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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Mike, the key is not to think about retiring at your present standard of living. Smaller house, less mouths to feed, lower auto insurance and gas bills. I'm not kidding when I tell my wife we have a trailer reserved for our retirement home. Gee, if only I was allowed to keep my SS money...I could have retired 5 yrs ago.
  2. Mike's drinking in the morning again. The point is the Fed can change the thresholds to say or do what they want. In a good year my wife and I gross $160k. That's with a well deserved bonus. Throw in 2 college bound kids that eat like you can't believe, and I've got nothing at the end of the year. I may be considered rich by some accounts.
  3. The one they have. Yeah, I'm in. Throw their pension plan in also. My oldest son had a problem that required a specialist. I called his GP, got a name and number. Had an appointment with specialist 7 days later, they did an ultra sound in house. AN hour later he was diagnosed, treated and I walked by the reception desk without paying a dime. SO a suspected tumor was diagnosed and treated in a week. I'll get a bill for a couple bucks monthend. We pay for our coverage so we can get results like this. I can live with that, but the horror stories send chills down my spine as to what could have happened. A long wait that results in months of anxiety, topped off with a worsening condition that we have no idea what it is, that goes untreated? I don't think so. If this crap goes through, I predict a huge black market for quality health care for folks that can afford to pay. You aint got shit if you aint got your health. I'm willing to sacrifice many of my families "luxuries" to ensure prompt and competent care. Cash for clunkers could be for old folks, not valuable to society. Write me a check so I can have gramps euthanized. COmplete the circle. Contraception, abortion on demand, euthanasia. On the taxpayers dime.
  4. Today Republicans proposed that any health plan that passes must be the plan Congress uses. Amendment killed in committee by Dems. Then Repubs proposed that folks should get the same health plan Congress has now. DOA. Surprised?
  5. DOnuts is slick you gotta pay attention to him, I get busted a lot. I tried to be conservative Erik, cause I wasn't positive on the number, I watched something about it on PBS. Thats right, I'll watch Public Broadcasting once in a while. I grew up on Nova , Julia Child, and Jacques Cousteau. Especially since the station in CT broadcasts 25-30 Uconn Womens Basketball games. I'll even drop 'em a little check once in a while, get that $60 coffee mug, ya know? But 1.5 million? Imagine that logistical nightmare. Hey, we've done the same thing out west. Dams shut down salmon runs, huge impounds in OK and TX like Sam Rayburn, 200 mile long bass lakes.The whole Native American displacement issue. But at least there is some economic advantage and environmental stewardship in the man made waterways. The places that bother me are the mining installations in Montana and such, with heavy metal waste holding ponds bordering fantastic trout rivers. Some of these are only held back by plastic lined berms. Don't mistake this for a moral equivalency argument tho. We do better than most.
  6. The Chinese flooded a huge valley that had 100,000 people in it, for a hydro dam, dispalcing families that have lived there for generations, and stuffed them into concrete hi rises. Mines are dumping waste into local water ways, cancer is a big problem in those areas. At least we have a bit more control and some recourse. I still like General Tsoas chicken. Hooked is cool, Mekong delta cats, Taimen in Mongolia,Lots of big ass fish in Indonesia. Kinda like Larry Dahlbergs show, but more environmental commentary.
  7. Note Alinsky's reference to "the enemy". That is referring to your neighbor and fellow citizen. Class warfare, not commonality. Yeah, Chinas system works great if you can kill all who appose the power brokers, who worship God in any form, who have daughters instead of sons or who have more than 2 kids. Where do I sign up? And how many billion people, 2-3? I'm betting 500 million are living in a cesspool because of no environmental regs in lieu of economic advancement. What the hell, the good of the many by the sacrifice of a few, right? Whats a few million for the good of the State? Such a deal, Morty.
  8. Hey, the truth is the truth. Thanks for catching me, I usually reference any quotes I use. I haven't plagiarized anything since college, that I know of! :rolleyes:
  9. True, I received this as a forwarded forward if you will. Prolly should have indicated the original source of quote. I was kinda choked up and did it in haste, not trying to claim it as my own. Just showed me folks still care and remember.
  10. Thats the definition of the "politics of personal destruction", ala Clintonistas. Look up Saul Alinsky. Moreover, said Alinsky, whenever possible the organizer must deride his enemy and dismiss him as someone unworthy of being taken seriously because he is either intellectually deficient or morally bankrupt. "The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength," said Alinsky.[79] He advised organizers to "laugh at the enemy" in an effort to provoke "an irrational anger."[80] "Ridicule," said Alinsky, "is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage." Complete article
  11. Yet you'll run to your Dr. or pharmacy for script when your in pain, indegestion, athletes foot or have an ailment, huh? Most of those adds show up when I'm watching shows about guns. LOL.
  12. Killed in action the week before, the body of Sergeant First Class John C. Beale was returned to Falcon Field in Peachtree City , Georgia , just south of Atlanta , on June 11, 2009 . The Henry County Police Department escorted the procession to the funeral home in McDonough , Georgia . A simple notice in local papers indicated the road route to be taken and the approximate time. Nowadays one can be led to believe that America no longer respects honor and no longer honors sacrifice outside the military. Be it known that there are many places in this land where people still recognize the courage and impact of total self-sacrifice. Georgia remains one of those graceful places. The link below is a short travelogue of that day's remarkable and painful journey. But only watch this if you wish to have some of your faith in people restored. Please watch this
  13. I will check this out, thanks. I think Obamas honeymoon is over, and it might implode.
  14. Obama is showing a subtle racism. Rev. Wright is in the back of his head, he admitted he can't separate himself from his preaching, his wife wasn't "proud" of US until recently, he jumped to a conclusion without the facts about case involving a white police officer and a black man, and Judge Sotomayors comments about wise Latina women vs old white guys, and I just saw something about a "civilian security force as well funded and equipped as our Armed Forces". Sounds like an ACORN version of the Black Panthers. Obesity costs country 147 billion dollars in health care costs. Obama smokes, wants to have beer with folks, and nominated an obese woman as the Surgeon General (ironic, huh?). The 3 most damaging behaviors/ conditions in the US. Who's health care is he working on? No one gets anything for free in this country, someone is paying for it in taxes or fees.
  15. When Congress approves a plan that they will sign up for, we'll be talking. Check out what they get for health care now. It may be a dead issue. I mean totally dead. I love Blue Dog Dem's. I called Congressional Dem offices in Va. and other B.D. states and thanked them for standing up for lil ol conservative me stuck in the gulag that is CT. Tort reform tort reform tort reform. Start there, and I might even listen to a proposal. Older folks should really be concerned, rationing = no care. Yeah I always wondered when I see lower income folks with cell phones and big guts and fat asses. I thought they would be starving. That shows you how bad it's NOT getting. Section 8 for rent, WIC for child support, unemployment-income assistance, assistance for heating oil. And remember that miscellaneous $50 fee on your last hospital bill? That covered the uninsured. No one goes untreated, or gets turned down for help. Thats why folks keep pouring over the border. NO ones trying to leave the US. Except Alec Baldwin. I still contend that instead of these insane bailouts and TARPS, the tax payers should have gotten the cash. We'd be all set, and maybe folks could have bought their own healthcare.
  16. People who care about this country should not be encouraged to leave, but encouraged to stand up and fight for what right. The massive behemoth thats been created in DC is a formidable monster to kill. THe longer this stuff is allowed to lay around and stink up the place, the more chances the folks have of waking up and smelling the garbage, and doing something about it. HOuse killed amendment that would require proof of citizenship to receive health bennie's from this massive program. Just more attempts to build voter base by enslaving folks with "entitlements". ~50 million uninsured, except for mediacre/medicaid, half of those refused coverage, 10 mill are illegals, many are bulletproof younger folks. So where are the masses of uninsured? My math says 5%. And I never heard of anyone being denied care at a hospital.
  17. Except Travis would be impaled on the fence after...
  18. The total population of the 1st 9 countries in that list combined don't equal the 300 million in the US. It's easy to account for 25 million in Canada vs 300 million. I live in a town that has the lowest per student expenditure for education in CT. We rank top 10 in student performance. More money down a black hole don't fix stuff. You figure it out. SO with all that, any one of you want to move out of U.S.? Didn't think so.
  19. The 2nd coming of what/who ? GM? Obama? Zealots are different than folks with conviction.
  20. Gotta reference quote authors.
  21. Looks nice on TV. Judge Sonya called left attacks on Ricci "reprehensible". She may have some potential after all.
  22. Thats his point. These dooshes are so connected, and whores they are, they forgot what they are supposed to be doing. Go for it. I applaud your courage and vision. Money and connections are huge tho. But any good grassroots campaign can raise hell, and if this isn't the time to do it, then there isn't one. You may consider local politics first, but then all politics is local. I forget who said that first. kudos. Take out Franken first.
  23. That pisses me off also. No balls from Repubs. Chicken shit to do whats best for country, so they can curry lefty votes and keep their silly little jobs. I voted for Bush because he did what he thought was right, despite polls and popularity. Was it all good? NO. But at least he had conviction and believed he was doing the country right. Check link between Judge Sonya and ACORN. Check link between Paulsen, SEC, AIG, and Goldman Sachs profits this quarter, and the failure of Lehman. COmpetitive advantage for GM in form of billions in tax breaks. WHo makes wind turbines? GE. WHo runs GE? Imelt. WHo's BHO's buddy on capntrade? Imelt. Whos on Prez board of economic advisors? Imelt. WHo is T.Boone Pickens buying turbines from ? GE. Which network blows Obama and Dems? NBC. WHo owns NBC? GE. WHo sold technology to Iran? GE. Anti American co. Thge longer this crappy legislation stays out there the more we know and the more peop;le reject it. Thus the urgency or emergency. They are trying to ride the perfect storm of fear.
  24. I'm trying to remain optimistic. I'm trying to have faith in the American people. I'm clinging to the one thing that keeps me from going postal every time I read a post that says "it'll be ok you dumb conservative, librerals know best" or someone says to me," you voted for BUSH?" Mainstream is now conservative. I think all the rich Obamacrats, the elitists with white guilt, the IVY League press and all the left over '60's hasbeen hippies that are the lawyers and pols now, telling me whats best for me, should pay all my taxes, fee increases, and increased energy costs because of capntrade idiocy. I'm unemployed now thanks to Dodd and Frank, are those fuckers paying my kids tuition next semester? Frank wants to lower lending standards so dumasses can buy condos flooding the market. What an assbanger.
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