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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Correction, earthquakes are caused by naked Muslim wominz. And Trav, when I saw that photo, it was like a Hubble pic from space. Simply awe inspiring.
  2. Oh snap, is that House? The unicorn horn is coming from BHO's groin area, he is about to stab a Teapartier!! I dont need symbolism, I has free thought.
  3. Oh we'll be laughing at ourselves all righty. I just read 2 articles about companies with 50-60 employees. It costs them ~ $600,000 / yr for health benies. 30 employee exemption from fines, equals $50,000. $550,000 annual saving. Now go get your health care from the pool. Or is that the single provider we won't be seeing? V.A.T. will be brought up by 2012, as will national sales tax on gasoline. Its getting cheaper all the time, huh? What did I just say? NOT. I'm laughing all right, cuz I already have a Dr. Good luck finding a competent one in the near future, their all switching their majors to govt administration and law. All that change talk was BS. Just the lobbyists have changed. The money still wins. And we lose. Oh well...we shall see.
  4. Pops Racer

    Eriks 850

    Your car always looked good to me. Chrome jewels, still?
  5. Ummm, a fantasy? He promised you the world Erik, and you got the unicorn shaft. Obama has muscles when naked? He's a fucking bean pole. Airbrushed by a Tea Bricker. I need to see an Obama action figure and cartoon series. Another form of media he can can campaign for his positions with. I'm bored by him. And his lackeys.
  6. Nuthin like Snookie gettin popped. Hot TUb!!
  7. Do you have trout? I'll fish for anything, but trouts on a fly is my fav. I figure low stress and and fresh air is one of the best ways to stay healthy.
  8. By six Volvo's, you get free eggrolls.
  9. I try to keep it in perspective. I've got to have a thick skin and a good sense of humor to hang with my pack of nutbag friends, nothing slips by them, let me tell you! Dont forget I'm not a new youngster in the system, I was born in the 50's, and I was lucky enough to be influenced by both sets of Grand parents and Great grandparents. They lived thru the depression and WWII, trainmen, coal miners, and steel workers, so my roots are kinda based on their views of America. Shit one of my Great grandfathers was a union organizer in New Haven during the '20's when he was working at Winchester Firearms. He was labeled as a Socialist and harassed for his positions on labor/ management. That man wrote letters to the editor of the local papers until he died at the age of 93!! They worked very hard to build our family, and were very self reliant. 19th century immigrant Irish Catholics mixed with Ukrainian Jews makes for a very hardy crew . Listen, I dont make my claims lightly, I've been to most of the great cities of this country and been to Europe 3 times. I grew up in New Haven Ct during the Vietnam war, and watched the Black Panther trials going on downtown including the riots. I was a Teamster, Local 477 and state employee as a mental health care professional, (ironic, huh?) as a member of Local 1199, an SEIU shop. I prefer the Govt keep its nose outta our shit, because I have great faith in the populace to do the right thing if left alone. And I work hard for my cash, and would like to keep as much as possible. But I also recognize people are in need, and donate money and time to help when ever I can, and teach my sons the same kind of self reliance mixed with a healthy dose of compassion. I dont even own a gun anymore! (I do love the shooting sports however, just thought it wasn't prudent with 2 young kids in the house, I'm an avid outdoorsman and prefer fly fishing). Sounds like an application for a dating website, no? I really thought that the way you responded was admirable, taking the time to address nearly every paragraph, most folks are to lazy to bother. No hard feelings, I hope you dont get nailed with any real high taxes!!
  10. Reno 911! I have usurped your Identity! :lol: :lol:
  11. :lol: :lol: now your just boring me. Its funny tho, I do my best to respect others views if presented in an intelligent factual way. So I guess I fail at that. As much as my pussy stank offends you, I realize that internet debate/conversation is fruitless. Like much else no one can be held accountable for their opinions or statements, so be it. And I really dont take much written hear seriously, its the interwebz dude. By the way, I prefer horse shoes to shuffle board. Accompanied by cold, cheap beer, of course. And if I oiled myself up like Rambo, I'd look like a greasy sumo wrestler, not very appealing. Let me hear some more stuff about higher taxes. And lets see what happens when company's calculate their costs. You know that they dont pay the increase, the consumer does. You do also realize that back room deals were already cut with big pharma and the insurance companies? Nothing will change as far as they are concerned. The only thing that will change is availability of services and cost. I'm just gonna sit back and watch now, my opinion and actions will not change anything. Its the law of the land, and good or bad we will all live with it. Like I'll learn to live with you honey! I have a better sense of humor than you think. My wife says hi, by the way. She thinks your very articulate and mostly on point. She says I cant go to Carlisle this year tho, its around our anniversary. Captain E-gina, has left the building. :P
  12. I agree, if the money went to enforcement, habitat improvement and education i'd pay even more, but it dont. I keep making the mistake of saying Dem this and Repub that. Neither one of them impressed me in my last 32 yrs of voting. I vote for what I think is right for me and my family. Hey I heard Tennessee is a great growing state, with a relatively low cost of living . It's on my list for retirement relocation, so beware I may be living in a trailer park near you! :P
  13. Thats a full season non resident right?
  14. I'm putting 'em on now as we speak, for camouflage. CT is very blue. WE are broke and they want to expand the budget to $19 billion. Can you say east coast California? It would be OK if we legalized pot, I could supplement my income with a nasty grow of some Chronic. My fresh water fishing license went up to $40 from $20, plus now you need a salt water tag for an extra $10. It was $4 10 yrs ago. Plus they raised the fees for state park entry to ridiculous levels. Folks are just parking on access roads and walking in. The law of diminishing returns is in full effect now. They dont have enough DEP agents to enforce existing laws and regs. I predict poaching goes thru the roof. And projected revenues will go way down. The real bitch is the money collected does not go into habitat or fisheries improvement, but into the general slush fund to pay more unfunded mandates and benies to state unions. Democrat super majority hard at work.
  15. Steven Colbert is better than Stewart, I think. Marginally. I just strapped the R to a trailer, its going for a newused M56H. I just sent the bills for the install into my HC provider. Its my kids car and he's under 26, so it's covered right? I think it falls under stress related mental health issues. Now I have 5 Volvos, I must be insane. It definitely messes with your health.
  16. An attempt to threaten the opposition? Did you know that the House Minority whip took a bullet in to his office? Did you hear the voice mail directed at an Repub Ohio Congress woman? Talk about hyperbole VTool, your on the edge of wacko. Weren't you the one screaming about forcing people to buy snow tires ? A dissenting opinion immediately makes me a full bullshit wacko, huh? So much for lefty tolerance, open debate, freedom of speech. The arrogance that you think your opinion/ position is infallible flies in the face of reality. Massachusetts is failing in its efforts at this type of HC. GB is under water with this stuff. And I will continue to fall back on the FACT that the Govt has never run a program that didnt cost more than calculated. Or provide less benefits than promised. Or result in increased taxation and fees. Just in case you werent watching FOX news last night, the SS security system is under water all ready, 6 yrs ahead of schedule, with trillion dollars owed to the trust fund. Forget about the $14 trill in medicare owed to states. So I guess this time it will be different. I hope so. You young guys better get another job, I'm retiring in 12 yrs and will be looking for my $2k a month SS payment. I have a double wide to pay for. Might as well close the thread, it is the law of the land now. Hold onto your wallllets. :ph34r:
  17. Wow, I'm speechless. By the way the profit margin for insurance companies is about 3%. You obviously know how old I am, and yet dont at least acknowledge my life experience and education, so be it. And you judge me when you know nothing about me, typical. I have 2 kids, so I know all about Drs, and Med services. Trips to emergency rooms for broken bones, croop, all manner of illnesses You want a piece of my life to see where I come from? I spent 3 yrs shuttling my mom back and forth to hospitals for chemo and radiation treatments, rehab and physical therapy, and leaving my job to provide primary care for her in her last few months. My grandparents, God bless them lived to be 95, with dementia and fall injuries, so I made more than a couple of midnight trips to help them out and deal with their Drs also. No sympathy asked for, just the way life is, and thats the thing people deal with every day. Sorry about your sister, hope she gets help for her condition. I'm sure your a real big strapping young man, capable of kicking my asss. But I'm willing to bet I've smacked and been smacked by turds bigger and badder than you in my day. Basically I fear you not, and your intimidation is amateurish, if not juvenile. Old man is correct, but realize at 6ft and 220lbs, 15yrs of military, bouncing at bars, and various other nefarious incidents resulting in fisticuffs etc.over the last 32 yrs, not only can I take a punch, I'm on the plus side of the tally. I aint going down easy, little boy. Words dont scare me, I've had firearms in my face. You keep threatening to make me pay for my medical bills and your sieve of a brain keeps forgetting what your read, or you chose to be selective in your reading, which is disingenuous at best. One more time, just for you: I have a Cadillac plan, and wont be paying much. As an aside, you at least have a sense of humour. Yup thats me all I do is watch Beck. He's on the air because he lies. If you took some of the stuff these guys talk about and didnt dismiss it off hand, you might see some truths in there. I dont need to explain where i get my info from, cuz of course you read 5 newspapers a day, have 5 tvs on 5 different news channels. and the internet tuned to Snopes all day. Believe me, I get my info from more than the telly. I've just filtered the shit you have swallowed, stacked my bet on my position, and what I know to be true. Now on to the issue. VAT is coming, thats a national sales tax, by the way. That will help pay for the new HC law. And to respond to Jan a bit more, he provided and intelligent entry into the debate, as apposed to Spankmee's hyperbole. Actually its more of an honest question. Is it true the VAT in Scandinavia is 25%? What does it apply to? And what is the full Income tax rate? Is it proggressive? Duly noted. You can see the venom this issue creates. Arguments are not my aim. I started out with a reasonable post, I never attacked or asked for this content to get this stupid.
  18. Way to get personal, your a dick. I'd have to fuck your sister to get infected, but I'm faithfully married to the same woman for 23 yrs. By the way, my family has one of those Cadillac plans, so my cost would be negligible. I pay my premiums, and earned my health care thru education hard work and perseverance. And I have never said Republicans and Bush were better at this. Hows that taste, fuck nut? You continue to post shit in this vein that shows you to be uniformed. My e snatch may hurt, but I dont have to deal with you on a personal basis. That being said, you have a big Edik and would never speak to me like that in person. Stick to the subject, and keep it on topic. Personal attacks make you look small. But ultimately you are entitled to your opinions, and I respect that. But you seem to be angry about something. You should move out of your parents house. I frequently get tired of these lame debates with weak sauce arguments, no facts, and personal attacks. You,( not just Spanky) keep refusing to look at history, here and around the world, to see what will happen. We shall see the outcome in due time. The last thing I want to say is,"I told ya so". I have applied for a leave of absence from the Political Forum, I'm trying to lower my blood pressure so you guys dont have to pay for my heart and hypertension disability. B)
  19. All the millionaires in Congress care. Your more cynical than I am.
  20. when you all start paying for it in taxes and fees, or the IRS checks your shit out to make sure you bought the [product, get back to me. I'll be patient and wait, i'll be dead in 25 yrs, so i'll be able to let you know about rationing, end of life options and care denial. be careful what you wish for. you dont get the baseline of this whole argument. i'll say it again for the zillionth time: If govt wasnt so big and intrusive, and wasteful, and expensive, we would all have better educations, better jobs, better health, and better lives. it passed, so relax , and we shall see. none of you said shit for the last 3 months, now your coming outta the woodwork. figures. sun shine soldiers in the fight, arnt ya? B)
  21. i never said any of that. insurance profit driven? do you have any idea how big the deals are that Obama cut with big pharma and the insurance industrys? those evil profit takers need employees, and stock holders, you need profit to maintain all that. so lets see, you want an organization to run this thing that runs a trillion dollar deficit every year, or a company that operates in the black? and can afford to provide good living wages to its employees, vacations, sick days etc? without the share holders PAYING to keep it operating? Cuz thats what we are, share holders in our govt, with a negative dividend. the services provided, while more than adequate, or provided at a much steeper price than the private sector. I love free market economics. now, khaxy, your getting your knickers in knot.
  22. I get you Jan, but we have 50 separate laboratories to conduct experiments with. And the reason the rest of govt is a mess is they insist on taking income, thinking they know better than the free market. look at the mess created since the '60's. social justice? = forced income redistribution. result? people stop trying and fold themselves into the opiate arms of the Fed. 1984. how will they enforce this mandate to have insurance? IRS agents delving into personal finances, bank accounts etc. if the govt was smaller the evil could be controlled. thats my whole point, its not necessarily about this week or this year or this decade, its about the last 100 yrs of govt largess, interference, and arrogance that created this mess. protect the borders and pave the roads, i'll take care of the rest. I know i sound like an ideologue, but i feel comfortable with my dogma. the more i read documents written by our founders the more i see a dangerous deviation from intent. Europe has no founding fathers, they derive from imperialism, colonialism and serfdom, among other things. I submit, arrogantly to you I'm sure, that with out U.S. principles and the open architecture of our society, the world would be in a much worse condition. DO we need some regulation? Yes, but not to the detriment of ideas, freedoms, and the free market, such as it is. I also know that Greece and France is not about healthcare, its about further down the path that this healthcare takes us. govt as the major employer and Nanny of the mind. Like I said, I'll take my chances with James Madison, you guys can have Obama and his Czars. By the way, if they had included tort reform and true open market competition, the cost would drop dramatically.
  23. None of those countries has the U.S. Constitution to refer to. This is America not continental Europe. I'll take my chances with my own money, my own, skills and my initiative. My wife and I worked hard to get educated and employed in jobs that provide the benefits my family needs. I doubt any politician or wonk knows whats best for me an mine. Lets see, Greece is in good shape, and so is France. Huh,wuh?. Those clowns are so dependent on govt for jobs and benefits its so sad. I say again, 300 million folks in the U.S. vs. what, 25 million in Scandinavia? Name one govt program not rife with graft, corruption, over spending, fraud, inefficiency, red tape, and dumb bastards administering the BS. Oh and I suppose Sweden has 15 million illegal aliens to deal with, ask California how thats working out. Canadians are pissed off at the U.S. now. They don't have any where to go for good health care. More like a Banana Republic, as soon as the dollar is done with its present devaluation. Your the one who is going to pay, or your parents, so go get another job.
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