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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. How's it working out for Russia? Health care blows, and no disposable income...I'm sorry but you are demented. It's a failed experiment, every where. I work for my money and expect to keep it. You got any kids? A mortgage? Get a freekin grip. Or move to a socialist state and report back how great it is. JEEEESUS HELP MEEEEE, I'm surrounded by fools. I'm sorry about that DD, I thought we were closer to agreement on issues but if you call socialism a good thing we part company fast. I am unsubscribing from this thread because I am blue in the face about this circus. PM me if anybody wants to discus this topic or get my opinion, this is no longer interesting or entertaining. I'm taking my ball and going home. I'll beat you all to it... WAAAAAAWAAAAA. And read the fucking Constitution....of the United States.
  2. Your all drinking the Kool-aid. When the taxes go up and revenues go down and socialism sets in, we'll kick the Dems out and try the Republicans again. Thats how's it's been and thats how it's gonna be. Truman won WWII and they kicked him out on his arse. If they read and followed the Constitution we'd still be ok. Why don't we try that for once? But I repeat myself once again. This is getting painfully boring. You all seem to have the answers, why don't you run for public office? Because you'd get your lives torn apart and your ass handed to you by the press and the political sharks, thats why. Non of us could stand up to the pressure and the scrutiny. I don't believe a single one of us could stand the bright lights and pressure. Thats because the system sucks and is run by nothing but money and the desire for power. And a $ 4 million pension. Non of these people give a shit about you. Colin Powell was smart and stayed away from all that fungus in DC. Bet he's smiling now. You think Obama is noble? At least McCain knows the definition. And he still ain't my ideal candidate. Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party FTW. Be carefull, you all may get what you wish for, Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the Community Activist. Thomas Jefferson just rolled over in his grave.
  3. Oooh, my wife used to work form them when they were First Union. She got offered a package to move to Charlotte, but we turned it down. Good thing. Whats there gonna be, like 3 banks left? Then the anti-trust regulation should be flying soon. <_<
  4. :lol: :lol: Those assholes tagged 110 pieces of pork on to it to make it palatable! Including something for wooden practice arrows for some youth organization, holy shit they are stupid.
  5. There you go, OH WELL. You judge by different standards. 5 weeks vs 30 years, She did OK. He bored me, at least she looked into the camera instead of press row like Biden did. He had enough double talk to convince me the change thing is bullshit. She didn't wow me, but she didn't stumble too bad either. Lets be frank, Joe has been a blow hard Senator, delivering BS to the floor of the Senate for a long time, and she's a new comer that needs to get her ducks in a row and smooth out her delivery so she can be just as big a blow hard as the rest of 'em. This helped Repubs, didn't hurt Dems. Palin did sound genuine, and like a regular person, which I think a lot of folks will relate to. Lets face it, there are only a couple of members posting in this thread that are on the fence or remain semi-neutral. The rest of us have staked out our position, and will not be swayed. I try to see both sides and present the facts as I've found them, but obviously the Republican ticket represents more closely my families values. I have written stuff in 3 different forums, and find my self repeating my mantra. The rest of this campaign will be nothing but a blow by blow, gotcha thread, pointing out the perceived flaws of each candidate.
  6. Not if folks are making money at the time. Cronies win and you lose. To change he it he has to introduce a bill, or an executive order. I'm not going to get into Schoolhouse Rock here and trace the life of a law or bill. "I wave my hand and all banking and mortgage laws shall be changed so that you must show proof of employment and your last 3 months of a pay stub! So sayeth the Supreme ruler!" Don't think so. Theres plenty of blame to go around, but you can't blame everything on W. In one breath you all think he is a bumbling fool, and the next minute you expect him to have xray vision and be able to fix all these screw ups by flying backwards around the Earth. Keep counting on Govt to bail us out and we'll be sinking faster. They are all propaganda channels, NBC,CBS, ABC are the worst.
  7. No one was sent into abject poverty, you can stand to live under a Republican. The Mexico reference is to the tolerance of the border war, La Razza, and other org, that want to annex parts of the SW back into Mexico. I thought Washington was part of Canadia ?
  8. Ignorant? At least he can speak the language. You'd think hard working immigrants would learn that just so they can read their paychecks to see if the Anglo boss did not rip him off. Germans speak better english than most of us here. " Bobby, you failed english! Bobby, you speak english!" :lol:
  9. This is certainly true. My Grandpa told me the first thing his father did when he got here from the Ukraine was to learn english. Not the point of the post, however.
  10. From an Email I received. How many zeros in a billion? This is not funny as Congress is about to spend 700 billion! The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases. A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959. B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age. D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth. E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it. While this thought is still fresh in our brain... let's take a look at New Orleans .... It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division. Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D) is presently asking Congress for 250 BILLION DOLLARS to rebuild New Orleans Interesting number... what does it mean? A. Well... if you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, and child) you each get $516,528. B. Or... if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787. C. Or... if you are a family of four... your family gets $2,066,012. Washington , D. C HELLO! Are all your calculators broken?? Accounts Receivable Tax Building Permit Tax CDL License Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Dog License Tax Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Fuel Permit Tax Gasoline Tax Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Inventory Tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax) IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax) Liquor Tax Luxury Tax Marriage License Tax Medicare Tax Property Tax Real Estate Tax Service charge taxes Social Security Tax Road Usage Tax (Truckers) Sales Taxes Recreational Vehicle Tax School Tax State Income Tax State Unemploy ment Tax (SUTA) Telephone Federal Excise Tax Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax Telephone State and Local Tax Telephone Usage Charge Tax Utility Tax Vehicle License Registration Tax Vehicle Sales Tax Watercraft Registration Tax Well Permit Tax Workers Compensation Tax STILL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago... and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt.... We had the largest middle class in the world... and Mom could stay home to raise the kids. What happened? Can you spell 'politicians!' And I still have to press '1' for English. I hope this goes around the USA at least 100 times What the heck happened????? = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Unfortunately Krato, thats true of most Americans. Then they get the govt they deserve. I would think as member of the Armed Forces you would want to know as much as possible about an individual that could send you into harms way. It's sound bites and gotchas. If we rely on mainstream media outlets we will never know whats up. Only by asking questions and doing some research are you doing the voting process any justice. Whomever you vote for now whats what.
  12. You conveniently left out Bubba Clinton. In 1992 he also was involved in softening regs for underqualified borrowers by insisting that welfare and unemployment compensation be counted as income when calculating debt ratio. Olberman is a former ESPN anchor who specializes in propaganda, and mostly O'Reilly bashing (head to head O'Reilly crushes him), for the left on MS-NBC. Not really surprised that you don't know who he is. They are easily at the bottom of the ratings table, maybe less than 100K people watch the channel let alone him. I mad a ton of money under Reagan, and bought my house and got educated on the G.I. Bill. Did ok under Bubba too. Actually, he's not looking too bad now! They were all making cash and getting cheap mortgages under them, why would they check the process? How much power do you people really think the President has? Nothing gets done unless Congress and Senate say OK. Thats called checks and balances, and prevents Prez from acting like a king or dictator. Basic civics. If the Prez has to micro manage the financial industry, don't you think thats a distraction? Look at it with out 20-20 hindsight.
  13. I never generalized about all Muslims. I clearly referred to RADICALS. I'm not sure you understood that either. Big difference between War Criminal and Prisoner of War. I'm sure a bigger attack is planned. Whats more disturbing is that reasonable peace loving Muslims and their leaders don't speak up or fight back against the facists that have hijacked your religion. The silence speaks volumes of approval. Gains? I can sleep at night. Al-Queida grows stronger? Their using children in Iraq as homicide bombers and foot soldiers. Thats a desperate bunch. They are a persistent minority, destined to be marginalized, and any state that supports them will remain the same. Did they really think 2 buildings and 3000 murders would bring this country down? They'll have to kill all of us first. If you see such injustice why do you not got to the Crescent and fight for your cause? Why do you stay in this evil country? The world bashes us all day long, but line up on our shores to live here and enjoy our open society, the benefits of our Constitution, and the stability of our Govt. The US was created out of the desire for freedom of religion. Remember the Ottoman Empire and the Crusades. Compile all the bombings in Indonesia and Bali, Kobar Towers, Madrid trains, London. Cowardly acts against civilians, not a war fought by soldiers. How about the Muslim leaders and war lords in Africa, Sudan and Somalia. How many civilians have been starved and butchered? They usurp the power of God on Earth. They think they can interpret what the Lord wants and how He wants it carried out. To presume you know what God wants by mortal men is blasphemy. And hypocritical. I guess no one is innocent, huh? America sucks, let me in, give me a job, and a free education, and feed me. Then I'll do all I can to tear her down. I hope you enjoy the freedoms here, and that includes your right to say what you say. And I will continue to defend your right to do so, with blood if need be. I grant you one get out of jail free card for your gaff about POW's- War criminals.
  14. Your being very trite. You know nothing about her other than what you see on CNN or MSNBC. She's a real person not a toy doll or a dumb blond. Find me a politician who you think is 100% You can't do it. Biden is a boob, she has boobs. I'm going with the mammaries. Bush ran your state and you still live there. Until Mexico takes over.
  15. Did you pay attention to the Dems like Franks and Dodd, screaming at banks to let unqualified folks borrow in 2003-2004? Ever heard of the Community Reinvestment Act, Enacted in 1977 under Carters watch? Don't be so short sighted, do some research. They strong armed banks to lend to less than qualified candidates, claiming racism and other class warfare tactics-that was not any presidents doing. Google ACORN. Get the whole picture. This is getting very repetitive. Folks need to get more than there side of the story. It's laughable that Barney and Chris are presiding over this debacle. If your buried in Keith Olbermans lap you should get Hannities side too. Be fare or stay out of the debate. If they used the airline banckruptcy plan only the investors in those companies would be hurt. This bill will hurt all the taxpayers.
  16. Who's the war criminal? You better be real fucking careful who you pin that label on! You forget the whole tenet of the radical Muslim. If it takes a 1000 yrs they want non Muslims dead. Or converted. Your talking about politics and they are taking about God and martyrdom.They all talked in Oslo with Arafat, he assured all that he wanted peace with Israel, then went in front of his cohorts and swore to drive the Israelis into the sea. You need to get a grip on radical Islam. Your syntax leads me to believe you are not a naturalized US citizen. I apologize if I am incorrect, just curious as to your citizenship. Hopefully this crisis will keep spending and bullshit taxes under control. This may be the tipping point that sends US Gov back to were it belongs, on the sidelines while the folks fix it. Iraq and Afghanistan = no attacks on US soil in 7 yrs. As far as I'm concerend, Bush did his job. The rest is icing.
  17. HArHAr. I know Mike, I never try to take injurnet correspondence too seriously, tho I fail at that often . How about he gives a lesson so we can learn something instead of chastising folks so often? Seriously.
  18. Ok, explain to me oh-annointed one, my flawed analysis. Bad loans got approved and bought, folks defaulted and the paper was worthless. Jeez your arrogant, all the time. You should try some humility.
  19. It might have gone thru had Pelosi kept her fat fucking mouth shut. They hadn't even voted yet and she threw Bush under the bus again. She forgot that Dodd and Franks were screaming for "affordable housing " for the poor unwashed masses 5 yrs ago. Dumb cunt. The Dems got scared that McCain would get some kind of credit for the save. Don't blame Republicans, 95 out of 235 Dems voted no. I'm glad it did not go. The folks said no and they listened for once. 51% of investors hated this. You got no business taking a loan on speculation, thats what happened. "I'll get this shaky loan, and when my house goes up exponentially in price, I'll refi and be all set". Oops. Greedy cockers okayed these loans on the same premise. Just because you can do something doesnt mean you should. Why should I pay for bad judgement? And greed? Let 'em fry Mikey, let 'em fry. I got no job, and no money in the market to speak of, make the pigs pay. I almost get the Bolsheviks now. 777 is largest points drop. Not even a top ten drop in percentage points. Relax. They'll work it out. I'm planting a Victory garden so I can eat.
  20. Bigger govt = bigger fraud and waste. Obama and Bush are big govt types, you got what you ask for.
  21. Franklin Raines, Clinton appointed former head of Fannie Mae, Obama campaign advisor. Directly involved in the plan to provide"affordable housing" for less than qualified "borrowers". Also complicit? Barney Franks, and Chris Dodd, heading the hearings, what a joke. Former Fannie Mae chairman, Jim Johnson, headed Obama's VP search team. He resigned because of his involvement in the collapse. Obama has taken $126,349 from Freddie and Fannie, second highest in the Senate, next to, and no surprise here, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd. If you really want to get ill, check into an organization called ACORN. Being investigated in voter registration fraud (Democrats?), and possible collusion in "affordable housing" loans to high risk borrowers. Tax payer subsidized too boot. No change, just different tactics we don't recognize. Thats a lot more substantial then a smirk on a, mans face.
  22. Hahahahaa. I love that freekin show. I find I'm getting bored with this campaign now. They should start running on Oct 1st. They should be in the Senate working for their pay. The 2 of them spent $94 million on ads last month. 2 to 1 Obama. I might add. He taalks a good game, then takes all the cash he can get anyway, just like th rest of them. Change my ass. At least I know what I'm going to get with McCain. I don' trust Obama and the side of the Democrartic party he hangs with. I take his association with Ayers and Wright seriously. The remnants of the 60's radicalls that fought against the Establishment are now the Establishment. Left over anarchists, atheists and race mongers. Now are the lawyers, accountants, and politicians. And soon to be the overseers of the asylum.
  23. Another one bites the dust!!! Just say no to WaMu!!
  24. Nice rally today. No deal reached by polls on bailout tonight. Could be a dive in market tomorrow due to jitters.
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