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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Don't be condescending towards me, thats insulting, and it doesn't suit you. It makes you look like a snob.. These are opinions based on my beliefs, I dare say the vast majority of Americans feel this way. I'm not a shill for the Bush Admin, I form my own opinions based on my own research and experience. I know full well about the S. Ossetia issue, that doesn't give the Russians the moral high ground. They invaded a sovereign country. US power over Russia? How about the weak UN and NATO responses? You quoted me but obviously cherry picked my comments. Oh yeah, lose the smiley faces, people are dying, and I am as serious as heart attack about the Soviet Union. Again, check your history books, and tell me I'm wrong about Russian behavior and attitude towards the west or those former satellite countries. As usual, sympathy and understanding for another murderous regime. I hope you are not applying the dead, liberal theory of Moral Equivalancy. Oh yeah, how did it work out in Belgium, when the Nazi's plowed thru? Can you say Vichy French?
  2. Those are documented numbers , pal. Stalin purged 70 million Jews and other "undesirables". I don't know how you can dispute them. Are you a Holocaust denier also? Read your high school history book, I don't need "evidence".
  3. They absolutely should know what they are getting into. They should also know what their potential boss thinks about their effort, their culture, and their mission. I'm telling you that an overwhelming majority of enlistees support our efforts and want to see it thru to a succesful end. Any wavering or denial of their successes would be a morale reducer. Obama is wobbly, he is a European in American clothes, and as such the reality exists of another 1936 and 1968, where the diplomats in Europe thought Hitler was an okay guy and who did nothing while tanks rolled into Czekeslovakia(sp). If they had stood up then, 80 million people would not have been exterminated (70 million by Stalin and 10 million by Hitler), let alone the war casualties of WWII would have been lessened. I'm just saying he is not my guy, not even close.
  4. This thread went off topic a while ago! SO they sent oil out that we can not burn and to help support China's Olympic effort? Small amount on top of it all. I have been reading and researching Georgia- Russia invasion today. My conclusion and opinion? Russia is a thug nation that needs to be smacked. Only thing I saw on many news channels and internet was displaced civilians and burning homes, shops and apartment buildings. Not a single military installation under attack. I hope Georgia responds like the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan and I hope we send an aircraft carrier with F/A 18's flying CAP's over Georgia. Splash a couple of MIGs, put a few wholes in a couple of BMP's and they will back down. They don't have the balls to challenge us militarily. My opinion. Russia would have to look at the results their aircraft had against us in other conflicts, I don't care about Mig-29/31's speed and manueverabilty-AMRAMS for FTW. I know I sound like a war monger, but this reminds me so much of Czekeslovakia/Poland in WWII and CZeks again in 1968. My family comes from Ukraine/ Polish border town of Lvov, and if you don't think those comie fucks from the Kremlin wouldn't do it you are all naive. Georgia may have pulled some crap with Ossetia, but this is blatant disregard for regional security, sovereignty, and human rights. Fuck Russia, put a cap in their ass. They disregarded cease fire after agreeing to it and pushed deeper into Georgia, destroying coast guard vessels and routing army. Looting homes and businesses, they behave like animals, even in war there are morals.They are still pissed about dissolution in '89 and will do all they can to reconstitute the motherland. Unless Un or Nato steps in this will get ugly. They won't. Russia has been planning this for a while. The equipment is new, and they have the petro dollars to power this assault. No one has the balls to stand up to them and they don't fucking care anyway. Thumbing their red noses at the world. I hate them. I hate cowardly bullies and I hate whimpering liberals who want to talk or play nice with murderers. Yup I am self righteous and believe the US is the best hope for freedom in the world. I trust democracy and free speech as well as the free market. Keep appeasing the murderers and they will be at your doorstep. I swear if I wasn't an old creaky bastard I'd re-enlist and put my ass back in the gunners seat of a tank. I'm indignant right now, and have no patience or understanding. Peace thru superior fire power. If you punch a bully in the nose he will run crying to his momma. Every time I got into a fight, I'd go after the biggest baddest fuck in the group. I got plenty of stitches, but most of the time the cocksuckers ran. Cowards. I AM LIVID!! Obama whimpered about this until McCAin spoke tough. Pussy. John "Wayne" McCain for Prez.
  5. Much like sonar or ground thumping used in archeology, very cool. El Director educates once more!
  6. WOW. Very concise and informative, sounds like the Balkans again. Russia gots a lotta oil for Europe to buy, they won't do much.
  7. His platform was rather vague on the site. I couldn't find any info on taxes, abortion, capital punishment or energy. John Voigt for VP? Answering my own question, oil may be cheaper because of the dollar vs other currencies.
  8. More Obama BS. This a section of an editorial from Deroy Murdoch. "Obama’s “Oil SENSE Act” would repeal the 2005 Energy Policy Act’s authorization of these inventories. S.115 would leave decision makers with Carter Administration maps drawn with pre-PC technology. This is like engineering a Space Shuttle mission with slide rules. Obama’s bill would prohibit expanded use of 3-D seismic techniques that locate and measure underwater oil deposits. In October 1999, President Clinton’s Energy Department evaluated the environmental quality of 1970s’ 2-D equipment against last decade’s 3-D technology. With the latter, Energy concluded, “Overall impacts of exploration and production are reduced because fewer wells are required to develop the same amount of reserves.” In 1970, 17 percent of offshore wells struck oil. By 1997, that figure was 48 percent. Contemporary 4-D surveying adds the dimension of time. Satellites help find and quantify subsea deposits, track their flows, and predict their next steps. Some 70 percent of 4-D wells hit oil. Obama’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Drill policy spurns these marvels and embraces outdated information gathered with obsolete instruments. This is the audacity of ignorance." That is as dumb as it gets.
  9. I don't blame the speculators, but it is a commodity. Why is oil so much cheaper in European states? Or S. America? The alternative fuel/ energy technologies should and will be improved upon. Ingenuity, technology, and the need will make it happen and it should happen, its just not ready for mass use yet. Is there an oil pipeline that Russia can control? I had no idea about the Georgian Presidents behaviors, and I have just read up on the Ossetia secession attempts, so Georgia is behaving like Lincoln when South Carolina wanted to seceed? Still, they crossed the border and attacked a sovereign nation. Georgia is not a democracy? I thought they had open elections and ran a free market economy? I'm a soldier from the cold war, and I am not naive to Russia's abilities. But it appears they have placated their population with material wealth to opiate them from the reality of the oligarchy. Seems like China has pulled off the same magic. But Russia has been feeding Iran, N. Korea, and other Anti-US regimes. This distracts us a bit from the politics and oversight of much larger potential problems. And draws us thin. Seems we have no "moral" leg to stand on with Iraq and Afghanistan issues at hand. NATO and UN are useless in this situation. And most others for that matter. I wonder how the world would react if the US retracted all our "occupation" forces from Europe, Korea, and Japan? Spelling forgiven!
  10. 2 of your links are adds for the NY Times, A paper I no longer trust or refer to as a source . The first link was interesting so, based on that the market still controls the price, speculators or not. Supply and demand still rules. And the price dropped significantly when the moratorium was lifted, with out an extra drop being pumped. Thats speculation my friend! The knucklhead reference is based on the idea that renewable sources are ready to take over, they are not even close. If the enviro-nazis had not scared the crap out of people 30 yrs ago, we would be lighting and heating/ cooling our homes with nuke power and oil would be real cheap. If we don't drill off shore the Chinese and others will be happy to shoot a pipe into the ground and take it right out from underneath us with little or no regard to the environment. I have no affection for allah countries at all, I have no idea how you gleaned that sentiment from my post. The OPEC cartel is nothing short of a monopoly that controls supply. If it was a US country they would be busted for price fixing, and brought up on anti-trust charges. I do believe democracy and the free market can benefit there common citizens. You also ignored my statement that I realize drilling is only a temporary ,short term solution and the economic reality of alternative fuel/ energy . If you are going to challenge me, read all I say and don't provide partial responses, thats why I don't read the NY Times any more. You seem to imply that I am a drill only supporter, please read more carefully. As an aside, how is the Soviet invasion of Georgia playing in Belarus? The Russians helped create so much havoc world wide, we can not respond to help Georgia, or are unwilling to because of the political implications at home. Georgia is one of the most succesfull democracies in the world, I'm all for a fly by over the Kremlin with stealth aircraft, just to show them they are helpless if we wish to hit them. Will the Ukraine and other former states be next? The Kremlin is now calling for the elected leader of a sovereign state to step down, calling him an "unreliable partner in the region". Russia has not changed at all, they are still a paranoid totalitarian state, filled with criminals, graft, and corrupt institutions.
  11. Speculators drove price up based upon market /supply demand. Price went down as soon as Bush lifted drilling moratorium. Price drop was caused by nothing else but speculation. These countries mired in the 7th century, like Iraq, will not have much choice to come along kicking and screaming. They are being left behind economically and socially and are quickly becoming bystanders in the world community. India is a great example of a nation that "gets it". Play nice with others and you get rewarded with financial aid, tourism, and free market profits from goods and services, giving you more money to develop your economy and social structure. Terrorist are gleaned from poor dissatisfied populations with Allah as the medium. Lets see, we already have the technology to pump oil, make nuclear reactors, and mine shale oil, but you knucklheads want to spend billions of dollars on inefficient solar, wind and biomass? These will come along soon enough but, until then I need gasoline for my car and oil for my house. I just read a report that shows wind turbines could actually increase air temperatures so much as to damage the ecosystem. Manufacturing ethanol is a negative process that still involves diesel powered reapers, haulers, and sowing equipment. The feds will give you cash to install solar system on your house, but the payback/ breakeven point is more than 20 years! Get the oil going to patch us thru to the new fuel sources we are working on. It's not that complicated. Oh yeah, I forgot, the Government will still be in the way, Pelosi is saving the planet. Yeah lets raise fuel taxes, which will get passed on to the consumers from every manufacturer and distributor that has to pay it. I am in CT, don't talk to me about taxes, especially on fuel. Where do I sign up for 18 cents a gallon?
  12. Now Obama has switched his position on off shore drilling after crushing McCain on this subject. Thje Dems tabled all votes and bailed for 5weeks. They will not allow a vote.Why? Because they will get beat on it. Fickle Prez candidate and obstructionist Congressional leadership. Sound like a plan for economic disaster to me. Go ahead vote for 'em, I'll hold you all personally responsible fro the collapse of economy! JK, but you get what you pay for.
  13. Europe and Asia profit from our presence. Parents send there children with bombs on their chests. Vietnam is the vacuum you speak of. No such thing in Europe, Korea or Japan. I don't think the hard core extremist can be talked to. The religious zealots run Saudi Arabia and Iran. It's not a prejudice of mine, it's a survival instinct. Iraq aside, the 19 Saudis ran 2 planes into the World Trade center, remember? Within this country are schools training children in radical Islam. The Arabs are better at it because they gots lots of oil and allowed other countries to pull it out and pay for it dearly. They are behaving, however, as if they wish to stay in the 8th century. McCain's economics are not what I want. I want rediculously low taxes, near zero government involvement in the free market. Just the fact that Bush lifted the ban on off shore drilling lowered the price per barrel $20. Imagine if we could really produce this oil? Less than 8 yrs my friend, closer to 4. This is stuff we should have been doing ten yrs ago, along with nuclear energy production, and other fuel and energy technologies. Who was the Prez 10 yrs ago? The economy is still very strong, despite 9/11, Katrina, fuel prices, and Iraq. We are a smart resourceful country, this economic slowdown we are in is nothing compared to the '70's. If govt would get the hell out of the way we would be doing much better. Just so you know my bottom line. If I had my way, every soldier would be on US soil right now. I'm tired of playing cop with the world, and getting berated for it. Fuck'em. Bring 'em all home, do a better job with immigration control, reduce the size of govt, lower taxes, turn SS into a privately held fund (I know what to do with my cash better than Congress), and check the runaway Courts. Let gays marry, abolish abortion and the death penalty, stop messing with the Constitution, and stop worrying about caribou and forgetting about Americans.
  14. Nearly impossible, incumbents make the rules and control the cash. Not enough people vote, too much apathy. Usually it takes a massive blunder by the party in charge to get any major change. Today I signed a petition to allow Nader on the ballot in CT. I am apposed to much of his platform, but I believe he has the right to run for office, procedural BS be damned. The more opinions and ideas the better.
  15. With matching dollars from China and Russia? Why not! NASA is a waste of cash and resources too, my opinion. I'm much more concerned about the huge volcanic potential of the Yellowstone Caldera. No kidding.
  16. OK I concede, he made mistakes, still doesn't disprove Obamas position. I was fooled by an internet rumor, I guess. Even after his trip he could not concede that the present strategy is effective, and may bring our kids home sooner. Lets leave the war thing for a moment. What about his economic policies? Tax and spend. I am stating here now that if he becomes prez, and congress gets a solid Dem majority,( looks like the senate could have as many as 60 seats to the Dems ). The economy will worsen. I already pay way more than my share. It would be interesting to watch this happen, if the results wern't so devastating. When you lose your job and your taxes increase, and inflation rise, PM with your reasoning. I'll be here. By the way, Bush is killing me with his spending plans, I do not approve of his stimulus packages and bailouts, adn I believe we could have cut taxes more. Time will tell. This Email just hit my Inbox: "FYI, the letter claiming that Obama "blew off the troops" has been retracted by the author as inaccurate. For more information regarding this e-mail that has been circulated, please go to Snopes. com and search for Obama visits Afghanistan. " SO, don't believe the Internet with out verification. I made a mistake in believing this completely, but I still maintain he is the wrong man for the job and is steeped in an anti-military culture. Islamo-fascists want us dead. Talk with them all you want, they would still like you dead. Unless you convert of course. If you believe other wise you are foolish. Talking is weakness to the Imams, further strengthening their resolve. Whats the bargaining chip for them to cease attacks on those who oppose them? Don't forget they will send their sons and daughters with bombs strapped to their waists. Thats what I call dedication to duty, and somewhat admirable.So deep is their belief in Allah, they are willing to die for their cause. Thats as dangerous an opponent as you can find. They are also willing to wait hundreds of years to infiltrate democracies and change the landscape of existing governments to achieve an Islamic paradise on earth. That is the major flaw in their doctrine. They have usurped the power of God by mortals on Earth. They interpret what God would do and take it upon themselves to act. Thats blasphemy in my book. They sin by acting on the directives of men.
  17. Nice poetry, but I'm not changing my opinions because Ozzie made an observation. Ask him about Ben Disraeli who promised that Hitler could be dealt with by negotiation. Mcgovern is a pure socialist, so he's done, I'm researching Hoover now. Again, I don't dispute your opinioin, and thank your family for it's service. Keep a perspective, don't be bound by media bias and feel good politics. We were kicking NVA ass, the TET offensive was a huge defeat for Hanoi, they had no resources and equipment was de-pleted. The politicians lost that war, not the soldiers. That was unconditional retreat. Korea saved the south from Chinese communist rule. We liberated Kuwait from Saddam, with massive world support. Again we left without completing the job. No losses there, in my book. Good debate and legit questions, my brain is stimulated!
  18. First, I appreciate your service and the experience you have will ature you beyond your age. I read my local newspaper cover to cover, view CNN, Fox, NBC, etc. I get a rounded view of the political and social scene in the US. I was not pro war but am pro victory. When we left Vietnam at the pressure of the radical left, 2.5million people were purged, murdered, eliminated from Cambodia, Laos , and S. Vietnam. When we left Iraq after the first gulf war, 100, 000's were killed, imprisoned and tortured. Was that our fault maybe. But we have responsibility to leave them able to manage their own affairs, and protect their citizens. Now not one of you has answered my question about troops in Europe, and Asia, but make rediculous statements about being in Iraq for 100 yrs. I'm not sure McCain was a war"advocate", I'm sure a man with his experience would be loathe to put my son in harms way, but he remembers the Vietnam experience i wrote of earlier in this post. You have no problem with your KOsovo experience? Clinton sent you there, no similar complaints? Surprising.
  19. Glad you have an opinion me, but I would like your opinion of the situation and the candidate. As I posted this email the news channels burst with similar stories about Obama. What theater did you serve in? What is your opinion of the situation? This an all volunteer army in th U.S., what was your motivation for enlisting? You must have realized there was a chance you would be im a combat zone, why did you enlist if you have a problem with the way you have been deployed by the U.S.? These are the questions I would ask soldiers if I was Mr. Wonderfull. Yeah, I am a Republican, but if you read all my posts inn this thread, you would also know that they don't satisfy my political position, if you will. I am much more of a constitutional conservative. Now that my political position is open for the world to see, where do you stand young man? PS blah blah blah is not a rebuttal. And my opinion was not ment to sway. If my opinion sways others, I would be disappointed in there political aptitude and not take there position seriously. I have yet to come across another soldiers opinion about Obamas behavior to the contrary. I'll leave that task to you. Find a counter position and magnify it to your hearts content, and we will deabte their motive and position, and maybe slander him/ or her as my subject was. Pardon my spelling, I can't find my glasses this morning, I'm an old white guy don't forget! And don't tell me what to post on VS. This is a political forum created for posts such as mine. If you don't like what you read, log off.
  20. He doesn't drink anymore and his dad is the fisherman in the family. We would have to split the duties, you drinking, and me fishing! And Go-Go getting the pron!!
  21. I don't think he was looking for a pat on the head. I think he is implying that Obama is afraid of what he'll hear from the guys on the line. The truth about how they feel and what they think should be done.
  22. I'd consider it, but it would seriously cut into my fishing and drinking time!! And you'd have to be my VP. Of pron. I'd have to move the White House to my lakeside trailer, and the press would complain because there is no air -conditioning. And the'yd have to drink beer and eat hot dogs the whole time they were there, with no napkins. Plus, I'm not that eloquent, I would have a hard time expressing myself without getting grumpy about it. And I'm an old white guy. Ironman for Prexxy!!
  23. I'd just as soon vote for an ordinary citizen with a clue as apposed to career pols that are owned by cash. Purge the Congress of lawyers and elites, and let the common man make the decisions. The problem with Big Gov is that it doesn't trust it's employers.
  24. Lets see, a commissioned officer in a combat zone is whiney, and an attention whore? Could you be more off topic with your commentary? I know your whinning about gas prices, the summer heat, and your taxes, and no one is shooting at you. Officers are not allowed to voice political opinions when on duty. I bet your whinning when you can't find a matching pair of socks your Mom washed for you.
  25. How long have we been in Europe, South Korea, or Japan? I'd pull those soldiers first, but those economies would collapse, and I bet they would yell and scream about us leaving. Yeah it's about oil. I can't wait until they start drilling in my backyard, and building a nuke plant next to my kids school. Captain Jeff, as you so disrespectfully refer to him, is in Afghanistan. Get a map. By the way I am extremely passionate about this subject. Duh.
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