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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. We gotta sprint head long to health care reform, capntrade, stimulus, but can't get support for troops? what a joke. We did our job in Iraq time to leave then to their own devices. NO US soldier is taken for granted, but how many islamofascists got killed in Iraq? or blindly directed towards obama the great? my kids can't sing Christmas carols in school, but they have brain washed these kids into singing about barack? yeah omg communism. obama nursery rhyme read up on saul alinsky, dd, it's happening in front of your 'progressive' eyes. overload the system to tear it down, then redistribute and steal from the hard working and wealthy. sounds like Marx to me, pally. My God, man, have you read the Constitution? i quote chuck: "poor people are stupid".
  2. Congress killed ACORN funding. ANd Obama just blinked with Russia. Canceling missile defense, and leaving Poland, Czec's, and Ukraine to dangle in the wind. Way to support fledgling democracies and show how weak we really are. Liar and dumbass in chief. Russia will continue to make moves on states like Georgia, and never help keep Iran in line. They win. All they want is others to keep us preoccupied while they get their shit together. Lots of AK-47's on the world market. Killing U.S. soldiers. Next couple of years will be scary over seas. No plan in Afghanistan, it's his problem now. Somalia and Black Hawk Down anyone? Similar action/ inaction. No air support, and no objective. It's too late to save that 7th century rock quarry, lets get the hell out. WTF.
  3. Good one Mike. Top 10 funny movie by the way. This is madness. We knew ACORN was a joke from the beginning. The "Drain the swamp" BS from Pelosi is just that. Rangle is a tax cheat (how did he accumulate $25 million on Congressional salary?)( Geitner and Murtha also) and wants you to pay more taxes. The records for Dodd's mortgage blunder were not subpoenaed, how can you have an investigation with no evidence? NBC/ GE is in the tank for the administration, basically acting as a propaganda machine for the Dems. I could write for days on NBC/GE concerning energy. New czar Cass Sunstein(sp?) proposes funding for wild horse/ burro refuge, that coincidentally overlaps shale oil deposits, making them off limits to mining. When was the last time anyone, illegal aliens included, were denied medical care? Makes that point moot, eh? Cap-n-Trade? Dump that on a company and they dump the cost on the consumer, duh. I watch MSNBC to see how the lunatic fringe is behaving, and it's appalling. The last desperate gasp of a leftist is to cry racism. In 8 months we have been torn apart by these assholes and their minions in the media. Watch Olberman, the Ed Show, and Rachel Madow and see how delirious they really are. Maureen Dowd is quite the neurotic lonely skank, aint she? She just makes shit up and slurs folks, I guess. Right or wrong, if you aren't watching FOX your not getting the whole story. If your not watching NBC/MSNBC, your not getting the whole story either. I can't wait for 2010. Look like Vince McMahons wife is leaving WWE to run as a Republican against Dodd. I want here to wrestle his ass first, get him in a figure 4 leg lock and choke him out.
  4. More evidence that Govt can't run shit. NY OTB is in the hole $225 million. Why? Unfunded mandates due the 40,000 unionized employees. If you can't be profitable running a gambling franchise then what can you do well? I knew high school kids that made money on football slips for crying out loud. Bureaucracy kills. http://www.msg.com/breakingnews/?article=00AC12LgRU4Of
  5. Fixed you assume too much. get some facts before you comment. Another correction. I was a bit harsh above. I should have said: " Offer facts and documentation to support your position, instead of sniping." Often your basis for argument is a reference to your time in Europe and how great it was. I still love you tho.
  6. Van Jones, Commie Green Czar, out. 41 to go. Correction, 33 czars to go.
  7. Check Senate Bills 773 and 778. 55 pages of control authorization over broadcasts and internet. Not about control of the population? Keep kidding yourself.
  8. I have my own well, I don't by water from anyone. A already own a 740, and an S60. If the powers that be had not started the slippery slope 100 yrs ago, we all would be more self sufficient, well paid and healthier. Our SS donations would have gone to our pockets, and charities would have gotten larger donations, eliminating the necessity of the Govt to have to do anything in the realm of welfare. I would have saved tons of cash as a hedge fund against losing my job, eliminating the necessity to collect. We all would have been able to pay for our own college, being smarter, we would all be healthier. And more enterprising, creating a vicious circle of creativity, self-sufficiency and self-fulfillment. These wealth's would have spread around the world and then the wars would be fewer and farther between leading to what I like to call Happiness and Joy. If I could pull it off, I wouldn't be dependent upon anyone but my next door neighbor, because he grows tomatoes and I don't. The Govt can pick up my trash, and protect my borders, but I can even do that myself. Far fetched? Too late, we are all a bunch of trained sheep now. Oh, and Al Gore invented the Internetz, not DARPA.
  9. Fixed. Check out the intentions of Mark Loyd, Obamas "Diversity Czar", concerning radio and media. Free speech is under attack. He wants to tax commercial radio 100% to fund NPR and others, plus he will implement a diversity test that could close them down and give broadcast rights to "minority interests". Read the Constitution and tell me any of this guys plans are legal. What happened to being judged by the content of my character and not the color of my skin? Your smart, you don't need a link, you'll find sources that you approve of. 40+ czars, where is their Constitutional Authority? ANd why do I have to pay their salaries. I predict Obama Admin fail. Dems will be blown from Congress, and we will spend 10 yrs trying to recover from their folly. But the world is coming to an end in 2012 so who cares, spend like a drunken sailor, right?
  10. If you don't believe in Catholic doctrine, your not a Catholic. Free will is all we are granted. Personal interpretation aside, this is a centuries old debate. Martin Luther was obviously the first protestant, he did not like the rules so he started his own "club". Thats what it takes. Don't get in my grill about changing the Church in your image, go find one that suits you. Simple.
  11. The most transparent administration evaaaaar! Axelrod is the health care shill for Obama, and they made a deal with big Pharma? Liars / Hypocrites.
  12. I've been putting cash in the bank with side jobs, and am going back full time on 8/24. Like I said, the rich folks are spending money again, and I love them for it. I always find a way to pay the bills. My wife does very well working for a bank, of all places. Great bennies too. We pay for some of it, but it sure beats the looming alternative. I never did work for a poor person.
  13. I fully realize a difference between the two. It's about a culture, or a state of mind, not the color of the skin or the nation of origin. Why are people coming here for 300 yrs? No one seems to be leaving, tho a bunch threaten to all the time, (please Alec Baldwin , just go). If you car about being here and want to use our resources, get with the program and contribute to the community, don't try to separate and reinvent the greatest experiment in human history. We're not perfect, but America is the closest to anything out there. You can not compare us to other nations. No other nation has given hero's lives to keep other nations free like us. No other nation has contributed more to the African AIDS epidemic than we have, nd no one provides the liberty and opportunity to others like we do. Sweden population is a tad over 9 million. We have over 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. Lets dump that relative number in Sweden's society and see what happens. I'm betting they stop them at the borders. You can't keep comparing 300 million to countries that have populations that are <10% of that. If we adhered to the founding documents, much of this corruption, waste and fraud would not exist, and folks would be wealthier and more self sufficient. And not as whiny.
  14. Not surprised, it seems endless.
  15. OOh Jena swings for the fences. 35 million. It's a behavioral disease. I don't want to pay for it thru taxes, OK with you? I'm sure they were all necessary. You know how it is, drunk sex can't say no, can't keep your dick in your pants, no self control. Those are legit reasons to terminate. Should be forced to take a test before you whip it out or pull down. Jefferson was right, most of us are to stupid to make a solid decision, hence the Electoral college and a Republic instead of a direct Democracy.
  16. Destruction of a root culture, leaves no culture at all. Cost to educate, and incarcerate illegals? More than the fingers I have to count. My family emigrated 2x, once in late 1700's, French Huguenot, and again in 1900's Ukrainian Jews and Irish Catholics. My greatgrandparents made a point of learning English and Americanizing themselves, educating and getting jobs and paying taxes. Oh, and they also brought skills with them to enhance society. They didn't reject the old culture they just subordinated it to their new one. If you can't define a common language, how can you express any commonality? Diversity means division. Germans teach English in school for 12 yrs, and speak better English than we do. They recognize it as the international language of everything. Why can't we call it our own? With out being labeled xenophobes or racists? If you can't read the Constitution or The Bill of Rights, and comprehend them both, what the fuck are you doing here? Everybody is a victim, boohoo. Bootstrap it bitches, and take care of your self. Justin is right on the screws. DD and Erik, you can experiment if you want to, but I don't want to take any chances on that gamble. Nation of Laws, not of men.
  17. You'd be a legal immigrant then. We welcome legal immigrants all day long. Apples and oranges. No corruption in Sweden? I call BS.
  18. Priority shipping. I ordered some stuff from BassPro last week. They split the order and shipped the bigger item FedEx. The 2 small items, a fishing lure and 4 worm hooks, was shipped USPS. FedEx came in 2 days. Still waiting for USPS. Whom cares, grammar cop.
  19. Saw 'em both. Good stuff. I watched Olberman other day, who the hell is he preaching too? Must be the basest of lefty losers, still entrenched in hatred for Bush et al. Only 3 people watch MSNBC, his parents and his boss.
  20. Dats da one. Anyone think unions are thug organizations, passed being useful to worker protection? are companies are having trouble keeping doors open with union labor? GM, Pratt, governments(AFSCME)? Another chapter of the Alinsky Doctrine. PS: I'm going back to work on 8/24. The rich people are going forward with surveillance/security package we pitched them before taxes force them to hide money. I loooove rich people. They pay my mortgage.
  21. SEIU/ ACORN commie attacks man for selling buttons and flags? Purple shirts = Brown shirts
  22. Sorta like the TARP program? 42 Czars. The new Green Czar Van Jones was arrested for rioting in LA after Rodney King verdict. From Wiki: Jones was still a law student at Yale Law School at the time. While volunteering as a legal monitor during a peaceful protest following the Rodney King riots, Jones was arrested along with other legal monitors and some protesters. He and the other detainees were released no more than 4 hours after being illegally arrested and Jones was never convicted of a crime. In the late 90s, Van Jones was involved in Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), a multi-racial activist collective with Marxist influences. While never large, STORM was an influential group in the Bay Area, working with numerous organizations including Bay Area Police Watch, School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL), and People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER). Jones and STORM were also active in the anti Iraq War demonstrations of the early 2000s "Well, we still dont have a unified definition, and thats not unusual in a democracy. It takes a while for all the states and the federal government to come to some agreement. But the Department of Labor is working on it very diligently. Fundamentally, its getting there, but we havent crossed the finish line yet." He presides over nothing, they are going to make it up as they go along. Yale Law and a Marxist. Nice combo. Glad we get to approve of these folks appointments. Oh yeah, we don't. Obama is going down. Pelosi too. Later than sooner. If the White House calls these town hall protesters a Mob again... Not like ACORN of course.
  23. You'll always get screwed at the drive-thru.
  24. It's about pumping cash into the auto industry. 51 of the 73 approved models are trucks. A Ford model (no bailout cash taken)is the leading seller in the program followed by 3 Toyota's and a Nissan.
  25. Seen it before, the bold type is the crux of the biscuit. It's about taking ownership. Give folks a fish or teach them to fish? Examples abound about public housing being turned over to the residents, crime and drug use goes down, property conditions and values improve.
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