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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Merit scholarships. End of conversation. They keep stuffing kids into schools, not qualified, just because of 'social' condition. If you can't make the grade dig ditches. Whos fault the kids not prepared? #1 PARENTS or lack there of. #2 Educational system. Pumping money in doesnt help. Successful students come from diligent parents involved in their towns schools. Thanks Lyndon Banes Johnson and your war on poverty...you destroyed the minority family and replaced it with govt handouts. Babydaddy is now Uncle Sam.
  2. You are THE King of Havoc. Chinese have singed exclusive oil deals with the likes of Venezuela, Nigeria etc. Locke din low price, while we have to go to the market and get it. Obamites says Canadian oil is dirty. I call treason ON the EPA and the environazis for putting us in a National Security pickle. The Armed Forces runs on Diesel and refined fuels. SO does your food harvesting and delivery equipment. $3.44 for 87 yesterday. And the Gov wants to jack gas tax. Love CT....not really.
  3. Gas = $3.50 a gallon thats what happened... we are fucked cuz the environazis in this country disallowed new nuke plants and drilling on our own soil for the last 30 yrs. A clear national security violation. I guess I'll put windmill and solar panels parts in my gas tank. Fucking hippies...its gonna drive up the cost of everything...food ...clothes...no to mention energy. Get ready... the shit has hit the fan. Go ahead call me reactionary, extreme, whateverthefuck you want... I'm stashing food and water. Keep your heads in the sand, they'll get you first. And more for me and my loved ones. Saudi Arabia falls and its all over. Chinese are drilling in Canada. Democracy? Hardly. The vacuum gets filled by Islamo-facsists every time. Why would this be any different than Iran in 1979? Israel will freak out and whack somebody, we cover their ass like we should and bingo, the Rapture is upon us. Settle with your God, Mother fuckers, cuz you aint got a snowballs chance in hell. And dont come my way, I'll shoot your unprepared ass. I stayed away from this forum... I told all you dumb bastards what was gonna happen and you got in my shit. Obama and his Czars have screwed you and you will vote him in again in 2 yrs, if we have a civil society left.
  4. Hacked by TB. Duct tape over the network port.
  5. Edsall's dream job? Give me a fucking break...its a step down for the chicken shit son of a bitch. Calhoun already out recruits Williams, and, well, Geno is Geno. Fuck the ACC.
  6. You are all invited to my funeral. Bring a casserole.

    Im dying of the flu!

  7. working and sleeping

  8. laying low. got home owner issues, my well and plumbing has been fucked up..and Ive been working a bunch lately.

  9. shit, 64 degrees today, its not over yet!!!

  10. With this I agree. I have tried to stay away from this forum, cuz I gits agitated. But, as you are, I am passionate about my position. Throw in my abnormal competitive nature and well.... Just so folks know, Volvotool and I have met, had a beer and a sammich together, I find him to be a very nice man. I would hate to not go to a Reins meet, or have you not attend because we dont agree on politics. As a matter of fact, I refrain from these kind of discussions with friends and family, cuz I hatez conflict like that. I have 2 very good friends that are teachers, and others that are AFSCME and SEIU members. We are vast friends, and spend much time together. Its too bad things are so fucked up that a common sense solution seems lightyears away. By the way, the Debt Commission recommendations are OK with me. They point to austerity and some hardship, but we can handle it to get us on the right track again. This personal attack BS we've been engaging in is nonsense. You were correct way back when when you called it insanity. The internet has made us less civil, and that is a bad thing for society. Shits fuccked up enough without people tearing each other apart, especially when we really have the same goals and needs. Pardon my spelling and grammar. I'm not the best keyboard jockey, and I sometimes use the slang. Blame it on my 2 sons and their texting.
  11. I wonder how the founding fathers felt about positions based on attack, discredit, and demeaning the opponent, instead of arguments based upon facts or position. You have exposed yourself again as a juvenile. I write a whole page, with some stuff you can rebut even, and you pick out a nonsensical line and use a sophomoric phraseology. Sounds like another Alinsky Rule for Radicals tactic. Chapter 13 I think. I told you he was a member of a the teachers union, he cant help himself by correcting internet grammar. Your position, your philosophy and your opinions are piled up in the trash heap of history, not too mention a vastly minority in this country. We lean center-right not left of red.. You ignore the obvious, clean your rose colored glasses. When your health care bills go up let me know maybe we can compare policies and see which is worse. I paid $4.00 for a gallon of milk today. Must be a shortage of dairy cows. No more deflation, its inflation full steam ahead now. Its coming, be naive all you want, whistle in the cemetery all you want, this bus is about to hit the wall.
  12. Good job, rep down any one who has an opposing position, like yours is the absolute answer. Losers. Torture 'em all day long I say. If it saves one innocent life its worth it (and it did, dont be theoretical). You people need to wake up and face reality. Be nice to 'em all you want, your the first person they'll behead, cuz you have the weakest mind. Mistakes made are common, his biggest was starting this bailout bullshit. And dont call out the Constitution, you dont have a clue which article or clause deals with torture. I could site the General Welfare clause like they do now to to enact legislation,like health care, and on a good day get approval to torture you. And no ones innocent.
  13. Keep laughing, as ridiculous as some of my posts may seem to you are they arnt jokes. Not to draw conclusions, but are you or any of your immediate family teachers, state or municipal employees, you know, union members, maybe? Hey you got what you wanted, the whole state of CT remains in the hands of unions and tax and spend progressives. Oh, and any one else in CT have there health care premiums increase? MINE WILL 23%!! Thats what happens when the govt gets involved in the marketplace, bad things happen. THANKS YOU GUYS! GO FUCK YOURSELVES AND SHOVE OBAMA CARE UP YOUR ASSES! BUT PLEASE USE K-Y JELLY TO EASE THE INSERTION, WOULDNT WANT IT TO HURT TOOO BAD! Its gonna get worse, way before it gets better. Sorry, but its all happened before. And we refuse to remember history. Monthly vent over. Thanks for giving me the space. DO what you will, but I'm not long for this state. Food prices have already gone up, clothing too. And gas/oil. I expect an increase in both sales and income taxes here, to cover the $48 billion dollar debt.
  14. Monetizing debt In many countries the government has assigned exclusive power to issue or print its national currency to independently operated central banks. For example, in the USA the independently owned and operated Federal Reserve banks do this.[1] Such governments thereby disavow the overly convenient 'slippery slope' option of paying their bills by printing new currency. They must instead pay with currency already in circulation, or else finance deficits by issuing new bonds, and selling them to the public or to their central bank so as to acquire the necessary money. For the bonds to end up in the central bank it must conduct an open market purchase. This action increases the monetary base through the money creation process. This process of financing government spending is called monetizing the debt.[2] Monetizing debt is thus a two step process where the government issues debt to finance its spending and the central bank purchases the debt from the public. The public is left with an increased supply of base money. [edit] Effects on inflation When government deficits are financed through this method of debt monetization the outcome is an increase in the monetary base, or the money supply. If a budget deficit persists for a substantial period of time then the monetary base will also increase, shifting the aggregate demand curve to the right leading to a rise in the price level.[3] When governments intentionally do this, they devalue existing stockpiles of wealth of anyone who is holding assets based in that currency. It is in essence a "tax" as the overall value of their assets decrease due to a loss in spending power. This is known as "inflation tax". To summarize: a deficit can be the source of sustained inflation only if it is persistent rather than temporary and if the government finances it by creating money (through monetizing the debt), rather than leaving bonds in the hands of the public.[4] [edit] Examples Monetizing the debt can be used as a component of quantitative easing strategies, which involve the creation of new currency by the central bank, which may be used to purchase government debt, or can be used in other ways. However, there can be an insidious effect. As one observer noted: When governments reach the point where they are borrowing to pay the interest on their borrowing they are coming dangerously close to running a sovereign Ponzi scheme. Ponzi schemes have a way of ending unhappily. To get out of the Ponzi trap, governments will have to increase tax revenues, or cut spending, or monetize the debt--or most likely do some combination of all three. [5] This is being done right now. WIKI
  15. YEHAAAAAA, damn right!! And how about the U.S. post office losing my parts, HUHUHUHUH!!!!!! GUNSANDGODGUNSANDGODGUNSANDGOD..... The horse is dead already...move on.
  16. kevtron is a transformer, so your gay for him.

  17. yes I am a geezer.

    were you bored or did something prompt that response?

  18. I had to read your post. I knew youd take the bait. Stop with the finance Bshit. Soros, ABA, and corporations have been pouring money into the Dems for decades too. Another disingenuous attempt at class warfare. Coming from an upper middle class white guy no less. You till dont get it. oh well, now we get to bail out Cali and New York. And lets see, a 45 billion dollar tax break fro GM/UAW? Way to pay your Visa card with your AMEX. ANd the fed buying 600 billion in bonds( read debt notes)? another trillion in debt, thank boys. At least I wont have to look at plastic face Pelosi any more. ANd CT is the state of stupid, right behind Cali. At least my town voted for conservatives in Hartford, killing the union blowing super majority. Thank God for small victories. Oh by the way, Ohio totally flipped, 2012 is ours. see ya.
  19. Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don’t stand in the doorway Don’t block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’ It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin’ It drips with irony. Of course the rest of the song is about getting old cronies outta the way of the next young guns, ala 60's radicals but i like the refrain here.
  20. Damn steelers, you were supposed to keep the Saints down.
  21. I got exactly ZERO kids. Not even the older ones. Granted its kinda dark, but I always got 10 or so. They all grew up and are chasing skirts at the bar.
  22. 5% of for orders over $150

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