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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. I deny that I take an US vs Them position. Its called politics. I am against what I believe is an assault on the basic values of this country over the last 30 yrs. The vile stuff that does come from sources such as MoveOn.Org, The Daily Kos, Huffington Post, and the NY Times Editorial staff, plus other outlets too numerous to name has pushed me into my position. Have you read or listened to the attacks on Palin? The hypocracy of the womens rights movement where Palin is concerned?They are offensive and beneath contempt, and I'm not talking about Saturday Night Live. Am I right all the time? No. Are the folks I stand behind right all the time? No. Do you disagree with any of Obamas positions? Have you ever voted for a conservative? Larry Flint makes a Porno about her? Ollie Stone makes a movie about GW? Michael Moore? It's a hate I have never seen before, but was started by the Clintons when they employed their tactics to destroy people who disagreed with them. It's irrational. I'm more tolerant of the oppositions opinions than they are towards me. I'll vote for folks who put country first, and have sound policies I can align with, race, party, or gender be damned. My position is well documented, not so for you and others here, so I just assume your position. My mistake. To answer your question, I trust McCains judgement, so yes I believe she will be able to do the job. How do you know she can't? You don't know anything but what you read and hear, just like me, so your just have an opinion, just like me. Does that make you right or wrong? Nope. Teddy Roosevelt only had 2 yrs experience before he became VP. Truman had nearly no experience, and did fine when FDR croaked. Is it because she's a woman? So you base your opinion on the fact she is working mom, pro life, pro 4th amendment, a relative fiscal conservative, that has nice legs. Me too. It comes down to personal beliefs, no more no less. Her character is not an issue for me. As far as Obama is concerned, dig deep to find out who he is, it's rather clouded, and if all your info comes from what he says, or his camp, your missing a a lot of important info.
  2. What, now I gotta provide demographics? Just look at the electoral map. Middle of the country is red, east and west coasts are blue. Thats population density. Poor folks are prone to living in cities and voting for people that will give them free stuff. Thats liberals to me. If you want a plush job in govt, you go to the cities and get elected by a population that wants you to get free stuff for them. Then they are addicted to free stuff, and in order to keep getting free stuff, you gotta keep electing the same people. It's a self sustaining industry. Do you seriously believe Obama will be a good president? Or Biden? You keep thinking I'm a Republican. I'm a self described Constitutional Conservative. I think the Rep party is a mess, they get lost on their way to the polls, and have abandoned the base and the message that got them elected in the first place. I guess you don't have real sharp sarcasm meter. Lets see, Texans don't hunt, fish, or subscribe to the theory of personal responsibility? I rest my case about city dwellers, you made my point for me. Where ya been the last 300 posts?
  3. Then I'm a right wing nut and proud of it. I suspect you need to look outside of NY, California cities, and DC. Then the whole state of Alaska is right wing nuts. Your definition is purely objective. I'm hording guns and ammo as we speak, I even have a pistol in Bible I hollowed out. You better watch it, if there is a revolution, the liberals like you will be outgunned. And you might have a hard time finding food, all the farmers I know are right wing nuts. And the fisherman. All the right wing nuts I know are self sufficient. They can grow their own food if need be, they can smoke their own meats, they have wood stoves so they don't depend on oil or other such fuel sources, and they all can get around without a taxi. I think if the shit hits the fan, you all will be running to your nearest right wing nuts house for help. All this is just a joke of course. Or is it? By the way there are no atheists in foxholes. You should go down south or to Texas and start talking like that and see what kind of response you get. Right wing nuts made this country. Deny it, if you can. So far I have put out a bunch of challenges for rebuttals to you and KratoR, and El director, and all I get is ignored responses, and weak links to the NY Times. So be it. It's been like this all my adult life, I live in one of the most leftist/socialist states in the Union and me and my family have more than held our own. I'm proud of who I am and what I believe. And so are my sons. Both have jobs, do well in school, respect others, and know where God is in their lives. So I am multiplying right wing nuts exponentially, because they are each gonna have 4 kids that are right wing nuts, and they'll have 8 kids each, raised as right wing nuts. We are gonna take over in 3 generations. :D
  4. Greg, that makes me ill. And thats enough for me not to vote for him, or anyone like him, or associated with him. This is a purely selfish position for me. Beside the affront to humanity, and the idea that any doctor would find this any where within the scope of the Hippocratic oath, >35,000,000babies aborted. Don't you think at least one of those children could have grown to be a great leader, thinker, or scientist? Came up with the cure for cancer? Maybe was the second coming of the Christ? I cringe when I think about my tax money going to pay for murder. Lets see, I'm drunk and I want to get laid, ooops I'm pregnant. Kill the fetus. How about a womans right to say "keep your dick in your pants"? How about the right to have self control? How about the right to postpone gratification. Rape an incest aside, pregnancy is a behavioral issue, not a disease to be treated by surgery. Forget ACORN, forget Ayers, Wright and his socialist beliefs. He's complicit in murder. I bet the majority of abortions are from poor, minority women.He's killing his own. He's a self-hating racist. I don't want my taxes to compromise my morals. 35 million, thats 6 zeros. Thats nearly 10% of the present population. Thats every person in the state of Connecticut killed 6 times. Thats nearly 7 times the Jews that Hitler murdered.
  5. Still have not seen anyone call out the scum that used to run these 2 scams. They made bonus money during Clinton admin based on the number of unqualified loans they sold. Guess that bailout really worked, huh? DJ down 700ish today. Send 'em some more of our money <_<
  6. The people you call nutty right wingers are a huge portion of this population. Many of us hunt, fish, go to church, and despise overtaxation. Not sure how that is nutty. We value the traditional family unit as the basis of our society. The nutty left wingers have tried to replace the family and God with huge government, kind of like Europe. And ACORN is not a non-issue. Voter fraud in at least 13 ,states is not a non-issue. It undermines the whole concept of one man one vote. We are not a third world country or a communist regime, like Venezuela, where ballot box stuffing is and accepted practice. Where are your quotes coming from, you cite no sources. I will not accept the NY times as a source.
  7. I checked that link. Lo and behold, NY times, LA times, Boston Globe, and AP. ALL in the tank for the Dems. While I'm sure it's true, if folks can slam Fox and other "right wing" news outlets, I reserve the right to do the same with these papers. Ny times caught in so many lies, truth distortions and one sided reporting I don't even consider it a reliable source anymore. Oh well, partisanship is the new Pegs.
  8. Yeah, thats true, but the vast majority do. So the ones that don't, don't care enough to get educated about issues or are perfectly happy getting the check from the politicians, really you and me. If you don't know or care stay home. This whole process is not meant to help citizens, it's meant to keep or put folks in power that help out very specific sections of the population. It's not about looking out for America, it's about looking out for your particular special interest. If you want to blame the system for folks not caring enough to involved on their own, go ahead. That falls at the feet of the educational system not getting folks educated enough to care about issues. Oh, forgot, education system is another govt entity and monopoly to boot. I'm beginning to see a pattern here. . Oh i know, lets throw more money at that problem and see what happens. But wait, we spend $13,000 per student in Hartford, CT. and the system and the city are a mess, graduation rates are awful, and Hartford is becoming Murder-a-kid theme park. Palin. Just to stay on topic.
  9. I knew you couldn't tell me. Non of you know. Your supporting hype, or the any body but a Republican idea. Sad. Bob Barr. They clogged up the system so bad, it will be after Nov. 4th before they sort anything out.
  10. He's as white as he is black. ACORN is the victim of uncscrupulous workers? Hire some folks that are less prone to corruption. Many of these folks don't even have addresses. How do you verify which district they vote in. Register to vote get a crack rock, and early vote for Obama, sign here please. IT's not the vote BS as much as how complicit they were in extorting loans for folks that shouldnt have them. Shaming banks by class and race warfare. They are a contributor to the mortgage crisis, and should be held accountable. Socialism is on its way folks, state owned banks insured by state owned insurance companies, overseen by state run organizations . How will they pay? Tax the rich to death. Then when they hide their money, and refuse to invest or grow their business, who's going to hire you dopes? Over 51% of the US work force is employed by a city, state or federal govt entity. Those folks produce NOTHING for the market. Unfunded retirement mandates, heart and hyper tension, rediculous pensions and golden handshakes. You can count the bank and insurance employees as federal workers now. I work for a company that bills over $1000000 a year. We show a profit of $300000. Obama tax plan kills this company. No hiring, no new vans, no new tools. Multiply that by 100000 and thats the state of small business in the US. Or we'll suck so bad due to economics we won't reach that number, and the Govt gets stiffed out of taxes, lowering expected revenue. Then the ceiling gets lowered, driving us all into the sea. Hmmm...where do I sign up for a Govt job? Oh yeah budget freezes won't let that happen as spending and bond issues decrease. Don't forget this is a govt driven economy, no tax base and all those folks are now unemployed, looking for bennies. How will that get payed for? More taxes. I'm not fooled by this, but you all just vote your little hearts out fro the savior for change. Govt just screwed you over and you will vote for more and more powerful Govt? And it won't be a different govt, you can't move a glacier with a teaspoon. Have fun.
  11. Sorry, I thought this was a relatively serious discussion. It was a funny vid tho. But really, I don't think McCain went to Strom's house to discuss Johnnies campaign. Or that Cindy, who was not his wife 30 yrs ago, but play along please, Was sitting with Mrs. Byrd discussing the dry cleaning bill for Ol' Bob's KKK shroud, do you? The guy and his wife bombed US govt buildings, and a jfederal judges house with his family inside. And a police station, and is unrepentant. Ayers, Wright, Rezko, ACORN, all goes to judgement and character. It's official, Obama Campaign gave Acorn ~$800K to register folks and get them to the polls. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't have the desire to register on your own, then you probably don't know the issues, and shouldn't be voting any way. It will go no where any way, because the truth doesnt matter, he's cute and well spoken and gosh darn it he promised me stuff. It happened, Sarah Palin has been accused of racism. What took them so long? Guess spending $250,000,000 on a campaign couldnt distance him enough from McCain. Almost 3-1 in spending and Johnny Mac is still hanging in there. Imagine if the press was fair? Too bad he's not charismatic like JFK.
  12. What article? That was a cleverly edited BoobTube vid. Whats your point? Obama can dance better than McCain? Obama hits punching bag. Obama is just like Jesus, he will turn one loaf into many. With who's money? Listen, I now your a member of the NEA, or were, no secret they are one of the largest supporters of the "Party". But I'm not feeling Haysus Obama and all the Leftist Dems. If you don't think we are headed towards a socialist state with no accountability, ask yourself this- Who owns the mortgage and investment banks around the world? Governments do. You all scream about them, yet you trust them to fix this mess? Oh brother. Nader is looking good too, if he where not near senile. I got a tough decision to make, not that my vote counts in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Connecticut, but I must vote my beliefs. Libertarian has some interesting angles on this mess. I wish Barry Goldwater was still alive.
  13. So did 96 other Senators, so what? Are you implying McCain has racist tendencies? Lets not forget the Dems of the south, and the north for that matter did not support emancipation/segregation from the late 1800's to mid 1900's. Whats your point on my statement? I just made a historical correction about my upbringing. Or is that an age reference? Them are some old dudes.
  14. I got called out, and no one comments? Hmmmm...
  15. I can't remember if these 2 have discussed what they would look for in a Supreme Court nominee. Thats absolutely the most important thing for me. Taxes, health care, military, they are not that far apart. And I still maintain Obama can't/ won't change anything, the machine is too huge and the participants are too happy with the status quo. Why would you change a system that provides a 7 figure retirement plan, free health care for life, connections to all the banks, lawyers and all the lobbyists you can handle. Free trips, a private gym, free mail, hookers and blow? Oh and all the paiges you can bang. Tell me why they will change that system, tellme,tellme,tellme. Bet ya can't. Then tell me how they'll do that, and what the new system will look like. I
  16. Oooh. A political stunt. I'm sure they will blame it on underlings they had no idea about. So you suck as a supervisor? If my dept fails its not my staff that pays for it I do.
  17. So why don't you complain about them being "inaccurate" or wrong. Why don't you come up with rebuttals and opposing facts? You can't because they are on the money with most of there stories. Or your lazy. Congress has the power to stop practically anything he wants to do, even the minority party has options. Face it, they all signed on to Iraq, and they are just as culpable. Why arnt we having hearings about freddie and fannie? Because the Dems control the committee and they are the ones who enabled the failures.
  18. Read about Sarbanes/ Oxly legislation. Sorry about the spelling. Every economist of note condemns the idea of raising taxes and introducing new govt spending as a sure path to delayed recovery.
  19. Stop calling me Mr. Cletus, that makes me feel / seem older than I am . Listen, Obama has ignited the youth vote, and the left has the media in its pocket. Why is everything that FOX reports questioned on its voracity? Do you think they are lying? If McCain was associated with David Duke, would that change your opinion of him? Obama's associations are questionable. If he's on the board of Acorn, he approves their policies and behaviors. If he's buddies with known domestic terrorist he share some of hid philosophies. Same with Rev. Wright. He denies but he must have been influenced by these individuals. Oh and he lives on the same block as Louis Farakhan, noted lover of the white establishment. Interesting how i posted a bunch of stuff, opinions, facts and personal positions, and you all ignored it. No desire to debate my side, so you just gloss over and go forward with rhetoric and opinion, no counter points? Disappointing but typical. You called me out and I ponied up and you have no commentary. Your silence speaks volumes. I did not watch the debate, so I have no input. I think the term "rule" does not apply to a President.
  20. The last million yrs? Oh thats right the WTC fell by itself.
  21. Ignore the man behind the curtain, the Great OZ has spoken! Goes to judgement, and possible quid pro quo. Ayers still thinks he could have done more damage. Did you read his comments on 9/11? Kill your parents? Oh well, they'll hang McCain with the Keating 5, and not say squat about Obamas adulterous relationships. Lets face it, he's the most liberal member of the Senate, hands down. Can't wait for the tax plan. Hey Dave, He's gonna win. Get used to it. But all his pie in the sky plans for health care, etc. will have no legs. Why? We gots no money. Unless he tries to strip down the military again. Or tax us into the Dark Ages. Let them run the show for 4 yrs, we'll see how bad they screw it up. Most ethical Congress in history my hairy Chewbacka ass.
  22. You gots pimp rimpz!


  23. Jim Cramer finally lost his mind. "If you need your money in the next five years, pull it out of the market now" I paraphrase, but isn't that bad to do with the Dow down 600 points? Looks like European and Asian markets are worse off than us!
  24. I like that about you! Wow what a blow hard, huh? I think I made that speech somewhere before, it came too easy. The 2nd edition will be more exciting with previously unreleased anecdotes. And it wasn't so much Black Panther riots as it was the Angela Davis/ Bobby Seals trial.
  25. It occured to me that I have provided way to much info here, and you don't deserve an explanation of my motives anyway. I posted this for 4 days and none of you responded with counter arguments, or observations. This has happened a lot when I provide eveidence/facts, no one can respond in kind. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid boys.
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