Soarer last night. R32 Skyline or Soarer...
  5. Allowed is a stretch. Every base I have been to they have to be checked in and left somewhere ("armory"). Even the people who live on the base can't keep them in their homes. They have check them out and return them when they want to use them. I'm not sure but I think even the MP's had/have to do the same.
  6. Don't believe you. It can't happen where guns are not allowed.
  7. Some glorified VW's at Road Atlanta this weekend.
  8. They're good. I figure the weather has a lot to do with the lower numbers this year. People are in doors more. The good thing with the scopes and sights are less bystanders are hit do to the added accuracy.
  9. Yeah. Don't let the url fool you. Only 28 head shots so far this year.
  10. This site is good for Chicago stats. http://www.heyjackass.com/
  11. When is the FL meet? A lot of stuff is coming up in GA Import Alliance March 29-30 The Mitty April 25-27 Formula D May 9-10 Sowo May 16-18
  12. So we posted the two most bias outlets? Huff and Fox.
  13. "Wiser, an EMT trainee who hopes to become both a police officer and a soldier, spent 13 days in the Ashtabula County Jail following the incident." http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/03/18/high-school-senior-jailed-kicked-out-school-and-may-lose-army-dream-because/?intcmp=latestnews WTF?! That makes no one feel more safe. I graduated in 03' and people still wore pocket knives. Hell kids who hunted had guns in their trucks. I will never understand how "everyone" become so scared.
  14. If I go to Caffeine and Octane I will probably take the 951 not the Lolvo.
  15. I went to the site to get Franks email and it was down. So googled it and it popped right up in a SS thread. Turns out its Frank@... nice and simple
  16. People watch TV? I thought everyone just streamed stuff.
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