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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. "Bro, I knew something was wrong a pretty little white girl ran in to a black mans arms." . http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gcLSI3oyqhs
  2. Agreed! These cops had way to many bullets! The same thing is happening all around the country. Look at the Dorner shootings. "Officers fired 102 bullets into Carranza's truck." Oh. You were talking about the guy shooting at the cops.
  3. He ran out of ammo (or jammed) sat there and then they shot him. They lit his ass up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDlSrqCjhHQ
  4. You could just leave the gun somewhere kids won't get it... like in a gun safe.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE5jJSWi1jo
  6. Some what interesting interview with Cody Wilson. The guy who made the AR-15 lower CAD file. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTYWGrfo-ao
  7. The "assault" definition is broken though. It's pretty much cosmetic stuff. AKA "It looks scary." http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/01/what-makes-a-gun-an-assault-weapon.html Same gun, one is just wrapped in plastic. Is this an assault rifle? What about this one?
  8. Liar!. Assault weapons kill! You would be dead if you seen a Kalashnikov.
  9. Love this show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BBhNkywMJY&list=UU084FSD0cO4ZOS5SonULRCQ&index=3
  10. he saw the “wide open” door to the basement. “Our officers came out here to investigate that, did not get an answer at the door; they did force entry into the house"
  11. Like that alleged gun show loophole? Or internet sales like say gunbrocker.com, where it is shipped to a local FFL?
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROrpKx3aIjA
  13. "In a major defeat for supporters of tougher gun laws, the U.S. Senate on Wednesday defeated a compromise plan to expand background checks on firearms sales as well as a proposal to ban some semi-automatic weapons modeled after military assault weapons." http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/17/politics/senate-guns-vote/index.html?hpt=hp_c2
  14. Really good interview. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJgY9FtDLbs
  15. That goes back to what I was saying. People hide behind their religion to disguise their own hate and distaste. . In best redneck voice: I'd rather them be atheist than be gay. Maybe I should get a rolodex of everyone's religion/cult, race, geographic location, sexual orientation and or communist affiliation. Don't want anyone getting their feelings hurt again. You dislike the meme I post but, people talking about burning Jehovah's literature in "What do you look like" is ok? "At least one reference", which one was it? Very little "dialog", just people doing a bunch of Ctrl+C Ctrl+V about what others have said. If it is just about using a word calling it marriage, what does it matter? It's almost like religious members think it would undermine their institution. It's as if they disapprove of what gay people are doing. Their is nothing sacred about marriage, just let them use the word. Hell nearly 50% end in divorce. By labeling gay marriage a "union", you undermine it as being some how less significant than a "marriage" of straight people.
  16. It's a joke man.Who's Mormon any way? Your talking it to seriously. I bet if someone on here was a Scientologist no one would care if I posted a meme about it.
  17. Nice. We out number the JS Jr. cult.
  18. Don't feed it that! Its a carnivore.
  19. It's ok. Never been in to cults. "The fastest growing "religious" group in America is made up of people with no religion at all, according to a Pew survey showing that one in five Americans is not affiliated with any religion."
  20. A little OT but, I find it funny that it is socially acceptable to believe in a magic man in the sky.
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