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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. I have no choice but to give it a chance. I said before I hope it works. We shall see. I will now spread many Winston Churchill quotes about the forum. Like magic fairy dust. "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. " "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. " "Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon. " "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. " "If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. " And my personal favorite: "We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English. " The guy is a genius.
  2. Thats exactly why they are pushing for it, it drive the Ruskies nuts. And forces them to spend money on counter measures. The new arms race has begun. Hey, we shot a freaking satellite moving at 17,000 mph, and hit it in a specific spot. That defintly got their bowels in an uproar. And that was with technology we've had for 20 years. I used to work on the Aegis system back in the early '80's.
  3. With what? 2 bottles of vodka and a can of sterno? That only matters if they are shooting missiles. They can't do shit about the stealth aircraft in the inventory. You could fly a Raptor around Kremlin Square for 6 hours and they wouldnt be able to do damn thing about it. Typically paranoid Soviets.
  4. Who's holding Obama responsible for the hate garbage and lies spouted by MoveOn, Huffington Post, DailyKos? Not you evidently, Boosty. Who's holding him responsible for Joe's privacy being invaded? Or the partisanship of ACORN? SO because KKK was out of their minds it's OK for The Panthers to act like thugs? Moral relativism. Very lame. And lets talk about "Reparitive Economics". Thats what is driving his socialist money grab from the haves. He believes we owe the down trodden because we made money on their backs. Thats approaching Marxism, forget socialism. The issue of reparations for slavery is in there also. But I never owned any slaves, so why do I have to pay? They should be going after tribal chiefs in Africa that sold them into slavery in the first place. And continue to do so, by the way. It's very messy, I know. But the idea of kicking in my hard earned cash for folks not even trying to pull their weight flies in the face of all things we built this country on. And it evidently flies in the face of over 125 well known, main stream economists. His economic plan sucks. Get your hands out of my pocket and I'll have some left over to donate. Shit, I got none now and I still wrote United Way a check. And the American Cancer Society. And to my church. And to my volunteer fire dept. And the Police Benevolent Assoc. And the thousands of dollars of childrens clothing over the last 10 yrs. And all the old bikes and sporting gear I renovated and gave to inner city kids. How'd the market do today? Down almost 500 points. Why? They don't think Obamas plan will get us out of the hole. Good news, my gas is down to $2.29. Now go by a V8 pickup and save the economy.
  5. Amazingly enough, its in recount. And they do need to regroup. Not sure who will come out as the leader. They will get it together, defining their message. The problem was they wanted to be all things to all people and were nothing for anybody. The late, conservative columnist Samuel Francis referred to the GOP as "The Stupid Party", for their inability to grasp issues and make them their own.
  6. Yale undergrad and Harvard Business VS Columbia and Harvard. Comparable. Except that Columbia has more nut jobs and less lesbians. My dad is Yale grad and My gramps is Columbia grad. Gramps is rolling in his grave, and my dads a lesbian. Johnny MAc and Barac do not have similar backgrounds. At all. Ever. In a million years. And 152 days on the Senate floor does not qualify you for anything except being a used car salesman. Maybe Obama applied the Law of Attraction or The Secret. I'm thinking the US Naval Academy trumps all in leadership training. Just a hunch.
  7. Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the founding fathers probably, no defintly, could not get nominated or elected. By either party. I've been volunteering time and money since I was 18. Now I'll be "volunteering" more money to support Govt causes. Somebody is getting a cell phone and a bag of frozen shrimp on my dime.
  8. Wow, Coleman could have the distinction of being beaten by Jesse Ventura and Stewart Smallie. Coleman and Franken? What the hell are 2 NY Jews doing in Minnesota, eh? Cult of Personality. Post election speeches, they said the same thing about John Kerry.
  9. What happened to "the content of his character not the color of his skin "? MLK says we fail. History has been made. We elected the first Hawaiian to be Prez. And he's as white as he is black. It's the nuts in Congress and Senate that scare me not Obama. Until he appoints the loons to courts. I say again: Al Franken? WTF! Minnesota should secede to Canadia
  10. What are you, nuts? Halt spending? Yeah, lets put a couple 100k more folks out of work. Defense is the only thing Washington should be concerned about. How about controlling earmarks for useless shit like bridges to no where and research on ketchup viscosity. I want my guys to have the best weapons systems in the world. Thats what will keep them safe. How about taking soldiers home from Europe and S.Korea? Ah, new conflict started, I feel alive again!
  11. While I appreciate his service to America, he always came off as a bumbling old man. Maybe he'll entertain us with some more ridiculous statements. 500? Futures already down, we shall see.
  12. Duh. Was it really in doubt? 3 weeks ago after the economic collapse, McCain was done. Even I knew that. A little"luck" goes a long way. Bad luck for 401k's, good luck for Obama et al. I think Mac would have held on if Wall Street didnt blow up. Just one mans opinion. Change for the chance to make change, I'm changing the way that folks can make change. Changing the change so you can make change, these time they are a changing. Wha? :lol: DO you feel changed, and how will the change change you? And who the hell votes for Al Franken, the Clown Union? Minnesotans can't be that silly. I know Coleman is not a rocket scientist, but what the hell is wrong with you folks up there? All Republicans wiped off the face of the earth in New England. Is it officially a gulag now? In CT Dems maintained a super majority in both houses, making it veto proof. And folks like me insignificant. Hey Charles, how did the Panhandle go? That may be the only place on the planet I can go to feel wanted.(sob). At least US Senate still has some sway. I dont think it was a race vote at all. I'd vote fro an African-American in a heartbeat if his politics were in line with mine. Folks like JC Watts, Rice, Alan Steele and others. The A-A vote was always for Obama, and almost all were in areas that he would win anyway. White folks elected him. And it was about the economy. The only color folks cared about was green. Should we start another thread, dealing with performance of Prez, Congress, and Senate? Kind of a watchdog thread? If taxes increase, and jobs drop, or stock market bosses get bonuses, I want this pointed out. If there is no real change, will your opinion change (theres that word again)? Any good riots last nigh? No tire fires or overturned cars? Damn.
  13. Check out the militant brother, and the great graphics. Punk Funk!! Real old scool
  14. Listening to it right now.!!!!!! o/_|\///|||//// tHATS ME DANCING! Good one Ollie!! I love how these more recent guys are getting off on the olschool. Snoops been allover it for years. Atomic Dog, Dog! One Of My Favs
  15. WHoooooa, buddy You want to be careful how you phrase stuff. I really eat that stuff and really grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood in New Haven. Don't mistake my familiarity with the culture as mocking that culture. Lets put it this way. I get along with everybody. And I draw the line at chitlins.
  16. Collard greens and Ham hocks. It's soul food, dude. I grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood. Geez, some people are so white. :lol:
  17. Of course his new National Anthem will be----"One Nation under a Groove" I'm dancin' in my LR right now!!! Feets don't fail me now!!!
  18. That whole album is real good. Good tunes, and a lot of rap stars and such paying tribute to one of the guys that started the genre. Check the album credits out, Prince, Dre, Cube, Flav, Red Hot Chillis, Humpty, plus the usual P-Funk suspects.
  19. These guys, in one iteration or another have been around since 1959. I've seen 'em twice, might have been the only cracker in the room. They played for like 4 hours, 17 different musicians, rotating on different songs. Only the best concert I've ever been to. Parliament, Bootsy's Rubber Band, Brides of Funkenstein, Funkadelic. Look out for Sir Nose DeVoidofunk, he'll steel your groove! I AM Old School!!! HaHaa!
  20. My funk God. From "Hey Man, Smell My Finger" Obama Theme Song Promentalshitbackwashpsychosisenemasquad! Make my funk the P-Funk, I wants to git funked up! Think, it ain't illegal yet!
  21. He's trying to stay apolitical I suspect, hedging his"bet". Either one can be his boss. I get it. He's a soldier, not a politician. Hmmm...Maybe we should end this stupid early voting, provisional votes, and just keep it simple. Seems too many ways to mess this up. If you can't get your vote in on time, maybe your not qualified to vote. Lots to consider here, and no simple answer. +1 on the GINTS!
  22. Voting BS has begun/ continues. Overseas military ballots were sent out late, why and how? 10's of thousands of servicemen and women may not have their votes counted. Those guys should be given tons of leeway to get their votes counted, regardless of the outcome or gap. Black Panthers intimidate would-be voters in Philly. Where is Sharpton and Jesse now?
  23. Alright, a Bugsy fan! You are correct sir it was a Palin rally. Enough of this line by line, I dont have the attention span. I will say this, I wish Obama well and success. If he is elected. That means success for most of us. I'm tired of the hate directed towards Bush and his cohorts. They don't deserve all that BS. I assume that Obama will move to the center like Bubba did. He must realize the US is a Center/Right country. He may actually piss off his lefty supporters. I'm not harbouring any hate for the man, at all. I believe he means well and will do his best to right the ship. I hope that folks will realize that McCain ran an honorable campaign, perhaps to a fault. He left Wright and Ayers off the table, never made race an issue, and left Mrs. Obama out of it. He is an American hero, with a long history of service to his country. Its too bad that the Vietnam era vet won't get a bit of redemption from his election, if he loses. Those men and women were disparaged for doing what we asked of them, and it might have put a nice feather in their caps. We have seen some real bad stuff come out of DC this last couple of years. Regardless of party affiliation, we should all hold their feet to the fire if they try to screw us over again. If the tax thing gets out of hand, if the war on terror goes sour, if CEO's keep getting bonuses and folks don't rebound, I expect all you guys that support Obama to jump up and say something. It's in the worlds best interest for America to be strong. Some folks will be dancing in the streets, OJ Simpson style, but thats ok. Many won't even know what they voted for, but thats ok. And many will feel unrepresented, and thats ok too. Things will settle down, and we'll go back to work and try to fix this thing. Can someone please smack Allen Combs. Just once, for me?
  24. Guatemalans are in vogue on the Gold Coast! Take a ride to the Rye, NY MetroNorth train station and get as many as you need.
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