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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. he may assist in financing. Terps? Gary Williams hates Calhoun, stole Rudy Gay right outta his kitchen. ACC is way down, only one team in top 25. UNC is on its way to hoops history, National Championship followed by no appearance in tourny. Thought they had like 20 MickeyD's All- Americans? Jordan Williams from Torrington, CT. ANd Pitt got bombed by ND with no Harganbody or whatever his name is. I needed ND to lose to help Huskies climb league table. Thanks, Mike! B)
  2. noooooooooo! yes? hehehe khax!!!!!!!
  3. Not tuned'n shit. Plus hippies drive diesel 240's, and N/A's. I drive a soccermommobile. guns!! hahaaa!
  4. thanks K. Tongue in cheeck by me , sorta. By the way if you really look into McCain, he's nearly as progressive as some dems, but more stealthy. Republican does not mean conservative anymore. I'm rooting for JD Hayworth, he's a nut bag. But I liked him better as a butter ball. On a prius? Hippy Mobile. undercover.
  5. Theres a no name commie handing out -1. I +1 dave and prasamin to beat back the red hoard on our VS shores. -1 with no comment or fact based opinion is cowardly and typical of the progressive movement. Engage in debate or GTFO outta this thread. Loser.
  6. Pfft, this whole forum has been dead for weeks. We beat back the progressives. Now we need to keep an eye on 'em and finish them off.
  7. West Point grad Served on Gen. MacArthurs staff. Decorated combat veteran of Korea and Vietnam. Purple Heart recipient. Allied Supreme commander of Europe. Chief of NATO. White House Chief of Staff for Nixon and Ford. Worked on staffs of Kissinger and Wienberger. Secretary of State for Ronald Reagan. A little bit unhinged at times, but the definition of service to country as well as hawk has his picture next to it. A list of his awards
  8. and quebec wants to secede to be its own french speaking country. yeah Guiness.
  9. See drunk and hungover thread. Pfft, Travis got no life either.
  10. and the other? I take great pride in untracking useless threads. Umm, we posted stupid stuff when not drunk? but i will be soon
  11. Ooooooo, I'm gonna get you for that. And thats Ichabod Crane pal. Actually, and somewhat seriously, I gots good genes. Folks bug out when I tell them I'm 50. The real dumb ones say I look 35 ish. Sorta. Maybe. Kinda. Hey, I got all my teeth, all my hair, and I can still bend over to tie my boots. As long as I shave you can't see any gray. Ah who wants to bang a 20 something anyway, to vapid and no doubt won't shut up. I'd probably get a piercing stuck somewhere I don't need it. Don't forget, you don't pay a hooker $500 for sex, you pay her $500 to leave. Just kidding, honey, its a joke, on the internet, really. I swear. Don't get angry, I'll clean the bathroom. And do the dishes. And groceries. and take the kids to the doctor. And vacuum. Wheres this place again, and wheres my ear plugs. Or my ball gag. They got a grocery store next door? AND fuck yeah, I'm now the situation!!!!! GLT!!!!!! HOT TUB!!!!!!!! OH!
  12. Just watch that chiro around your neck. Thats where you can get some malpractice going. My guy used to snap my head around, now its a gradual adjustment. Lots of valuable stuff in your neck. Posture end ergonomics, very impotent. er, important.
  13. Address and phone number please for the establishment. How old and how young. Just asking. :rolleyes:
  14. I was waiting for you...Hows it look for the May runoff?
  15. -1 for bad taste? It's all true, so blppppphhhh to you. What is he, your uncle?
  16. Died today, Western PA Congressman. The Good: USMC, Bronze Star and 2 Purple Hearts. The Bad: Democrat Pork barrel king. The Ugly: Got caught up in ABSCAM. Wiki Bio
  17. Neener neeener neener, you got pewned by snow, hahahaha! Settle in and drink.
  18. Yeah, hourly union wage, AFSCME. Rural can suck as bad as the big city. Working on that camera thing. The plow guy is bold, I was standing at the end of the drive with my dog and he came flying up the hill and hit my MB with a 40mph tsunami of snow. Looked like Charlie Brown taking a fastball back thru the box. Hows that snow shit working out for you metro DC-Philly guys? Better you than me.
  19. No surprise, on both the back story, and the spin. I had an relative hung in Ireland for stealing a horse. Done before it was cool.
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