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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Lawyers. And more DC bureaucracy. You think there is red tape now in the system? Wait till DC gets going with this, talk about inflating the govt employee class. Political black mail as usual. The sad part is, if these guys had stuck to principals, they would have gotten money and votes from the folks, and fuck the party support.
  2. And don't forget ridiculous. As in riding a manatee is ridiculous.
  3. There are a number of states, 13 as of now, already preparing lawsuits based on Constitutionality. This aint over yet. See you at the Supreme Court. November will be a killing field. Progressive bodies strewn all over Pennsylvania Ave. Problem is we still have to pay the ousted losers pension and health care. I wonder if this legislation applies to their plans?
  4. just say no to geeky chicks that sing and dont blink.
  5. When the judge sends her packing, she should have to pay all court costs. Especially those incurred by the accused. Thats called tort reform.
  6. preserve life? you like it so much, you can pay my share of the taxes and fines. Commie.
  7. Fucking clod. Watch where you're going. I smack my shins on the trailer hitch at work once a week. It hurts like hell, but no permanent damage ever. No one wants to take responsibility for their actions anymore--it's someone else's fault. This is why lawyers rule the country. Start shooting.
  8. 16,000 new IRS agents will be hired to enforce this legislation. Thats enough of a reason for me to kill it. Even you deep Socialists gotta agree that a Federal Police force used to enforce health care purchases and fines is just fucked up!! NO tort reform, NO competitiveness across state lines, Obama says this is just the incremental beginning of a single payer system. It is un-Constitutional to force a citizen to purchase anything. Fuck the collective, leave me alone. I have confidence in my ability to make my way in this life. This is just the beginning of more Pelosi grinning, her ear-to-ear plastic and $1000 Dior suits be damned. Sign the Petition!!!
  9. more -1's and no intelligent rebutal. cowardly, and typical of the left. get the fed outta the education business, they are killing our kids. 10th amendment, thats a state right. when the fed falls, it will make huge hole.
  10. Surprise me with one thats not overbudget
  11. shut up and have a drink, your sad, I'm happy, your sad. you mistake my disregard for spelling with sloppy inebriation. a sad man
  12. rep no big deal. just trying to provide historical context, but its moot now. I oppose my tax dollars going for something i find morally reprehensible. again, there are different sides to this, and expect disagreement.
  13. Now your just talking about culling the herd. Original intent of the pro-abortion movement. "The practices engaged in by eugenicists involving violations of privacy, attacks on reputation, violations of the right to life, to found a family, to freedom from discrimination are all today classified as violations of human rights. The practice of negative racial aspects of eugenics, after World War II, fell within the definition of the new international crime of genocide, set out in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.[9] The modern field and term were first formulated by Sir Francis Galton in 1883,[10] drawing on the recent work of his half-cousin Charles Darwin.[citation needed] At its peak of popularity eugenics was supported by prominent people, including Margaret Sanger,[11][12] Marie Stopes, H. G. Wells, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Emile Zola, George Bernard Shaw, John Maynard Keynes, John Harvey Kellogg, Linus Pauling[13] and Sidney Webb.[14][15][16] Its most infamous proponent and practitioner was however Adolf Hitler who praised and incorporated eugenic ideas in Mein Kampf, and emulated Eugenic legislation for the sterilization of "defectives" that had been pioneered in the United States.[17]" From Wiki. And check the men and women sited. All are progressives. Sanger is the mother of the movement. Seriously, look into the folks in that paragraph. Thats what I mean about looking deeper. And beyond your text books. I'm not saying you believe in this, I'm saying the motives/roots of the movement are not about govt health care, or womens health at all. Pay special attention to Stopes and Sanger.
  14. More propaganda. Your not reading deep enough, or thinking deeply enough. Abstinence is the only sure way to prevent pregnancy and STD's. Teen pregnancy has declined by 38% in last 20 years, no t because of condom distribution, but abstinence training. Its funds are being cut by Obama tho. Since Texas began abstinence based education, teen preggers are down 24%, teen abortion 41%, and teen births 21%. another point of view I'm not naive, I have 18 and 20 yr old sons, I'm just saying look past your own biases. And it may not even be realistic, but it works. And I sure dont want my tax money going to abortions. Stupid people get pregnant, or those with no self control. Its not like its a disease, or mental condition, it's a choice you make to open your legs or unzip without protection. I dont care how stupid, or poor, or disadvantaged you are, you know what will happen. ANd this system you speak of is not the one i want either. mine was assaulted and diluted a long time ago.
  15. EE? Cool, will you be able to find a job right out of school? Manufacturing jobs are disappearing, and military/aerospace is also shrinking. 15 years as a plumber, your running your own company and pulling 6 figures. And you went to work right outta trade school, licensed. With 1/8th the educational costs. And connected to the building trades, as in you can get a nice house built cheap! And don't forget the cool white van with pneumatic ladder racks! I know a plumber who has a company prolly worth $5 mill. Took him 30 yrs. I would do the college route too. I'm just offering up real life. I'm an ASEE, and know the market. That being said, talent always gets hired. Of course its even better if you've got connections...hehehe Unions. Man, you gotta get a place near RI shore, if thats the case. Is Quahog near the shore?
  16. Thats part of it. My e-snatch is sandy again. I love the -1's with no commentary or rebuttal. Its typical response to facts that counter progressive dogma. If I have misrepresented, call me out. It's just plain lame. Aaaaannnnny way... Seems the country is more-center right than Obama thought.
  17. is that per year? If so you have a mortgage payment before you even buy a house,. average salary for a 4 yr college grad=~$45,000 average salary for a trade school plumber=~$49,000 Fudge get the fuck outta RI, your taxes and govt will break your bank. Just say no to MA, and CT.
  18. Its not a right. You have a right to work hard, get an education and find a job that helps you pay for your health care. Most medical research is done at private university's and labs. Lets start with tort reform. All of Washington is lawyers, the biggest donation to campaigns come from lawyers, they wont want to hurt the poor lawyers and their buddy's. Then work on true competition across state lines. Thats how you reduce the cost. DOnt even get me going on the destruction of the American family over the last 50 yrs. Thats the real cause of the problem. Out of wedlock births = %40. Fatherless homes raise criminals and underachievers, dependent on welfare and govt handouts, reducing tax roles, and adding costs to criminal justice systems and remedial education programs. If the govt took the TARP money and handed it out to working families that actually pay taxes, cars would be bought, health care would be paid for, and mortgages paid off. Govt is a waste of money by definition. Class dismissed.
  19. Khax, khax, khax,... Reading Obamas talking points again? Govt makes things big and slow. Private industry, with competition, keeps things streamlined and innovative. WHy? Because govt doesnt make a profit on any thing, and has no shareholders to answer to. It has a captive consumer that cant go get it else where cheaper, better, faster. See USPS. End of lesson.
  20. Oh the irony!!! SEIU/ACORN Chief asshole and regular Obama dinner guest Andy Stern is going to be appointed to commission on debt reduction. The largest growing sector of the economy is govt labor unions with all their unfundable pensions, ridiculous benefits and unsustainable pay scales. His kinda people. NYTimes CBS pole: 35% of voters said they voted for Obama. He had a 53% majority. Can you say RUN AWAY!!!!!.
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