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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Just a number: 765 of 2,810 students went home sick in a town in CT. H1n1. Yeah, their scaring me all right.
  2. Damn, my wife posted THAT pic on Facebook? I couldn't find a pic of a left wing loon waving the hammer and sickle, and an AK-47. By the way, my weapon of choice is a Mossberg 590a1 12 gauge. That POS HK is a 7.62 mm, hardly feasible as a shower defense weapon. And I like a cold beer in the shower with my Chips Ahoy. Your stereotype of a right wing nut needs to be updated. Come on man, get with the times, will ya? Ah, Oregon, now it all makes sense. The home of euthanasia. Covered under Obamacare I'm sure.
  3. You doosh. Another -1? Sniperpussy. man up . I'm about to let a nuke bomb of minus ones on the whole thread. I do like Poo bears tho. :D
  4. OK which one of you LADIES gave me a -1? NOBODY GIVES ME A MINUS ONE, NOBODY... I think that might be my first one! cool! Keep believing everything in DC is OK, and the right people are running the asylum... Keep denying things are no big deal. No crying when they fuck you and your family over. "Yes I voted for them, and now I'm fucked" Go on say it. say it!!!
  5. Wow you can actually pay a vig for a little power! Very interesting... OOOH, gold and sparkleshiny, I like shiny things.
  6. Pitsburgh is a whole other planet. Folks think NYC is strange, but wow... I need to go and eat at some of the Pitts famous eateries, and I hear the city is beautiful. Confluence of the Allegheny and the Monongahela to form the...? Susquehanna.
  7. Warned weeks ago by the Fed, H1N1 vaccine is short. The first demographic excluded was senior citizens, normally near the front of the line. Sounds like rationing and policy wonks deciding who gets care. Govt fuckups and redtape are in full effect, creating delays. HHS Secretary Kathlene Sebelius says 10% of taxpayer purchased shots are being donated to other nations before US demand is filled. Obamacare is providing swine flu vaccine to illegal aliens before they get here. Paraphrased from the editorial page of The Waterbury Republican-American, 10/29/09
  8. But everything to do with manipulating information and perception in the White House. But why would that have anything to do with the presidency? It's just his place of business and those folks only work for him. <_<
  9. The press is the only check the public has on govt. denial of access to information and questioning of policy is fundamental to keeping the bastards from seizing total power and control. We ignore most of the info and take it in the ass and ask for more all the time. To exclude a media outlet from a presser because they don't like the coverage smacks of state controlled media= Communism. You are hiding something if you don't want full disclosure. fuck the "tactics" are you doing whats best for the country or are you doing whats best to keep you in power?
  10. Oh, and I'm not on your friends list!?


  11. Pretty obvious, most media has been in the tank for a while. I continue to be disturbed by the people Obama surrounds himself with. It now defines his personal intentions and political preferences. Who was the knucklehead who said I shouldn't judge him by Ayres, Wright, or others he has had for company over the years? Thos elosers obviously shaped his attitude. Mao as a philosophical reference? He killed more folks thru murder and collectivism than Hitler and Stalin combined. Hugo Chavez is to be admired? ( Czar Mike Loyd) CHe Guevera is a murderer on a tshirt. ANd oh wait CAstro is nice guy?
  12. I know it's not Chicago, but they have been playing the same game there for 100+ yrs, payola. Hand out ten dollar bills to buy votes in the ward. Obama is from that school, so I expect nothing less from him and the people he surrounds himself with. More promised transparency- Obama, Reid, Baccus, and Dodd the Doosh behind close doors hashing out Un-Healthy Care reform. Looks like big Pharma and medical facilities get the cash, and insurance co's get the shft, stiffling competition. All the BS about BIg Pharma being the bad guys, and their getting paid...DC= Hypocrites and liars. Wake up folks. Where are the Obama supporters? This is getting boring preaching to the Choir!
  13. SHouda got a couple of t-shirts! You were in Illinois? Chicago ward politics.
  14. in January BHO promised transparency, yet they run from FOX, keep bills secret, appoint czars in the middle of the night. Russia is now not adverse top using preemptive nukes. They are pushing Obama around, just like I said. And they will not do anything about Iran. Ever. Not only does it create a hassle and a distraction for us, Iran has the second largest natural gas reserve in the region. Number 1? Russia. They will put a strangle hold on European Nat Gas and wield a heavy hammer over countries like Germany, heavy nat gas users. $250 for seniors to supplement SS. SS trax inflation. Is this gonna help or is he buying votes. Seems like lotta older folks were angry at town hall meetings. We pay.
  15. Yeah, and all 535 idiots in Congress have read every page also. There are 5 separate bills from different committees, so the confusion and different bills are basically virtual. Makes it difficult to pin any thing down, or on an individual. I'm 50, and we pay good money for a great plan. I'm getting worried they will make it impossible for us to keep our plan, and force us into a govt option. My wife and I feel we are being punished for being hard working, successful, with foresight and planning going for naught. This is income redistribution no matter how you slice it. Unfair and un-Constitutional. The tax on good benefit programs will make it untenable for many and force folks into cheaper,less effective care, with govt wonks making decisions, stifling competition because the f-ing Feds control the market dynamics. And not a mention of tort reform. Lawyer money went to the Dems in overwhelming %'s. See what happened in Texas after moderate tort reform was enacted.
  16. Who submitted the nomination? That person should be held up to the fire. Prolly Rahm Emanuel. Hey, check out the countries on the U.N. security council, why are you surprised by this? Libya and Uganda are the notable losers. They are lying about taxes and fee increase with this healthcare bs. Pay attention and read deep or be fooled and regret it.
  17. Yeah, he stands up for himself pretty well. But I'm bout ready to go down there and smackaho. I'm not saying the prof is wrong, just leave your slanted ideas out of it and let the kids think for themselves. It shouldn't matter what your position is, all that should matter is an intelligent, well thought out position supported by facts. I could argue a position thats pro-Nazi, and should be able to get an A. Heck, there are some her who argue pro socialism/ communism. But I wouldn't, of course. I shouldn't even have to make that last disclaimer, but you never know who takes what outta context and ruins your ideas or rep.There will be no Nativity Scene in Washington this year! The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the United States' Capital this Christmas season. This isn't for any religious reason. They simply have not been able to find Three Wise Men in the Nation's Capitol. A search for a Virgin continues. There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable. My son sent me this in an email. I love this kid to death, he so gets it. I also reinstated him in the will.
  18. Good point, Erik. There was actually a train of thought that we could survive a Nazi dominated world, before we got involved. Then somebody realized that right is right and wrong is wrong, and Hitler got beat. Today, and you must have encountered this, the revisionist history in many textbooks provides some moral equivalency if not outright condemnation of U.S. actions and policies during the era. History books dealing with China now focus on the performance of women under communist rule as opposed to the 50-70 million people killed by communism on the mainland. Purges, killed millions, but so did the concept of collective agriculture, resulting in poverty, disease and starvation. I quote from an editorial written by Paul Kengor, professor of political science at Grove City College, in PA. "Private possessions were eliminated, from clothes and hygiene products, to pots and pans, private fires for cooking food were banned, with the only permissible smoke being that which emanated from collective kitchens." My point? I'll take the U.S. ethnocentrism, and the point of view of our scholars over those that sacrificed very little in comparison to our commitments of men, machines and U.S. dollars in the last 100 yrs. Many were effected, but I'm damn sure it would have been much worse for them without our point of view. WE are not perfect, but I submit we are a damn good thing for the world society. Imagine if we had practiced isolationism from WWI thru WWII? I continually ask my son's about the curriculum being taught, one in H.S. and one in college and you would be appalled at some of the BS being slung by instructors and professors I pay good money to in the form of taxes and tuition. The older son swears some of his grades have been influenced by his positions he supports in his papers and essays. Prolly a bit off your point, and you already know about my political position, but I feel thats a pretty fair assessment of the situation.
  19. Those 4 million are the millionaires and overtaxed middle class that left NY State and CT. Just kidding. Almost. Not sure what your asking/ getting at, Erik.
  20. Never had a chance, obviously. Between Michele and Barac, they used the pronouns "I" Or "Me" 70 times in 89 sentences between the 2 of them. Narcissist in Chief. I suppose the Chicago Machine was bummed they couldn't unload public housing land on the tax payer. And make tidy little profit for the cronies. Mayor Daly has had 47 staff members indicted since he took office. That city is as corrupt as they come, you don't think that came into IOC thinking do ya? Obama has a lot of baggage, and to think some of you derided me for saying you are judged by the company you keep. TOLD YOU SO. I love it.
  21. Freaky, huh? Mnay of the comments on the bottom of the page were right on the screws, go pick up the folks that ignored the jury summons. The judge copped out. What state was that in ? I didn't catch it. I received a summons 3 weeks ago. You call the night before to see if you should show up, they canceled the whole docket.
  22. So the Russian chick is hot, and wrong. Judging all religious folks on a minority is like, I don't know, judging all homosexuals by every NYC queen they see in Greenwich Village...
  23. Who started that czar thing any way, was it pre-G-dubya? Just another layer of bureaucracy. And more govt salary to cover. 22 congressmen signed a letter demanding illegal aliens get free healthcare in this stupid bill? That bill is dead on arrival with anything remotely like that in it. At the very least the health care bill will snatch $500 billion from Medicare, leaving a ton of seniors out in the cold. Thats the biggest voting block in the country, and if you think that don't count for something I got a bridge to sell ya.
  24. Not sure if whacking Iran is a viable option, given the civilian leadership we now have. Israel is perfectly capable, and has the right attitude and national interest for the job. Plus by the time the aging hippies in DC get around to making a decision, Israel will have done the job. Jordan, Saudi Arabia and others will publicly stand up for Iran, but behind closed doors they may be hoping for Iran to be silenced. Glenn Becks name has been invoked on the floor of the Congress. He must be hitting them where it hurts. When are more influential/ powerful people going to stand up and try to help the common folk who are trying to fight this continuing bullshit from DC? Or Hartford for that matter. Jeez, I wish you guys could get the local scoop on what my state govt is doing. Taxing the shit out of business, and the middle class. If you are a sportsman in CT it could cost you $150 to hunt and fish every season. Freshwater fishing license went from $20 to $40 (not that long ago it was $4.50) saltwater from $0 to $30, hunting and deer tags are similar. There are not enough DEP officers to police poachers and violators now, and I predict many folks will say fuck the license fees and take their chances with the DEP. Revenue will decrease, and the program will be self defeating. By the way none of these "fee" or tax increase are going to things like habitat improvement, hunter/fisher education, enforcement, stocking programs or boating safety. They are going to the General(slush fund)fund, so the money can be redistributed, get used to that word in a socialist state, to black hole cities and the govt lackeys employed by the state. We are taking a beating here, and they are giving raises, hiring union members and puffing up benefit plans, buying votes all the way. Pratt is moving outta state, they can't pay the tax and labor bills anymore. Millionaires are leaving NY as fast as they can. State revenues are half what they expected from the tax/ fee increases. Stay tuned, Florida and Texas are about to gain an assload of rich folk. Bringing jobs and investment capital with them.
  25. I never compared Obama to Hitler, Marx all long day tho. Marx was a theorist, not a mass murderer. The only way the Hitler reference flies, in my mind, is the huge propaganda machine, constant campaigning, and the tactics used to demonize those that oppose policy. But that works for socialists, progressives, ACORNholers, and intellectual elites. NEA busted for organizing propaganda putsch for Obama. Your tax dollars hard at work. AL Gore clean auto project garners $529 million Govt backed loan. A tiny car company backed by former Vice President Al Gore has just gotten a $529 million U.S. government loan to help build a hybrid sports car in Finland that will sell for about $89,000. . . . The awards to Fisker and Tesla have prompted concern from companies that have had their bids for loans rejected, and criticism from groups that question why vehicles aimed at the wealthiest customers are getting loans subsidized by taxpayers. "This is not for average Americans," said Leslie Paige, a spokeswoman for Citizens Against Government Waste, an anti-tax group in Washington. "This is for people to put something in their driveway that is a conversation piece. It's status symbol thing." . . .?
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