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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. AS expected, the anti-Sonya's are calling Ricci to testify, and equally as expected but more appalling, is the personal destruction that has been unleashed on him from the left. Thank you Begala and Carville. You scum. Any civility left in politics was destroyed by those 2 punks and the rest of the Clintonistas. You bought a new XC60? How is it?
  2. More restrictions on personal property. I suppose if you have any govt loan, VA, FHA, Fannie-Freddie, justifies their un-Constitutional actions. We are so complacent and these fuckers are snakes in the grass. I refer you to my previous posts about deliberately overloading the system so we have to run to DC wailing with our hands out. The destruction of the Way of Life continues today with Sotomayor hearings. The coup will be complete when Ginsberg goes, soon to be followed by Stephens. No need for a legislature after that, laws will be enforced and enacted by Prez. BHO and his 18 czars/ henchman, and the Gang of Six imported from the Socialist enclaves and installed as destroyers of the Constitution. Yet I maintain hope that real America will wake up and stop this insanity.
  3. Plus, he's a breast man. The drone from DC... it's deafening. This guy never stops campaigning. Too many projects when he should have just dealt with the ecojnomy.
  4. I love DISCO! Tower, AWB, EWF, also. I worked in a couple clubs late '70's-early '80's. Funk, soul, fills my collection. Grace Jones " Pull up to my Bumper, Baby, with your long black limousine." Village People FTL, however. Really digg the stuff with horn sections, wall of sound. And classical. Bach, Chopin, Tchaikovsky. Kinda Ghey, but thats what was playing in my house growing up. Still, I love good guitar work the most. Zappa, Jimi, Santana, Duane Allman, Buddy Guy, Et Al. No shame in good tunes no matter the source. Cheap Trick? Really?
  5. Thanks Erik. Unfortunately, I'm a pro at it. CT is the first state to get hurt, like Cali. And the last to recover. Not very business friendly anymore (taxes), and much of my business is done where Wall Streeters and that ilk have second homes. They are sucking wind or moving to lower/ no income tax states. And taking their business and business's with them. They'll never learn. Japan has done what we are doing for 20 yrs. Their economy is on par with some banana republics. I have irons in the fire, most of my stuff is paid off or under control. Maybe I'll paint the kitchen, and strip the 96 for parts. Anybody need a low mileage straight flanged 15G? My wife just brought me a Toasted Almond ice cream. Everythings gonna be OK>
  6. Got my pink slip today. Thanks to Dodd, Frank, ACORN, UAW, NoBama, any tax and spend politician I can get my hands on, Ct State legislature, and Bushes last financial hurrah. I'm the 4th one of my close friends. Folks just aint spending like they used to. Unless they've been elected. Buy my car parts so I can feed my kids. Lower bumper valance available.
  7. Didn't say it was new, just despicable. The concept of govt involved in providing competitive advantage in the market place is about as un-Constitutional as you can get. I'm serving Borscht on Saturday.
  8. Never liked himn on SNL. reminds me of a clown, or a kid you would pound on every day in school. CAn't stand him. Why would Walmart co-sign a letter endorsing govt health plan, with Center for American Progress( socialist thinktank), and SEIU (MAJOR component of ACORN)? Because, their words, TARGET has a more competitive health plan for their employees, keeping their overhead low. Walmart using the US Govt to beat their competition. I thought they were OK, now I hate them too. The list grows.
  9. It's hard to comprehend that I would go to a high school admin and complain about test structure if my kid fails an algebra exam. Read Alitos opinion. He claims/accuse Mayor D. of political BS with a black preacher FD comish, even preparing to void results before they were revealed. So they wanted inferior men/women in a life saving job? I don't car if your purple you better be the best firefighter on the ladder if your coming to my window. I applied and tested for position in the NHFD, around 1978. I finished top 10% in the physical test, which is extremely rigorous, and top 10% in written exam. I never had a chance.
  10. Pay to play is nothing new in the U.S. Find me a major industry that doesnt have its claws in a politician. Banking loan industry and Dodd, my fav. Zappo = 100 %. Canadia is almost as left as VermontFrancisco.
  11. For an 8 hr workday I allow 1 hour for Murphy. Really. The average hours lost by a misplaced tool, missing screw, or stud in the middle of your speaker hole that keeps your install from being symmetrical (todays episode). It's unreal.
  12. Waiting lines for treatment have gotten so long, private clinics are opening up!! They are rejecting socialized medicine while we run head long into the abyss. How ironic. Like Europe's rejection of lefties in their parliaments. WOW.
  13. 5-4 19 white firefighters and one hispanic receive promotions, back pay and benefits. Score one for the good guys and the rule of law.
  14. CAp and trade go down today? Carol Browner was on Fox morning news show today. She was asked 3 times directly if she considered this another tax. She could not/would not say yes or no. She went off on some tangent about projected blah blah from the CBO. The same CBO they were dismissing revenue projections from. When it's convenient for them. 2 faced. I can't wait to see vot distribution. I bet it was heavy 'yea's' from CAli and North east, the states hit hardest by economic downturn. They ( New England/ East coast) are the new European Union. Check Spain and Germany for their economic results of capntrade.
  15. Behavioral changes forced thru punitive taxation and income redistribution. Marxism. Wheres all the Obamites on this site?
  16. Oops forgot about Robert Blake. And every politician in DC. It's not about law and order it's about what you can get away with. Living Color- "Cult Of Personality". Why does anyone read a tabloid at the grocery store?Why do fan clubs exist? People are bored and want to live vicariously thru the lives of celebs. See the reality show fad. I find most of them useless to society. I love sporting events, but you could not hold a gun to my head to go to a theater and pay $10 to watch garbage. Put out by elite America haters on top of it all. But I digress. Famous people are fucked up and have a warped sense of entitlement that is supported by fandom. They don't live or think in our context at all. Again, you gotta condemn a lot of folks along with MJ. A lot. Obama is getting away with shit (shredding the Constitution) everyday, and no one is calling him out on it. If you keep looking for it you will get ill.
  17. For your first 2 ask OJ and Dante Stallworth, and #4 maybe Kobe can answer. Happens all the time, you didn't think Ted Kennedy was going to jail for drowning Mary Jo did you? It's always about the money, never justice. I admire your sense of right/wrong. And his father Joe rode those kids like cash cows from the beginning, there was no way out of that mess. Brainwashed from the beginning, you get used to people thinking and doing everything for you. In my opinion he would have been unable to survive out side of that life. Thats part of what messed him up.
  18. Why don't the Japs just harpoon or ram those idiots? I'm not saying whaling is cool, but the effort and money spent could be better used on a vacation to Bermuda, a Hobie Cat, and a couple cases of good vodka. Dumb hippies...
  19. That Opel rools. Horse power and Fiah powah!! Soviet T80
  20. Get your toenails done with them, Dave. Plenty of wine coolers, SuperSoaker, then Pillow fight FTW. Whats up with the Audi and the rimpz? Always, always, always see what you are buying, no facsimiles aloud. Burn every time. Tho I bought my house without my wife seeing it! I'm a lucky S.O.B. thats what.
  21. Takes money, or balls, to make money. We made 30k back on our 401k's in 1 month, by increasing contributions. Dollar averaging is a great thing. Just refi'd, got great rate, paid off my water assessment, saving 5k in interest, dropped my payment by almost $500/month. If I could still get VA cash I'd be buying/flipping my self. We just got a couple new contracts, seems purses are opening for capital improvements. Fire and security systems are more in demand than ever. Instead of straight residential, we jumped into commercial /retail, and added display video and 70v audio/PA to the bag of tricks. Got a bar chain, 3 stores, 22 tv each plus audio, point-of-sale, telco and network. So I'm not building dream theaters and critical listening rooms for rich folks, my plan has changed. But adapt and overcome is the way now. No TARP or stimulus money involved. I think folks are starting to come out of hiding.
  22. It just takes men to define whats right and wrong, good and evil. No moral equivalency or victimless crimes please.
  23. Political correctness can eat me. I graduated top of my class at U.S. Army Armour Center,FT.Knox, Kentucky in Feb of 1981, my first presidential vote was cast for Ronnie in '80. The top trainee receives the Gen. George S. Patton Jr. Outstanding Tanker award. Patton is one of my role models, and if we had listened to him, the Cold War never would have happened, and the need to fight Communism would never arisen. U.S. lives and money would have been saved. I did not write this. Pics of the Trade Center coming down, and Bruce Pearl being beheaded accompanied this email. Those were atrocities. I think this is how General George S. Patton would sum things up.... and then catch holy hell from Ike. He sure had a unique way of expressing his thoughts. ATTENTION! To ALL those whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Citizens, it's time for a little refresher course on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars to keep this nation great. See if you can tear yourself away from your "reality" TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out of your ass -- and LISTEN UP!! Abu Ghraib is not "torture" or an "atrocity". This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls, and academy cadets do every year. A little fun at someone else's expense. Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get your panties in a wad. Got that ? WHICH PART DON'T YOU GET? Islam a peaceful religion??? My Ass! Millions of these warped misled sons-of-bitches are plotting, as we speak, to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can.Some of them are here among us now. They don't want to convert you and don't want to rule you. They believe you are a vile infestation of Allah's paradise .. They don't give a shit how "progressive" you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want your ass dead, and they think it is God's will for them to do it. Some think if we give them a hug or listen to them, then they'll like us, And if you agree? Then you are a pathetic dumb ass! If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax -- you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance. How many more Americans must be beheaded?? You've fallen asleep AGAIN, get your head out of your ass! You may never get another chance! NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASS and pass this on to any and every person you give a damn about..if you ever gave a damn about anything! DISMISSED!
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