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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Now that we are back on topic, a few more tidbits: Joe the Plumber asks a tough question and gets his life dissected by Obamites. Including IRS info. Florida news anchor asks tough questions of Biden, gets scoffed at, questions goes unanswered. Same station gets black listed by Obama campaign and endures massive harassment from Obamites. Media mics are not permitted near candidates after speeches when they get to the rope line and talk to voters. Legislation on the table to force " conservative" news outlets to provide equal time to "liberal" point of views. Don't they get enough coverage from mass media outlets already, or are they just pissed Air America is useless? If the Capital gains tax is slated to increase by 10% in January, wouldn't folks be more inclined to pull their capital gains now for an 85% return as opposed to a 75% return in 2009? And how is the effecting the market now? What I think is worse than ACORN is the denial of Armed Forces ballots and the tabling of legislation by Pelosi that guarantees those ballots. Last midterm election, only 5.5% of overseas Armed Forces absentee ballots were counted because of ridiculous technicalities. Thats a 94.5% failure rate, I don't believe that is possible. Are Dems afraid of the military vote? ( DUH). AS per other posts like this I don't expect many replies from the "oppposition" Oh yeah, suppression / control of the press, Govt owned banks and insurance, wealth redistribution, sounds like Marxism to me, forget about socialism. And Obama wants the Judiciary to interfere with social and economic engineering. Hmmm.....smells like fish.
  2. +1 Good illustration Charles, gets it down to the average guys world. Obvious solution ( to me)is to cut spending not increase taxes. Giants > Steelers! SOme kinda defensive game, huh? And did you catch them brook trout in WV?
  3. The whole wardrobe thing is a bunch of BS, another attempt at class warfare. She's rich your not vote for Obama. Check out what CongressMAN, Rosa Delauro, Dem CT, wears on a daily basis. Armani. On her tax funded salary, from a city, New Haven, that is crumbling in poverty and crime. Continued BS, not issues. I'm disliking the Obama camp and it's media supporters more and more. I actually believe his administration could wreck this country for years to come. Coddling terrorists, illegal immigrants getting tax payer benefits, voter fraud, freedom of speech limitations, high taxes on productive Americans...lots of stuff to think about.
  4. THATS what I'm talkin' about!! I forgot all about ol' Ted. I'm down with that vote!
  5. The ACORN issue gets deeper, and they have been exposed as a partisan organization. They should be defunded. Ironically they will now team up with MSNBC to monitor voter fraud! What a joke. More associations with Ayers, a known PLO fund raiser and Obama buddy at Columbia al- Khalidi. Supreme court appointees, both houses in Dem control, Govt owned banks and mortgage companies, raise taxes on those that have for those that have-not. Someone step up and stop this slide into the abyss of the nanny state, social and economic engineering, high taxes and no growth. Tax the rich, theyll hide the money. Tax businesses, theyll stop expanding and pass the cost onto you in the form of higher prices. Tax me more and I won't be able to afford to send my kids to college. Or purchase anything. We have the 2nd highest tax burden in the free world, and the highest taxes on business and capital gains in the world, killing our ability to compete in the world economy. Get ready for a real slow recovery. Be careful what you wish for, my Obama worshipers. I still don't see what this so called change is. Obama is buying his way into the WH. he's raised nearly 400 million dollars. HALF A BILLION TO BE PRESIDENT. It's never about the money, is it, it's about the power. The only change I see is the dismantling of the greatest economy in the world.
  6. I actually thought CNN has been ok. They have diversified their editorial staff, and at least tried to get both sides of the story.
  7. She is getting attacked daily. Now its a clothing budget. I've never seen anything like this constant hate. Ambushed by CNN today with a misquote from National Review. No retraction planned and no one gives a shit. Is any one concerned about this level of vitriol? If you can recall this kind of treatment, accurately, let me know.
  8. Probably not as much as you think. Wow, you worked hard to get all that quoted. I'm impressed.
  9. 95% of us will get tax breaks, 40% of us pay taxes. Whats the math for that? It's not even a tax cut it's a redistribution of money in the treasury. Social Security, like there will be any left when I retire, same thing. It comes from a general fund that will make for more govt debt. They continue to play with the money likes it belongs to them. If it walks like a duck...
  10. Fuck yourself JOE. I hope your shit falls apart and you have drive a Dodge dart. You are a pretentious ass. I've been pissed by others on this board, and been able to reconcile their positions, but you are the only dick I want to slap the shit out of. Fuck off. Ever work a day in your life, or are you an OC brat that whines because your beemer is white instead of black? Say something smart you little prick. You never contribute a damn thing to advance this community, provide help to others, or sound advice. I've known a couple little cunts like you, they end up dying alone with their trust finds. I didn't want you getting bailed out all. Now the cockers are gonna throw more money at the problem . Good luck with the Govt as your banker. I want to beat you up, real bad you fucking smelly ass hole.
  11. Just quoting numbers, and making a comparison. I find it interesting how folks define babies, fetuses, or zygotes. Ever seen an ultrasound of a baby before late term abortion? Looks like a human being to me. Birth control? How about self control? How about not using abortion as birth control? How about keeping your pants on, male or female? It's a multi-billion dollar industry. Employing only the finest doctors I'm sure. I'm with Chuck, now. Let the Leftists have control of both houses, and the WH. Let them wreck society and the economy. Jimmy Carter style. Centrists govts are immoral and ineffective, they fail miserably where ever they have been. Name one thats succesfull, let alone still operating. You can't do it, and I knew it.
  12. Your in denial and being dishonest. Check hit piece on Cindy McCain by NY Times.
  13. Barney Franks not a character? I do agree however. Dave does make a point, a survey 2 years ago confirmed that 89% of writer, reporters, and anchors are Dem/ leftist leaning. The problem is they tend to be very far left, forget that they are not all commentators and use their media stations as a bully pulpit to support lefty causes and agendas. All the while filtering out negatives about their side of the issue and trumpeting negatives on the other side of the aisle. It's obvoius, even if you are on that side, if your an honest person you must admit it occurs. Have good weekend, folks, weather is gorgeous here in the CT hills. I'm heading to my single-wide at the lake to drink some beer and do some fishing. Wingnut out!!
  14. I know your just joking, but the American dream for most of us is just/ fair compensation for hard work. The "pay for nothing" crowd are the ones that reap the benefits of the entitlement society we have created. Tax those that are succesfull and give that money to those that arnt. Just a few things to think about: I'm assuming Obama will win, and the Dems gain seats in both the House and the Senate, which they will, are you comfortable with a Govt that will have no checks? Republicans may not have enough votes to block any legislation or initiate any of their own, so half the electorate may not have any representation in the country. Like in larger cities the Dems run the show because they provide free money, and those folks keep voting them back into office. Is it possible we are heading towards a one party system? There is legislation out that will deny privacy on union votes, effectively allowing union leaders to put the strong arm on you if you vote against union policy and officers. That will go thru easy, unions run the Democratic Party, huge amounts of money donated thru dues. SHould you be forced to support or pay for an organization or policy you disagree with?. Do you approve of that kind of work place intimidation, and how will the expansion of unions affect wages,jobs and prices? The more union members the more Dem votes. Don't forget, companies don't pay for taxes and wages, the consumer does. Those items rise and they adjust prices up to cover those costs. They may not be any jobs to fill with union positions, however. Late night talk show jokes : ~ 280 against McCain/Repubs--- ~50 against Obama/Dems. No media bias? Katie Couric sporting a Sarah Palin hairdo at the Alfred Smith Foundation dinner last night. Thats ironic!
  15. If I move down there I won't wear a mullet! I'm sporting my stock flat top crew cut, and I'm a Giants fan, could be a conflict.
  16. I'm reffering to the people they destroyed in the 90's to get Bubba elected. All the women he assaulted, and any one that opposed his policies. It started in the 90's because his team started it. Old news and public record, not going into it any more. And as far as Dave voting with his little dave, why not? Weirder things have happened.
  17. And a pair of those sports eyeglasses!!
  18. Reagan was older, he hung in there. If age was the only concern... I'm looking and beside Obama rest of candidate appear to be a bit older. Biden aint no spring chicken pally! Ralph Nader is older, Bob Barr, older. Whats the balance between youth and experience.? At least the guy has some time in grade, time in service. PAlin ran something witha budget that counts for something. I'm not voting on eloquence or snappy replies or wit. I'm voting for stability, the Constitution, and potential Supreme Court Justices. And I'm thinking Palin can hold her own against Obama in half court one-on-one! B)
  19. So if Murtha speaks the truth, why did he apologize and not stand by his words? He's a politician just like the rest of them. Can that be the only region of the country like that? Is that his district? I'll name a hate group not there, MoveOn.org. The real question is: Hows the trout fishing there? "Western Pennsylvania is considered more socially conservative than Eastern Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia area. However, Pittsburgh's voting records show a preference for Democratic candidates. This is probably due, at least in part, to the local political history, which was formed by working-class factory workers and their families, as well as the large population of labor union members who remain and vote Democratic today (see Homestead Strike). The politics of Pittsburgh seem to have more in common with other Rust Belt Democratic areas in the Midwest, such as Wisconsin, than with the other half of Pennsylvania." I got this from Wikipedia.
  20. Barack Obama: "If I were watching Fox News, I wouldn't vote for me, right? Because the way I'm portrayed 24/7 is as a freak! I am the latte-sipping, New York Times-reading, Volvo-driving, no-gun-owning, effete, politically correct, arrogant liberal. Who wants somebody like that?" :lol: :lol:
  21. Your Reps hard at work. Senile, but hard at work. I need a scream from Howard Dean. Can I get YEEEEAAAHHHH! from the Congregation? It's sad really, he's a good man, with a good service record.
  22. Lets make an Obama pron then, any takers/ Big Black throbbing....Sounds stupid don't it? How can they provide proof? Unless you go on past experience, your driving blind. Who has the most experience? He's got as much of plan and makes fewer pie in the sky promises than Obama. Just go to his web site and read. It's all there. And it's still not good enough for me. It's interesting how you want Palin to be presidential, you hold her to the same standards. Shes the VP nominee. When was the last time the VP mattered in affairs of state? I guess Cheney did. And he's still kicking. Gore? Useless. Danny Q? Useless. Clinton began running for Prez in 1990. What a coincedence. James Carville, Paul Begala were the main agents of that policy.
  23. He really didn't. But it's out now, FF3 and Lil-Bo-Peep are racists. And the rest of you Western PA, God lovers that cling to your guns. :lol: Oh brother. Watch out, I might move down there.
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