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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. edit: I plugged it in at friends house and his PC recognized it, so I stole his usb cable for the night. He shouldn't miss it he has a car charger. Got it restored. Crazy how much I missed not having a cellphone for a couple of hours.
  2. PC doesn't recognize phone (says malfunctioned usb device)... so no itunes.
  3. My baby niece was playing a game on my iphone and somehow made a password on it; also my PC stopped recognizing it a few days ago. So now I can't use my phone. FML! :(
  4. I sit in front of my computer until 12:00am and start spamming F5. I make sure I get a good schedule.
  5. How did you get 4 years out of it? My cousin goes through one a year. :lol:
  6. Nvidia 480 GTX Tri-Sli Review Seems to run a little hot.
  7. One of the best videos... EVAR!!!
  8. ^ You should the faces people make when I log on here during class. :blink:
  9. I can't believe people are just now hearing about the Mcgangbang. :lol:
  10. I forgot all about the Gangbang. I use to get the Gangbang with a strawberry shake, felt I was going to have a heart-attack.
  11. Don't half ass it, get the whole thing.
  12. ^^^ Reminded me of the UR/TT Gallardo
  13. Heres a better one. It's in this months Excellence magazine.
  14. How much was it to your door? Plan on doing the swap over the summer.
  15. Finished Heavy Rain. For me everyone seemed to die in the final 60 seconds.
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