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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. No more hiring here but really nothing else. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li0no7O9zmE
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7Lyn_lWurg
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AR0AT66tM-o
  4. Ball point pen > gun. Oh Jessie Uliberri you so cray.
  5. Meanwhile in GA. http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/story/21320449/church-gives-away-gun-at-service-sunday
  6. A gun or a pe....? Back on topic, Murica. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&v=GQpfQd1397E&NR=1
  7. My manhood? lol So obvious you have never meet me. Please girlfriend.
  8. You sound so much like Piers Morgan it's funny. "Why do you resist change? You think dead kids are ok?" I don't resist change. Should there be better background checks? Yes Should there be a better way of keeping guns out of mental handicapped peoples hands? Yes Should we ban guns and magazines? No.
  9. Yeah it's shocker. Turns out criminals don'f follow laws. You know what? We should make more laws for the laws they don't already follow. It will fix everything.
  10. Um no. The dead kid is a result of who pulled the trigger.
  11. I didn't know Piers Morgan was on the forum. Let me speak for everyone when I say. Fuck You! Seriously though why would we think an innocent child dying is ok? Sadly it looks like they didn't know or practice muzzle discipline.
  12. They are from a part of GA I have never heard of. McIntyre?
  13. They said they wouldn't fell right making a product in a state where the residents couldn't purchase it.
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