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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Stalin was not a smart soldier. You must give them credit for Stalingrad, luring the Germans into Russia, and stretching the supply trains then pincering in behind them. Then again, Hitler was a crazy/ dumb bastard also, with no real vision. If he had allowed his Generals to do their jobs, we may be speaking German now. No tea makers!!! LOL . We drink dehydrated coffee. M1A4s do have internet cafe's in them, however! Good job on the Iranian's name. He is a despicable creature, none the less. We are having quite the love fest now, heh? No one else seems to be chiming in lately. It's all about respecting the other fellows views. Makes for a more civil society.
  2. SO when will the media call them out on this instead of attacking her for wearing go-go boots or being a bad mom? Obama had no choice but to sign on to that legislation, or be labeled soft on terror. I bet 99% signed on to that piece of paper. Tax the wealthy more? Who do you think creates the jobs? You'll get more back if you still have a job, and those that are still unemployed don't bankrupt the system before I get my check. Earned income tax credit? Isn't that a rebate for folks who don't pay taxes? Smacks of income redistribution to me. I'm not a Republican shill, I think the whole system is a mess of BS and red tape.
  3. Might as well just ask about nationality. I'm an Irish Roman Catholic, French Hugenot, Scottish Protestant of Ukrainian Jewish decent. Oh yeah I have a relative that had no wife, but still bore children, probably from one of his slaves. So who's the minority desereving special treatment now?LOL. Explains why I can dance and love soul music and food. No joke. Plus I can guilt my kids like no other parent on the planet.
  4. Yes it is, thats my big issue. I'd rather have conservative judges than judicial activists that interpret the Constitution to suit a liberal agenda. But thats my political position, so no surprise. Don't worry, abortion will still be a protected "right", even if you get 9 righties.
  5. Another Dennis Miller quote paraphrased: "1.8 degrees in 100 yrs? I can't tell that temp difference in my hotel room, when I'm trying to set the a/c. Another 100 yrs is 3.6 degrees, I still won't be able tell!" More food production, more water front property for me, ( my house is at 1000ft elev.) And less back breaking snow? I love South Carolina. I won't have to idle my car in the driveway to warm it up and melt the ice on the windows, I won't have to burn as much propane to heat my house, I can spend less on clothing, ( nylon, and other synthetics to make boots, gloves and coats, = petroleum products) more on fishing gear and suntan lotion. Maybe my lawn will die and I can stop running my lawn equipment, use less fertilizer, weed and bug killer, keeping ground water cleaner. So those are petroleum based products, no? Who's the conservationist now? Plus all you pot heads can have a longer growing season up here!!!
  6. Until McCain croakes, her policies are not relevant. The Us govt is set up so a loss in on branch can not damage the country. The President is much less important than we think. Congress and the Senate is more important to running the country. We have had some terrible Prexies , and none of them has ruined us yet. Good to see the usual political animals here, I was tired of beating on the Obama thread. I Like her. All the old establishment white man bashing, and you complain about a fresh face? Gotta start somewhere. She has excited the base, thats all that counts. Anyone with "experience" will be an insider beholden to special interests, lobbyists, and the good old boy net work. Mike, she won't bail, and the God stuff don't bother me. If the negative press bothers her ( she must have known what would be coming), she should get out. I'd rather vote for someone with a moral compass than one who believes in nothing, except himself. By the way, does anyone know who the last Senator was that was elected prez?(I do). It's almost always a governor. No politician writes 100% of their own speeches, ever.
  7. Rewards for taxes are not destined for middle class or above. You have a very idealistic view of the tax system, and of course in a pure world it would work as you suggest, but waste, fraud and red tape eat into the theory. The machine is to big. And you don't want your suspension to rattle either! Wow are you demanding! You reinforced my point on leadership. Rummy is gone, and the troops Shinseki requested got there and did the job. Trust not the politicians, but the men and women who know about the situation on the ground. I know what your comparison to Stalin is about, but the man murdered 50 million people, so the analogy is a little dangerous. Please be careful throwing terms like Nazi, Hitler, and Stalin around, they are real mass murderers and psychopaths. Rummy was just delusional, not murderous. You have impressed me with your grasp of the world at a relatively young age, and I enjoy the debate. The internet is a weird place to debate, you can not see facial expressions, or detect tone of voice or inflection, and it is easy to hide behind the keyboard and sling expletives and other words you would not say to a persons face. I am challenged by that when i do this. Most young folks are not engaged or bother to inform themselves. The election now gets more interesting, I'm sure we will have more to discuss here. By the way, most of the problem has not been with regular Iraqi forces, they were dispatched rather easily. The problem is the urban fighting and controlling neighborhoods. The strategery changed, leaving units in areas so they could get to know the citizenry and be aware of strange faces, build relationships, and act as a local police force, allowing folks to get back to normal as best they could. A great battle to study was in the first Gulf war, the battle of 73 Hastings. A platoon of US Abrahms tanks(4) busted a hole in the Republican Guards defensive positions, and mauled a company level unit, approx 20 tanks, in something like 17 minutes. Without a scratch. Our stuff and our guys are that good. I'm an old tank commander, so the recounting of that battle brings a swell of pride to my chest. I sometimes wish I was young enough to get back in the turret and lead a charge. Old Cav soldiers never die, I'm afraid. Be safe in the coming storms up the coast.
  8. Appreciate the rationality compliment, I'm usually foaming at the mouth in frustration over folks lack of common sense, some of which you appear to posses. Sorry, I couldn't resist a backhanded compliment. I am a little skittish about many govt programs that seep towards infringing on property an privacy rights. I figured you were just being a lazy, your patriotism is not at issue. Your family should have taught you much about the price of freedom. I was in the Army as a Cavalry trooper in the '80's. The leadership within the Services now, politicians not withstanding, is the best in the world. You will be equipped with the best gear, and train in the best facilities, by the best people on the planet. It saved me from drugs, alcohol, and an idle mind. And the states used to have the final word whether the Guard went or not, more Fed interference in the operation of the states. If the Dept. of Ed. was disbanded at the Federal level, the money and resources would stay in the individual states, enabling them to make independent decisions, in effect 50 experiments would be in progress searching for the most effective, stream lined education system. That would be a true market test of an educational process. And a reduction in property taxes, which is a towns/ states usual method of funding education. My biggest gripe is not being able to use the merit system to get rid of poor teachers and promote excellence in education. The unions have killed that possibility, and they pay a lot for that protection to entrenched political types. A couple of things. You should really read the Federalist Papers, written 300 yrs ago, that would give you great insight into the intentions of the Founding Fathers. Read Payne's pamphlet, Common Sense. I am not anti-govt, I am pro-individual. If we all take care of ourselves we will have plenty left over to help those who can't help themselves. Leave govt out of it to do its few and enumerated tasks, and the people should be able to take care of the rest. I know this sounds like pie in the sky, but it's a goal to reach for. It used to be like that, now we need some one to hold our hands all the time. To paraphrase Dennis Miller: Could you imagine Thomas Jefferson coming back today and witnessing the debate on taxation? Those fuckers shot the bastards for taxing their breakfast beverage, and it wasn't even coffee!
  9. Why should a small business have to shell that out? Yes it costs that much. I work for a small business and thats the number for a family of 4. I don't think you should be taxed at the federal level for those programs, read deeper, I said those programs should belong to the states. Yes we should eliminate the Dept. of Ed. It is so succesfull in producing a quality education in the US. Yep, they are in a legislative body that is the most useless in US history. Approval rating lower than Bush's. Being dismissive of the time some one spends at work is not an argument. I pay the SOB almost $220,000 a year, he should be at work. All of them, Republicans included. You try working 150 days in 3 yrs and let me know how that works out for ya. Yeah, Russia has a military, did you totally miss my point? She commands the state National Guard, and make decisions everyday that affect peoples lives, everyday. Economy, weather issues, industry, all come under her office. She hasn't been running for office for 2 years. They were pissed at the economy because the Govt runs it. Employers wanted the right to fire inefficient workers, and when that went thru the folks went nuts. Reducing taxes and increasing tax base is not a McCain thing, it is historical reality. I'm not going to re-address my own issues. You mistake me for a Republican shill. I have said this before-- I am a Constitutionalist and really don't like either parties politics, but like you I am going with the lesser of 2 evils, and the folks that I feel preserve my rights the most. Palin is refreshing and I know a lot of women like her, including my wife. The numbers I quoted about health care came from Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, so check them out and tell them they are wrong. History has shown the Socialist experiment to be a failure, world wide. People should govern themselves. You have no problem slamming the existing system yet you are willing to trust them with more of your money, your kids education, social welfare, health care, retirement system, and to fix all the social woes the US has. I want less of that. If I only had half the money I sent to the SS administration, I would be retired with a mass of cash to infuse into the economy. I will never see my Social Security payments. And I speak the truth about left wing wackos, they have spread foul untruths about Palin and her family and some asshole did release her Social Security number to the public. You need to stay current on your facts, pally. By the way, do you have a centerfold of Marx? Read up on the Communist Manifesto, you may find similar points to the Democrats platform. Oh brother, I keep having to defend my position, I'm getting tired of it. I've been around for a long time, and seen a ton of shit good and bad, left and right. My military service taught me a lot, but being a father, husband, and tax payer taught me even more. I've been to Europe, most of the US, grew up in New Haven during the '60's. So I rest my case on my experiences and education, you won't change my position. At least I theoretically cancel out your vote. Unfortunately, CT is a deeply entrenched Dem state, beholden to labor unions and govt employees, so no matter how I vote I'm not represented. Enjoy the rest of the hot air here, I'm going to talk to my kids about the evil of relying on Govt to solve your problems. Oh, and could you please capitalize the word America? It's a proper noun.
  10. 825,000 Canadians waiting for surgery, 1 million in UK. Canada is 24th of 28 developed nations in number of doctors per 1000 patients. US has higher 5yr survival rate for 13 of 16 most prominent cancers. It could cost a small business $12,000 per yr to insure a family of 4, with the potential for the loss of nearly 225, 000 lower income jobs. The only thing the US Govt should be doing is provide a potent military, the rest should be left to the states and the free market. My friend served 2 yrs in USMC, on a base in the Aleutians, guarding a radar station, and patrolling the coast line. He has seen things I can't speak of the Russians do. Sounds like Obama has experience with the border of Wisconsin. 3yrs in Senate? That translates to about 150 days working in DC. He has been on the campaign for 2 yrs, what legislation could he have possibly initiated? What do you suppose the tax rate and the unemployment rate is in France? I bet >40% and >10%. The govt has its dick in everything over there and it's a mess. See riots of 2 yrs ago. You can't fire anyone. Lower taxes on 95% of us means higher taxes on business, especially small business, the majority employer in the US. More taxes = less hiring and capital investment. You lose. Fact is tax revenue goes up when taxation is reduced, more businesses are opened more people are hired more businesses expand, increasing the tax base and distributing the burden. The Fed should not be in the insurance business, or any other for that matter. If it got the hell out of the way and let the free market rule, insurance would be cheaper and more accessible to more people. No one goes untreated any way, I've payed fees for the "uninsured" and watched as uninsured leaped ahead of my mothers emergency visits in the waiting room. Move to Sweden, I think their tax rate is 60% And its cold. Begone, one less socialist to deal with. Oh yeah, they should have shot a couple of anarchists, cowardly little pricks. They did not cause any problems or attack anyone in Denver, so I just lump them in with the rest of the left wing wackos in the Democrat party. The crowd they attract is reason enough to vote for McCain. Left wing wackos are going after Palin, releasing her SSN, and attacking her family- she must present a threat to them, good. I love how they are comparing her to Obama, instead of McCain!! Patton said hold 'em by the nose while you kick 'em in the ass! They'll be so distracted and consumed by her, they will spend a ton of cash trying to filet her, while Johnny Mac gets down to business.
  11. This is big for me, all the other possibilities were mundane. And if they win, she could be the anti-Hillary in 2012! Chick fight! :lol:
  12. He doesnt have to top it. That speech was for the congregation, not to try and persuade the fence sitters. It was a rock concert, not a platform defining moment. I watched some of it. And I won't watch much of the Rep Convention either. Boring. I already know what I believe in, and I already know what the candidates believe in. Obama and I are on opposite sides of the Universe. His comments about cutting missile defense research alone doomed him with me. Same old liberal mantra, kill the military, tax and spend our way out of some perceived socio-economic problems while ignoring the real issues. Besides, he spent too much time hammering at McCain instead of talking about how, for example, he will help fix Americas fatherless family problem. By the way, if that stupid fucking peanut farmer opens his mouth again I might kill myself. During Carters administration, 18% mortgage rates, odd-even day gas lines, and inflation thru the roof. So when Obama and his family was struggling , Carter was partially the reason? Hmmm. He stated McCain was "milking his POW status". Just not true. Carter was in nuclear subs, I feel a little uneasy that the dope had his finger on the button of a nuclear missile. No one has answered me about the questions that were posed to Obama supporters, Dukakis et al, about what his changes will be. No answers from them or you folks? Obama voted "present" over 100 times in the Illinois State Senate, neither for or against an issue. He doesn't even know what he stands for. Historic: McCain chooses Gov Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate. Good choice. Executive experience, pro life, busted up the good ole boy network in Alaska, and an NRA member to boot! 5 children, one of which has Downs syndrom, the Real Conservative on the ticket. Talk about putting a pin in the Obamistas balloon, I'm now encouraged. She was also a Miss Alaska candidate and a hockey player!! My kinda women, guns and hockey, hmmmm. It's slipping away Barack, quick say something profound!
  13. We are doomed if folks go to him for info!! :lol:
  14. Why do you think any other source would be better or worse? Is it because he is against the candidate? Open the mind, the truth will set you free!! :D
  15. Nice link 3x7, but it will be condemned because Beck is considered by the left a "Conservo-Nazi". Never mind that CNN is the most left leaning news outlet there is. It's the truth that really hurts. I also watched as Dem surrogates, supporters and shills were questioned about Obama's accomplishments what , where and why. With no direct answers. At all. 7+ including that political power house Dukakis, deflecting questions about the boy wonders resume. He has none, I'm sorry to say. No bump in the poles from his convention or his nomination of Biden. Usually you get a 7 to 10 point bump in the poles, nadda for him. Hmmm. Could and old white guy win? I thought this was going to be slam dunk for the Dems, he has 3X the cash to spend than McCain, it should be a wipeout. Except everyone forgot about the anchor of this country, the average middle class American. We keep clinging to our guns and religion, and voting with common sense and conviction. San Fran, L.A. and the Lower East Side., thats his crowd. And the hippies in Oregon and Warshington! :lol:
  16. Justin's old white guy he won't vote for! :lol:
  17. They say the corporate media was not covering his gaffs, yet all the clips came from corporate media outlets. Thats plain stupid on film makers part. Blah blah blah, so his quotes are ammo. Baracky's quotes can be used against him also. By the way any thing Olberman says comes out like Sports center, he's the biggest idiot on cable. He said she said, big deal, what do you stand for, thats what I want to hear about. Supreme Court is the big nut for me. Dont worry Planned Parenthood, Roe V Wade can't be repealed by the courts, it takes a Super majority and 75% of the governors to change the Constitution. How many Einstein's or Salks have been terminated in the name of sexual freedom? Yeah for the Free Love Generation.
  18. Who cares? They are all bazzilionaires, and have no concept of how middle America lives or feels. They think taxed money is theirs to do as they wish. I'm spoiling for an uprising!
  19. Can an R bumper really give you 10 more HP? How about a wagon spoiler? That must get me 15hp! Is it worth it to Turbo my n/a? Hahaa, nite nite. Just an info link anyway, tax revolt and such.
  20. Read Me, Even tho Glenn Beck is mentioned!
  21. Mr. Obama has proven himself to be a standard tax and spend politician. He is not a change, but more of the same. His campaign will spend almost 1/4 billion dollars, thats $250,000,000, for a job that pays $400,000. He is backed by huge hedge fund managers, the American Bar Association, the NEA and the AFl-CIO. He's about as much a change as another Kennedy in office. Bob Barr is starting to look good to me, and Ron Paul will get another look. I might even nominate Chilledman, if he makes me the Secretary of Defense. Now that would be a change. How about some one who runs the govt like I run my house? I stay within my budget, I don't reward poor behavior from my sons, and a little deficit spending that helps us get some perks once and a while. That would be a change. I am at ideological odds with Mr. Obama, but I certainly see no change coming from him. They want to spend our money on handouts. Just to be fare, why do we subsidize the tobacco industry / farmers and then damn their product and sue them for billions? Why is the reproduction rate 3 times higher for women / girls on public assistance, thats from 2006 US Census (see rewarding bad behavior)? Until they let me keep my hard earned money, or at least approve their little projects,I consider their actions outside the Constitution, and illegal. Dems created Social Security, what a joke, and the GOP came up with Federal income tax. Boosty, i'm getting livid again!! The fed govt is too fucking big, it messes in things it shouldn't, it is run by lawyers and millionaires that cling desperately to their power and influence, and make their own rules. Sounds like the Roman Senate, destroyed from within by self interest and lack of dedication to the people they represent. The Empire soon fell, with private armies and private interests shredding it to bits. I know GLennBeck is mentioned hear, Boosty, just click and read please!!
  22. Well spoken and I respect your position. NO individual party or person can take this country down, well put.
  23. I'm retracting my anger. I will not be baited into lowering my civility by a moron. I am banning myself from this forum in the best interest of my dignity. I hope the level of discourse here won't remain in the gutter. For me to offer up retaliation as a solution to this counter point is childish and futile. Smacking a hockey helmet wearing socialist around is unfair and in poor taste. Sorry for your condition, boostjunky, maybe the state can offer you some rehab or medical care if you can't afford your own.
  24. Your drinking the liberal Koolaid, Boosty. We have been heading towards socialism for decades. Redistribution of wealth thru taxation , government social engineering, govt entitlements, the protection of unions, destruction of the military and intelligence capabilities, govt funded abortion, I can go on if you wish. Giving tax "rebates" to those who pay no taxes? What is Medicare and Medicaid? We don't reward people for success, we punish them. The welfare state has destroyed the American family structure by replacing the father with govt handouts. Take a look at the illegitemacy rates vs dcrime and poverty. By the way, conservatives donate more dollars per income dollars to worthy causes by a good margin than liberals. Liberals are the ones who wish to stifle free speech. Any one who disagrees is a racist or unsympathetic. You can't even have a conservative speak on a college campus without them being silenced or shouted down by a bunch of liberal students (see Anne Colter at Uconn). Rich to liberal is a family of 4 that brings in $100k. Eat me. I'm not scared, I'm concerned about the decline of my countries moral and cultural direction. The '60's radicals are now the lawyers and politicians. Most of these liberal theories have been proven over time to not work, they go against human nature. Abortion is a neccesity because of a lack of self control. The woman could always say no, and the man could keep it in his pants. 35 million dead and counting. SO if my party is done, that makes us a one party system? sounds like an oligarchy or dictator ship tome. See Zimbabwe. If you call me a Nazi again, asshole I will surely find a way to meet you. If you want personal attacks, bone head, man up and come up to CT. I'll show you a grumpy old man with more rounds under his belt and a bad temper then you ever met. I don't know where you get your quotes from, but I suggest you talk to your friends and neighbors in FLA and see what kind of reaction you get. Maybe an ass whippin from a good ole boy. If you want to debate, no problem , but if you compare me to Hitler and his like you cross the line, fuckhead. My family came from the Polish/Ukraine border, My father's side is Jewish, and I've got family buried or burned in concentration camps. I'll give you my address, asshat, so pm me if you want to come up for a visit. I put 15 years into the US Army, and know full well about politics and war. You should review your history little boy, and get your facts straight. Cling to that ship Khax, you'll go down also.
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