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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. I hate snow. I'm cold. I need some sun. B)
  2. Oh my. I did see a town truck plowing a parking lot at a park. The park had 2 baseball fields and a set of tennis courts. Play ball! And it was 2 inches of snow. Thats just a bit of waste. And a lack of common sense. And thats the real problem. I dont want them plowing so much cuz the plow guy has it in for my mailbox. He gets some distance with that thing. I'm tired of chasing it across my front lawn.
  3. It's all Bush's fault. This debt will take forever to clear. No smart person thinks this is the way to go.In or out of the Admin.
  4. It's still Bush's fault. TARP Special Inspector General says we are screwing it up, more.
  5. He got on the SC for striking down major provisions in McCain/ Feingold, campaign finance laws. Corp. can't contribute directly to campaigns, I guess. He's worried about foreign entities. But that was not covered in the ruling. Chinese Red Army donated $6 million to Clinton/Gore.
  6. Scolding the Supreme Court? Does he realize there is a Constitutional Separation of powers? lawyers and union spent way more than any corp. and the Dems were the major beneficiary. Biden and Pelosi both had face surgery, they were doing stretching exercises. scary. blahblahblah.
  7. He's going with the Saints, for sentimental reasons. I'm putting the mortgage payment on the Colts. :lol:
  8. wooohoooo! rain stopped, wind died down, an i haz cheesgaburgers on the grill in January!!!
  9. and now the cynical move to the center? The answer is yes, you -1 loser.
  10. Lets breath some life into this thread. Brown gets elected, medical sector stocks rise, some a whole bunch. Effectively, the legislation is done. Basically the investors see that govt is out of the way, and worth the risk. Obama starts planning what amounts to a punitive tax on the financial sector. Financial stocks fall, taking market with 'em. Basically the investors see that govt is in the way, and not worth the risk. Nuff said. <_<
  11. Don't hide in the bunker yet! Seems they like to fit data to results, keeps 'em employed, and getting govt grants.
  12. Danny Glover blamed the quake on our refusal to participate in the charade, and on global warming, thats one reason i call BS. More error in science This was a huge Nobel prize report. If they can't get it right, then whats the truth? the truth is they don't know. but they'll make sure you pay a tax for it.
  13. more than 5 points = creamed 100,000 votes
  14. Now watch for weird shit by Pelosi and Reid. You heard it here first. Nina Tsongas was confirmed in her Congressional seat in 2 days, Ol' Teddy in 1 day last time.
  15. It's all over, she got creamed. Keep Hope Alive. Changing the Change. Massachusetts Senate race appearance = fail Calls University of Kentucky BB team, #1 and undefeated... They get beat on the road by lowly South Carolina = fail
  16. You, sir, are a true patriot in the cut from the cloth of Paul Revere. Go to Houlihans and have pint on me! RUH ROH, RORGE! AS of this posting, 30% reporting Choakley 47%, Brown 53%. I find it more than ironic that Massachusetts is the location of this new tea party. We shall see, we shall see. All I ask for is open debate, and 60 votes denies that. Doug Flutie, Curt Shilling. In sports crazy Bahstin, these are big votes. Only seen and heard her on TV for like 4 minutes, including desperate plea for votes st the MLK ceremony. She was robotic and lawyerly. I hate lawyers. Shower please.
  17. Who's science says it's not natural now? Hey, I never said fossil fuels or bust. I just think that radical, immediate abandonment is a formula for economic disaster in the U.S. And this idea of totalitarian science being the truth is ridiculous. There is more free forest space in the U.S. since 1880. If your talking about rain forest destruction in S.A., blame that on poverty and no economic system. Capitalism is clean.
  18. Nah, home with the fam. unpaid, too. Young Frankenstein is on the tube, so funny. Wife is working from home, a loyal banker till the end. I'm eating left over moose chili from the game dinner on Saturday night. Nummy.
  19. No dumber than the bastards they bus to the polls up here. NO issue education, just voting for entitlements. And to dump Lieberman. Cuz he held up the free paydays! If Brown wins, be prepared for delays in certification, based on need to count absentee votes and Military overseas votes. Ironic, huh? These vote s weren't good enough for Democrats before, why now? Also end runs to deny 60 vote necessity. MSNBC host says he would vote 10 times in Mass. if he could! Mathews says buy lunch and pick up folks to vote! MSNBC host equates Haiti as another disaster like Mass senate race. Here we go. Progressive scum at work.
  20. Aside from the obvious national implications, it would be a hoot to see Dems and Mass liberals going bonkers! Pure entertainment, if nothing else! He kicked her ass in the debate. Obama to make a trip tomorrow, does he ever stop campaigning? Climate Summit trip, Copenhagen = fail NJ gov race appearance = fail Virginny gov race appearance = fail Olympic bid trip, Copenhagen = fail
  21. Hey, Mass. guys and gals. Do the country a favor and vote for Scott Brown on the 19th. He would be the 41st vote and keep the Senate from steam rolling us with expensive legislation and increased taxes. It will at least allow a discussion in the chamber, before ramming-down-our-throats commences. OhnOze, a Republican! what will we do, what will we do !! ?? !!! Plus he was a Cosmo sexy man contest winner. He kicked my ass in that contest. I never had a chance. :lol:
  22. Hey, we can start talking about Freemasons, Opus Dei, Illuminate, but thats beaten to death. Go back to when Rothschild financed both sides of WWI, or Woodrow Wilson's progressive ideas. It's very deep, and entrenched. New Deal, Great Society...lots to read.
  23. Or that they feel emboldened by the weak sauce stance of the present admin? Vote for Brown on the 19th. Help control the out of control Sentate. :D
  24. You keep confusing me with a Republican. By the way the tide will turn against Obamites, it has already begun. Still have not refuted Cloward, PIvens, Alinsky, because you can't. And the cabal you have spoken of is not in power now, the new left is. By the way, nearly 30% of all attacks on US since 9/11 have occurred in the last 9 months, Oba-maos watch... Were you troubled by the Bushies policies on terrorism? I wasn't, because no one died by Islamo facist actions. "Little Rock – Authorities have identified the soldier killed in Monday’s double-shooting outside a U.S Army recruitment office in west Little Rock. According to Pulaski County Coroner Garland Camper, 23-year-old William Long of Conway died shortly after being transported to a Little Rock hospital. Police say the incident occurred around 10:15 a.m. at a U.S. Army Navy Career Center inside the Ashley Square Shopping Center at 9112 North Rodney Parham Road. According to Lt. Terry Hastings with the Little Rock Police Department, two enlisted soldiers standing outside the office were hit when a suspect drove up in a black SUV and began shooting. -As with most islamic terrorist acts this was done by a low life to cowardly to face them man to man. At a briefing Monday afternoon, Little Rock police chief Stuart Thomas identified the suspect as Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, 24, of Little Rock. Thomas says Muhammad also goes by the name Carlos Bledsoe. -Another brainwashed convert to the cult. Hastings identified the second wounded soldier as Quinton Ezeagwula, age unknown. He remains at a local hospital in stable condition with non-life-threatening injuries. Muhammad led police on a brief pursuit towards downtown Little Rock, before being taken into custody in the area of the Interstate 30/630 interchange. Authorities searched the vehicle and found an assault rifle, Hastings said. A bomb squad was called in, as police were concerned about two bags in the vehicle, but no explosives were found, he said. -Looks like this guy was afraid to fight a real jihad and took the easy was out, his personal cowardice was confirmed by his surrender. At the Monday-afternoon briefing, Thomas said investigators believe Muhammad acted alone, and likely carried “political and religious motives.” Thomas said the gunman targeted the military but was not believed to be part of a broader scheme. -No scheme just the normal old islam. Muhammad faces one capital murder charge, and 15 counts of terroristic acts. The FBI has opened an investigation into the incident, said Steven Frazier, spokesman for the agency’s Little Rock office. “Based on what we find, we will determine whether there is any federal jurisdiction to prosecute,” he said. -I did not know they could refuse a terror case. May be they should schedule a new round of islamic awareness training classes. (Dripping contempt and scorn) According to Army Lt. Col. Thomas F. Artis, Long and Ezeagwula were not recruiters, but part of a recruiting program called “hometown recruiting assistance.” Artis says recruiters use soldiers to tell their stories and talk to potential recruits while they are visiting or based back in their home region. Long and Ezeagwula were just out of basic training, Artis said, and had not been deployed. -Everyone that puts on the uniform understands that decision could require the ultimate sacrifice. To die at the hands of a coward is not the way most would pick to go but it happens often to our men and women in uniform. " And lets not forget FT. Hood.
  25. "Some facts about global warming: The earth probably has warmed up about 1 degree F since 1850. Carbon dioxide absorbs heat on one wavelength and re-radiates it on a slightly different wavelength. I am a test engineer who worked with the National Weather Service for about 12 years. I am an expert in certain kinds of metrology, the science of making measurements. I am very familiar with many of the problems with making accurate measurements. One hundred years ago, the mercury thermometer was the instrument of choice for temperature measurement. Take a good look at one. What is the smallest change you can detect? Probably 0.5 degree, and that doesn't take into account the accuracy of the thermometer or any confounding external effects. Omega (www.omega.com), an excellent company for measurement equipment, sells an instrument whose best accuracy is plus or minus 0.3 degree F, so a rise of 1 degree could be anywhere from 0.7 to 1.3 degrees. With a mercury thermometer, it would b 0.5 to 1.5. The Omega device has a digital readout that reduces the likelihood of operator error. A thermometer doesn't have that feature, so there was plenty of operator error in old readings. One hundred years ago, cities were small and spread out. Cities are hotter than country. My house in Wolcott tends to be 5 degrees to 10 degrees cooler than Hartford. Expanding cities make temperature measurements appear hotter. A century ago, there were very few measuring stations, making it very difficult to correlate the old measurements with the new. In addition, for there to be actual warming, the whole earth must be getting warmer, but we have no way of knowing that because we don't have historical data for most of the earth, and urban spread and inventions such as air conditioning confound the data we have. In other words, a rise of 1 degree F is in the noise of our measurement capability and therefore meaningless. Other points to consider: During the period known as the Little Ice Age, which ended about 1850, there were crop failures and snow in July in temperate regions. Some of the 1 degree rise must be attributed to the end of that unusually cold period. Greenland ice near the ocean is receding, but inland glaciers are getting thicker. The receding ice has exposed the ruins of a Viking farming community. We still can't farm Greenland, so it must have been warmer 1,000 years ago than it is today. When the Romans invaded England 2,000 years ago, they grew wine grapes. English farmers are just now trying again. Therefore, it was at least as warm 2,000 years ago as today. Carbon dioxide re-radiates heat; it doesn't "trap" it. Since it's up in the atmosphere, that means more than half of that heat gets radiated into space. Norway has dredged a lake above the Arctic Circle and found the remains of vegetation. That means it has been much warmer than now. There are many more polar bears now than there were 40 years ago, and they don't need sea ice to survive. Al Gore, in addition to being a well-documented liar, is going to make millions on cap-and-trade if it passes. There is no such thing as "settled science." Science doesn't work that way. The so-called "hockey-stick" temperature graph was based on the rings from one tree. We should wean ourselves from fossil fuels for many reasons, but CO2 isn't one of them. We will run out. We are hurting our balance of trade. Coal mining does leave a mess and is dangerous. Oil spills are harmful. None of these is a crisis. We need to use real science, not alchemy." Letter to the editor, Waterbury-Republican American, 1/04/10, written by Richard Bingham "The name "Smoky" comes from the natural fog that often hangs over the range and presents as large smoke plumes from a distance. This fog, which is most common in the morning and after rainfall, is the result of warm humid air from the Gulf of Mexico cooling rapidly in the higher elevations of Southern Appalachia." Wiki. I trust my scientist more than I trust the agenda driven, so called climatologists. While I don't agree with some of your conspiracy claims, Your getting the picture. I saw a bunch of Alex Jones vids on Bildeberg, very disturbing, if true.
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