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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Organic veggies has poop on it. No fertilizer, no pesticides. Sounds like Archer-Daniels-Midland is getting hosed out of profit. I dont buy organic, too expensive. Plus I can grow most of what I eat, in season anyway. As long as it's just tomatoes. My grandpappy had 5 acres of organic fruit and veggies. He worked his ass off to get a crop. Deer, and other critters got their share, but the bugs and molds and stuff did the real damage. Best tasting produce I've ever eaten, ever. R.I.P. Popps. If your gonna regulate, regulate 'em all. Unfair advantage in the market place?
  2. 2 concerned parents makes a difference. Economics( environment) is huge deal. Kids ape parents behavior and influence decision making. I have 2 teen age sons with very mild learning issues. One is a sophomore in college now, and the other is graduating from H.S. It took a lot of time, school meetings, extra work at home and a serious relationship with doctors, school counselors, administrators, and teachers. Also a lot of time on the ball fields coaching them and other kids as well. We are a 2 income family, and both of us can put in some serious hours. My kids arnt perfect, they have experimented and got caught, and punished. But they know the difference between right and wrong, that hard work is needed to be good at anything, and nothing is free. Except my love and time. Kids are successful for many reasons but parental involvement and diligence is the main ingredient in our house. If you bring 'em into the world you have an obligation to them and society to work hard at it. It aint easy. And many folks cop out. If you have an environment were there are books, learning, and experimentation, the child will be better prepared to understand and deal with problems and hardships. And become more independent and skilled in the process. I know who their friends are, mostly, their friends parents, and were they are. Plus the trust I give them gets me communication. My 10 cents, for what it's worth. Every situation is unique, but strong parents/family makes the difference to me. Erik, when they took the kids out of rotten schools in DC, and gave them vouchers for private schools, the kids flourished, the parents became more involved, and kids who had struggled before pulled them selves up. They are not doomed by their environment. They are doomed by a short sighted Congress in bed with the public teachers unions. I had to get my political jab in there somewhere!! So turn off the TV, go play catch with your kid and read him/her a book.
  3. I'm so cynical, they may be plants just to keep Congress's approval rating from going to zero. But you are correct their is always a couple of white knights. In '94 when the Gingrich and his Contract with America brought in a landslide of young enthusiastic rebels, I think they had something there. But They all eventually got consumed by and spit out by the status quo machine. Either vilified and personally destroyed by the Clintonistas or shut out and shouted down by the good ol' boys of the GOP. They were not radical rt wing nuts. Fiscally and socially conservative with wariness of the Federal Govt, and faith in the folks. But that means cutting spending and taxes and allowing the market place to work. Not enough cash for the 2 previously mentioned parties to play with and skim off. You'd take those attitudes and principals right now. They have or are going to spend in this next few years as much as all presidents put together since G.W. It's all so clear now. Remember when House Minority leader John Boehner stood up in the house and held up the 1100 page bill and declared that non of them had read the bill before voting on it? It's painfully obvious they didn't because the shit they are so outraged about was spelled out in that very same bill!!!! They are outraged over something they could have prevented, and now must challenge the Constitution to save their collective ass. DUUUHHH! I'm more angry at D.C. now than I could ever be at Wall Street. Dodd was largest recipient of AIG campaign contributions. THROW THEM OUT AND START OVER. They were all so quick to sign the bill and get cash for their districts and states that they failed in their fiduciary duty to protect us and put the country first. I wonder what else was in that bill they missed that will come back and bite us in the wallet.
  4. It is tiring Mikey. It's so over whelming they are betting we arn't paying attention or can't be bothered. Thats how they get the dastardly shit done. Like their $4700 raises in January. It's almost a feeling of helplessness witch is a leading cause of temporary depression and apathy. We The People...are still their bosses. Send emails and make phone calls to your reps. Remember I spoke of the Ct legislature attempting to regulate Catholic church finances and structure? The 2 dicks who proposed the bill canceled the hearings when they heard they were going to get bumrushed in Hartford. 4000 Catholics and concerned citizens showed up anyway in protest. The legislation got cooked, and Thing 1 and Thing 2 are being reamed by their fellow Reps. Thats how it's supposed to work.
  5. He is in full campaign mode. When is he going get into leadership mode? Seems Congress is running the show. Told you Dodd was a scumbag. Documents surfaced today indicating that Treasury knew about bonus issues. In November '08. How about $40 billion going to German, French, Swiss banks thru AIG? $165,000,000 = 0.004125. Infinitesimal by the numbers they are throwing around. How much did Congress get in salary and compensation for the last year? They wrote the laws, they are the overseers and regulators. They dropped the ball. They should work for free. Or retire without their millions in pensions and medical benefits. I believe the tax law to recoup AIG bonuses is un-Constitutional. Article 1, Section9. " Section 9: The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. This is the relevant one. A contract existed, they can not create a law after the fact. No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. This is interesting, seems many taxes don't conform. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one state over those of another: nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one state, be obliged to enter, clear or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state." Why is he on Leno? Special Olympics comment would have ruined a Republican. Bush got slammed every time he was away from the W.H. Has Obama been there yet? He's out running interference and distraction campaign. Lead, bitch. Turns out C.B.O says we're $1,000,000,000,000 more in debt than we thought. It's all Monopoly money to them. Zeros for effect. I've been sick as heck the last few days. I don't have the strength to post all the shite that I've read lately, the hypocrisy is stifling. Blood pressure is up thats for sure.
  6. Just to be clear he is correct and I was incomplete with my research and statement. It's just like calling me on the phone, and I have never seen him on the boards before. Weird. AAANNNYWAY. AIG bonus uproar is a distraction. Dodd inserted a rule that allowed these bonuses to happen, and Geitner and others knew what was up. If they abrogate the contracts, they will be opening the door to weakening contract law. The Constitution states the Govt cannot do that for obvious reasons. Any law passed to tax it back is also dangerous, setting a precedent that could allow punitive laws and taxes. For political reasons. Un-Constitutional. The new "Climate Czar" Carol Browner was a board member of a Socialist group Commission for a Sustainable World Society. A sub division of Socialist International, an umbrella group for many of the world's social democratic political parties such as Britain's Labor Party, says it supports socialism and is harshly critical of U.S. policies. Power company(monitored and regulated by govt) monitoring of your thermostat? Too warm or too cool, they would turn your power down, not sure how, but thats in the works in Cali. Notice the frequent use of Czar in appointed positions? Could be worse, King Obama would create some interesting responses.
  7. I received this PM from Gray850 Of all the things I posted this tool sends me this PM. Why waste my storage space, just post it public and debate. 24 yrs old and he knows everything.
  8. Not educated, experienced. And seen positive results by different means in a similar situation. It should not be over your head. Read up or they will take advantage of you. Thats part of the plan. Most folks can't be bothered to learn the details, so it makes me laugh when this shit becomes law and they scream bloody murder when it hits them in the wallet.
  9. I saw a projected spending/debt total of 9 trillion dollars. Thats $9,000,000,000,000. $80,000 per household. Could you imagine if they wrote a check like that for you. We'd be out of this mess fast. You are the consumer, you buy things and pay taxes, and pay your bills. You hire and pay taxes and pay your bills. It's obvious the Govt doesnt pay it's bills. The Govt doesn't create wealth, it redistributes it. And they work for you not the other way around. I think they have forgotten that. Pelosi wants a jet, dammit. And not that shitty 12 seater her predecessor had. She wants a 42 seat G-5. 3 heartbeats from the Presidency, OMG she is despicable. I've been around a while, KHAX. I was a kid of the 60's, grew up in New Haven, with Black Panther trials, draft card burning, and National Guard in the streets. I still hit over 300 in Little League, tho. Point is, this spending is incomprehensible to me. I know Bush started this mess of spending, but we are going to go thru it any way, why not let it get done by the free market, shed the dead weight and poor performers, reorganize and start fresher and stronger? And quicker by the way. Look into FDR's policies during and after the Great Depression. Eerily similar Govt response, that prolonged the pain, and grew the Govt. It took almost 10 yrs to get right. 51% of workers are employed by a govt entity. Sorry kid, it was a good time back then, your screwed now. But yet I have faith in this country and the folks. We shall see, we shall see.
  10. Many of them are recycled Clintonistas. Now we see tax breaks changing for charitable donations on incomes over $200k. And mortgage interest deductions. This is not about helping us recover it's about power and control. A hand full of Republicans are loading up on pork in this new bill. Nobody is innocent. Notice China's challenges to our naval ships in international waters? Whatcha gonna do about it Obama? Hell, they own our ships any way. Just as an aside, the CT legislature is going to bring up a bill that regulates Catholic church financial operations. Establishment clause anyone? In Minnesota, there is a push to create Muslim/Sharia preferenced mortgage products. Special mortgages for a particular religious denomination? The State meddling in church operations and policy? Wheres the ACLU? Where are Americans for the Separation of Church and State? Ford balled up, refused bailout cash, renegotiated with the UAW, and will reorganize. They will recover faster than others, you watch. Maybe we should support Ford for their refusal to be a Govt funded entity. Harry Reid has denied a vote in Congress about a requirement for SS# verification on Govt money going to workers. Illegal aliens will now be able to get money and employment from taxpayers. Doled out by Uncle Sam. Can you say Hispanic vote buy? Oh, and by the way if you oppose this or question it, you are a racist. Card check for Union voting. No more secret ballot in Union elections. Another vote buy. And more control. Is this the U.S. of A. or the Soviet Union? Dow dropped 32% in 50 days. Thanks B.H.O. and the Congress from Hell. They can't scare me any more, and he tries every day. The Manchurian Candidate couldn't have wrecked our country faster and more efficiently than they have. Have a nice day. :)
  11. The marketplace doesn't like the Govt to be it's biggest employer AND regulator. It will likely get worse than better. Watch for distractions coming from the Dems. For 5 years we heard how the Govt was inept at running a war, now all of a sudden it is fully capable of running the banking industry? With no change in personnel or process? Einstein says that is insanity.
  12. I am getting pissed. No change, more of the same. Transparency, not. NO earmarks? BS. And Clintonistas Begala, Carvile, Stephanopoulous, an Rahm Emanuel have found more personal destruction powers. Disagree and you will be discredited and attacked. They are now using Limbaugh as a distraction while they empty your bank account and destroy the wealth makers. Those fuckers are unreal and un American. When are they going to do whats best for America instead of whats best for their power base? Coincidental that the cutoff for tax deductions is $200k? Just above the annual salary for a congressman or a Senator! Forget Bush, these fuckers own this pig now. It's their monster and we need to find a way to kill it. If we had let it burn to the ground, it would have rebuilt itself without the elected crooks help. It would of hurt, but it would have been shorter with stronger elements in the bounce back. Pull the Band-aid fast.
  13. Thank you for the math lesson! And you coulda made a joke about it, ya know! I'm usually pretty good about proofreading my posts. Can't edit titles?
  14. Glad to see you guys are in. I've got many parts/kits from you. My big issue is I live in CT! Sale tax and shipping can be prohibitive - especially when the taxes and shipping for a dipstick tube seal is more than the cost of the part. Way more. It was cheaper and easier to drive to my indie mechanic and get one from him. That being said, I'm down in E.Lyme every weekend during the summer, so I can drop by and pick stuff up, no? My indie mechanic is also in E.Lyme, so it all fits nicely. Good luck in your re-org. Hopefully VS discounts can mitigate some of the taxes and shipping. You def have what I need when I can't find it elsewhere.
  15. March 5th, 1770. Boston Massacre. One of the first Americans to die in Revolution was a Black man- 5 yrs later we were at war. Over taxation and tyranny. "Three Americans — ropemaker Samuel Gray, mariner James Caldwell, and a mixed race American sailor named Crispus Attucks — died instantly. Seventeen-year-old Samuel Maverick, struck by a ricocheting musket ball at the back of the crowd, died a few hours later, in the early morning of the next day. Thirty-year-old Irish immigrant Patrick Carr died two weeks later." On his deathbed, Carr forgave the soldier who had shot him. Fearing exploitation by Loyalists, Samuel Adams famously proclaimed, "You cannot trust a word he said! He was an Irish, and a Catholic!" :lol: Damn Irish! Wiki
  16. In dollar bill form it weighs more than 3 Nimitz class aircraft carriers. End to end it can go back and forth to the sun more than 3 times. It is a huge nut. And it gets spent like it's free.
  17. Or we are using less because of the Enviro-Nazis scare tactics on nuclear power generation. When was the last reactor built? More circumvention of the Constitution, Reps for DC. Must be done by approval of states and Constitutional Amendment. They are trying to do it through legislation, and bribes. Republican Hatch from Utah gets another seat in Congress if he supports DC's rep. Utah will then lose that seat when the White House completes the Census, and redistricts the nation, so Utah loses that seat to a large urban area--another Democrat seat! Plus a Senate seat? Guess witch party those seats will go to? And set a weird number for the Senate?
  18. And lets not forget self discipline. Regulation by a Govt of enablers? Counting unemployment, food stamps, and social security checks as income towards debt ratio calculations? All said before, Community Reinvestment Act under Carter. Obama is starting to get that deer-in-the-headlights look. Lets see, we'll double the national debt, then we'll cut it in half by 2012? By taxing businesses? Should have just left his pen in his pocket. We shall see, we shall see, only a month has gone by. Not sure what the plan is for me yet. I'll probably default on my mortgage and jump into the help me pool with all the other folks with their hands out. Oh wait, I calculated my debt ratio based on actual money and assets, calculated in some lay-off/ low income periods, postponed vacations and big ticket purchases, and ended up with a house I can afford if my income ends. Pffft, silly me. Like Chuck says, poor people are stupid. Legislation and regulation that allowed this to happen was wraught by politicians who knew that the low income folks that were given this so called level playing field would continue to vote them into office. It's not about helping folks, it's about them keeping their jobs and rediculous benefit packages, powerpowerpower. Bankers and the like just drove their money trucks right thru the holes Frank, Dodd and their ilk opened up. With a little scrape off the top for said politicians campaigns and pet projects of course. Tea party? French Revolution. Break out the guilotines. Take Madoff, Sanford, et al, out to 42nd street and hang 'em. That will put an end to that bullshit. Check out New Hampshire, and 25 other states are pursuing Constitutional sovereignty. I'm just getting on to this push, could be interesting.
  19. HAhaha, schoool house rock. How is a bill created by Congress? I remember that one! Biden's prediction is coming true also. Russia has made some challenging moves, Iran sent a satellite into the sky ( if we can launch one of these puppies, we can hit Israel with a nuke, by Allah!). Womans Badminton team was denied entry, and not a peep from the White House or State Dept. Signs of weakness empower your enemies. "I ( state your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
  20. Erik, I can't get far enough away from the collage you posted to see what the composite pic is. I am assuming the smaller pics make up a larger theme pic. You all seem so surprised by the last 100 days. No one has mentioned the Constitution since November. Bush had a hand in this bailout BS, but B.H.O. signed on the dotted line and now it's his economy owned lock stock and barrel by the Democrats in Senate and House. No looking back now. Unless you are still in full hate- Bush mode till you die. It used to be Global Warming now it's Climate Change. Expect more parsing and modifications of intent and definitions. HIHO ACORN, Away!!!
  21. "I think I crapped my pants!" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, OMFG he is funny. My mower is way faster, cops would have had to use spike strip to stop me, Goddummit. Steve rules RedNeckville. He got pulled over in a residential neighborhood last time. Whats the cop doing setting up a speed trap in the bayou? Just goin to tha oysta shack, occifer. This may be the best thread in all of Volvo Land! Thanks Mike, ya bastard. Steelers rule, Giants drool.... Did that deer ever come down?
  22. Transparency trumps ethics? HHS appointee didnt realize he was going to have to pay for car sevice? Anyone check out the contributors to Clintons? Arabs, red Chinese, etc. and no conflict of interest for Sec of State? Youd be in jail for that kind of tax fraud. These are the ONLY folks that can do these jobs? The smartest and brightest are tax cheats, or are too stupid to know better? We are doomed. 300 million people in the US and these are the choices? B.H.O needs to widen his political circle. Find me a social/govt run economy that is/ has worked. Don't bother, you won't find one. This gets more entertaining every day. It's great to watch from the other side now.
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