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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. They shoot The Walking Dead and some chick show Vampire Diaries all around where I live.
  2. Don't forget the police shouldn't have guns either. Because you don't want the bad people getting hurt either. Also one of their bullets could ricochet and hit some innocent bystander. Hurting people isn't cool man.
  3. Mayb So in Mikes world everyone gives up there right to guns? So while they are being shot at they call the Po Po and just wait it out?
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMHpMCVIuEc https://vimeo.com/60967489
  5. 155 in 5 minutes how is that fast? 60*5=300 300/155=1.9 1.9 bullets a seconds is SLOW.
  6. The important thing is that it was new.
  7. That's what everyone is suing over is it not? It's not fully allowed.
  8. I know right. Even in an a area were you can't carry guns people get shot. WTF?!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvWziE0o8dw&list=UUne29a_nfGMJcSebL04Rp-A&index=1
  10. Are imitation pastry guns more "scary" than real ones now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGx0FGY3c2I
  11. Cooler story. Guy live tweets hospital trip after getting dildo stuck in his butt. http://storify.com/dailydot/twitter-vibrating-dildo-butt-hospital-livetweet
  12. She's a G. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vvCDYfW8rY Way to go FL. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRNRO_jHruE
  13. ^ Probably got it from my geocities page.
  14. Love seeing Lamob getting back in to crazy cars. The Sesto Elemento
  15. Embedded... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=682JLrsUmEM
  16. Colion Noir should help their image. For years now they have just seemed like extremist or lobbyist for gun manufactures to me. To me they seem to have nothing to do with the paid "civilian" members.
  17. ^ Apparently he is going to do NRA news/videos. Maybe people will start to care what the NRA says, because I sure as hell don't right now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_n1Pb_ms7w
  18. Here's you some bait for tomorrow Mike. http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/story/21413131/apd-student-shoots-self-in-leg
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