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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. Assassins Creed $10 on Steam today.
  2. A bit off topic for off topic but...I was wondering before I start replacing my alternator tomorrow how do you break tension on the belt?
  3. You better not lay a hand Newegg's beautiful face.
  4. Escape From City 17 pt.1 Part of a live action Half Life movie. *Watch it in "HD".
  5. These mounting and balancing prices are making me miss Georgia, can't wait to move back in May. Looks like I will just have someone drive my car on base and have it done at the Auto Skills center, for $10 a wheel. It's cheaper to rent a lift for 2 hours than have a tire mounted and balanced. :lol:
  6. I just called around for some prices on mounting and balancing tires. These places want $20-30 per wheel. Back in Georgia I was paying $5 per wheel...
  7. Robocop and some more "new" movies are up on Hulu.com
  8. Yes. I'm a Honda fan boy at heart though. :D
  9. These videos are so damn funny. Charlie the Unicorn 2
  10. ^ The South Park version is funny to. Butter's, What What in the Butt
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