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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. The most recent Top Gear UK episode was like one long Kia commercial.
  2. Well Colorado passed their laws. So Magpul is leaving. The state gets hundreds of new unemployed people and... crime stays the same.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqkOi2AdjLw&list=UUEmCXnbNYz-MOtXi3lZ7W1Q&index=10
  4. All the cool kids are on Friendster.
  5. Anyone heard what Magpul is planning to do? Are they going to leave Colorado?
  6. NY is awesome. City says cops had no duty to protect subway hero who subdued killer. "the police had no “special duty” to protect him or any individual on the train that day." http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/to_serve_but_not_protect_Qr3ume5gEhMhtg8LvHgzAI
  7. I don't know any NRA members. NRA is for profits not rights. At least we don't have Demand a Plan.
  8. Couldn't you just buy a cheap two wire light, ground to the water kit ground and tap in to a positive off the pump also?
  9. I will be honest I am little iffy on it. My main reason for it is if something goes bad and a kid is shot with one of those guns, you will have this same BS all over again. The local schools I went to all had a single police officer who just hung out during school hours which I had and still have zero problems with. In larger counties/cities I could see that getting expensive though.
  10. Other states are trying to get rid of guns but good ol' GA wants them in schools. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/state-regional-govt-politics/bill-to-arm-school-employees-passes-committee/nWMtf/
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUycyqax2kA
  12. Possession of hollow point bullets and similar assault bullets a felony. Must register and report ammo purchases. Only purchase max 500 rounds. 10 round magazine limit ALL magazines must be fixed to the gun (can not be removed without the use of a tool) 100% prohibition of all magazines greater than 10 rounds. All previous grandfathered magazines become illegal. Felony if you keep one. Changing definition of shotgun revolving cylinder — Basically only single shot shotguns will remain legal. Bullet Buttons will become illegal — All AR and AK style rifles that are currently equipped with them will be designated Assault Weapons. Felony to possess. All gun owners now must be licensed like drivers. All gun owners must carry gun liability insurance Copy paste from reddit what some say Cali wants. If that is true you can literally slap the world assault on anything now to make it sound evil. "Assault bullets"
  13. This is all he wants you have to but the irony is the military once used it so... His ideal world... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap-tSd5aulM
  14. For some reason people look down on you when you shot the police. For example the guy they are chasing.
  15. The cops shot at 2 vehicles thinking they belonged to Christopher Dorner. Actually hitting and injuring two people in the first vechile. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2013/02/ex-cop-manhunt-newspaper-delivery-women-shot.html
  16. I had it happen while trying to read articles on cnn.com.
  17. If it wasn't a gun it would just be... http://fox59.com/2013/02/02/police-man-stabs-mother-and-step-sister-to-death/
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