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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. Do really believe the reason gay couples can not marry is because "it is not in the best interest of society/doesn't fit the nuclear family mold?" Really? You're sure it's just not people hiding behind their religion to disguise their "bigotry".
  2. I think it looks nice. It's not like it was designed as a coupe only like the E30 M3.
  3. That one seems to be missing two doors though. I would love to have a Techno Violet E36 M3 sedan.
  4. Who cares why they get married, they should be allowed the right to. Race = sexuality as rights? Pretty much, who cares?! If some transgender person wants to marry a man, woman or other transgender person, why should anyone care. It all just comes down to discrimination/hate in the end.
  5. Religion = a free out to hide your bigotry. You just say "My god said it's evil." It really is a civil rights issue and it's stupid gay people can't marry. Mainly because the majority of this country is full of retards who believe a magic man in the sky who controls everything said it's an "abomination."
  6. Well, it turns out signatures on paper don't stop bullets... so...
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG3muwy2NPk
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PQ4VGMDMQU
  9. Chuck are person to person sales in FL like GA? Just hand over cash and get a gun.
  10. ^ NY spec huh, 7 blades? How much are "assault high capacity" ones selling for these days?
  11. I think we can go deeper. Burn all the books! Let the peasants know what they need to know.
  12. Stabbed "over 12". Clearly a high capacity assault knife. All knives should be good for one cut before, needing a new blade! This is ridiculous and needs to stop now!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0T73tUEtxh4
  14. I will continue to use my $3 gunmetal caps from Auto Zone.
  15. FPS Russia's home raided by local cops and ATF. "Authorities said the search was for illegal explosives." http://gunssavelives.net/blog/40-atf-agents-raid-home-of-youtube-gun-personality-fpsrussia/#
  16. Are these sling shots wooden or plastic? If wooden hell no! I don't want any splinters.
  17. It's all the empty fields and farm houses. I think all I have seen of "People Arguing and the Occasional Zombie" is season 1.
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