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Black Betty

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Everything posted by Black Betty

  1. lol Im surprised you even did it. I didnt do a single thing my senior year, i was assigned and essay i knew i wasnt going to do it, so the day before it was due i told my teacher who is a huge steelers fan like me that I wasnt going to be writing it tonight because the steelers were playing the ravens then got to talking about the steelers then agreed i'd turn it in other time, nope never did, homework was always copied or i'd tell my teachers i dont need to do the homework because the material is easy enough i could take the test that day. A couple of teachers would call me out at first and well i'd get A's so they just left me alone. Most of my teachers found out that if they left me alone it was much easier for them. My Ap physics teacher would let me come into class late (1st class of the day) and let me sleep because if he woke me up i would ask him questions trying to prove what he was doing was wrong and confuse the whole class because my argument seemed to work lol. Same in Stats i would play devils advocate and get the teacher to change his answer on problems back and forth all class until he didnt know what he was even talking about anymore. yup i was an asshole, but i got a 4.0 my senior year and got a 4 on all my ap's
  2. Nathan I worked for sears over the summer, alot of techs take the short cut. Example for alignments they will just make everything in the green, but thats not always an alignment each wheel needs to be a certain degree within eachother. For toe in/toe out one might be .5 toe in and the other may be .5 toeout giving you a pulling sensation when they are said to be "in spec" Not bashing sears at all but I would ask to get a Print out of before and after. Then bring it here Vs can analyze it
  3. Three car guys are leaving a bar - a Camaro owner, a Mustang owner, and a DSMer. They spot a magic lamp in the parking lot and pick it up. The Camaro owners says, "I wish my Camaro ran tens." The genie says, "Granted," and the Camaro owner vanishes in a cloud of smoke. The Mustang owner decides to go one better, "I wish my Mustang ran nines" The genie says, "Granted," and the Mustang owner vanishes in a cloud of smoke. Now the genie turns to the DSMer and asks him, "What is your wish, master?" The DSMer says, "I wanna be the fastest DSM in the world. I wish my 1G ran a four second quarter." The genie laughs out loud; "Your wish is ridiculous! Do not insult me!" Somewhat disappointed, the DSMer thinks for a moment and says, "Okay, genie. I wish my DSM was reliable and never broke down." The genie replies "You want high fours or low fours?
  4. so who else is getting that translyvania crap?
  5. foggy windows aye? were you chrisining the back seat?
  6. sorry Penguins fan here (stares over at the 87 jersey hanging in the closet) my mom can cut the valve stem off with 60 sidewalls true story, we got in a huge fight the day before i left the house never came back got a call at 10am that she needed my help came and put her spare on, fight ended without anything else lol, probably the only way i got back in the house
  7. right and you hit a curb with 55 profile tires ok.....
  8. minis are fun no matter if its an S or not. My friends mom has a standard mini stick in a light green, apperantly they discontinued the color shortly after so its rare i dunno but those cars are fun oh and your friends smart :P
  9. indefinite integral and i have to show the steps, talked to a few kids in my class no one else was able to get it
  10. uh integration im stuck on one problem i know its something simple but i can figure it out
  11. here on campus pedestrians have the right of way at cross walks, and yeah we had the same douches except for they were rich too. One kid got a 06 grand cheeroke for his first car in 06 then when he graduated i believe he got a c63 not the amg then had a 10k sound system put in. Its not uncommon at my high school luckily the R was still the fastest from my class rx8's and tibs are slow The best was my friend got an 07 mazda 6 v6 and thought he was the shit at the time my car had been one jack stands all week getting shit fixed, After it was all done he heard me talking about how nice it was to drive it again. He started bashing my car blah its 12 years old blah its a volvo its slow. After that I looked at him and said its faster than your girly little mazda (old joke because every silver mazda 6 you see a woman is driving it) He told me he would give me 100 if i beat him needless to say from a 20mph roll i destroyed him we both had witnesses in our cars so there was no question. He never paid up so since I would leave school early my senior year I went out to the parking lot took off all 4 wheels and put his car on jack stands. For fairness I told him I was going to do it if he didnt pay up. He blew me off saying I have wheel locks. I was going to just hammer a socket on and destroy the locks because he owed me instead i swiped the key while i was in his car. He called a tow truck even though i left a jack and tire iron right next to all the wheels and lug nuts
  12. but are they curbed? shit i think i got mine for 250 with tires off ebay so i guess that is a good deal mine are curbed and I bent one when they were doing road work by my house. It holds air fine and balances fine but it gets annoying 100mph :P
  13. LOL justin you sold the set you had a want them but I already spent enough on the car for now shipping with tires will be around 80
  14. LOL and I wasn't trying to be racist more that it seems the police always choose the same decription for the prep 5'10 to 6'2 170-200 lbs wearing a baseball cap jeans and a dark t shirt Oh and fuck the kids next door blasting rock band since noon and still blasting it at 130 am
  15. lol i was just like october 3rd ohhh i didnt know umd created a time machine i just signed up for it because they told us too i get 1 text a month unless there is an emergency
  16. So i got an email today regarding the campus alert system, It said they would be testing the system (text messages and sirens) on october 3rd...... :blink:
  17. what is with people at roundabouts theres one near my old highscool its 2 lanes but everyone in the inside lane always cuts over without looking because of that i've been in so many close situations where i've actually locked up my tires once even flat spotted them
  18. lol was it a young black male? every crime alert ive gotten the perp has been a young black male(s)
  19. a lil red neck but when you take into account he was running a twin turbo set up and now is converting over to a blower and shooting for 9's its hard to knock him lol
  20. Lol justin I can 1 up you twice! The university sends out crime alerts about local crimes the last one read something like, "a young black male approached a female from behind between 2 book stacks and grabbed her buttox then exposed himself and masturbated in front of her." And a couple years ago another black male masturbated on a female students back while she studied at the library lol
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