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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Discount codes for RMeuropean.com

    LOYALCUSTOMER2010 on orders over $150

    FALL2010 on all other orders

    I'm working on finding out exactly what the discounts are, it never said in the email they sent me.

  2. You need a turbo charged car, bad. :lol:
  3. Why it gotts tuh be a black thang? Dems had control of both houses of congress while Bush was pres. They all voted for the legislation he just signed it. They approved the war spending. NO president acts alone, get your civics straight. Only congress can enact a law. And Barney/Dodd screamed about fairness and lending, demonizing banks if they did not lend to hi risk borrowers. read the Community Reinvestment act, it came to fruition during Clinton admin. You have selectively shorty memory. But dont let the facts get in the way of your left wing rants... You keep forgetting that little tid bit you leftwingnut. I love black people, one of my best friends is black...
  4. speedway motor:

    910-351-11 x2 3/4x3/8 11" swedged rod

    175-0323 x2 3/8" LH male rod end w/stud

    175-0123 x2 3/8" RH mael rod end w/stud

    175-6043-LH x1 (4 pcs) 3/8 jam nuts, LH

    175-6043-RH x2 (8 pcs) 3/8 ajm nuts, RH

    Husseins HD endlink parts list

  5. So funny. #1, this is not a free speech zone its a ChucksaystooFingbadstartyourownwebsiteorgiveme$1,000,000 Zone. and B, see #1. Futile attempts at Democracy, exercising of free speech rights, petition rights or other acts of civil disobedience will be met with severe ridicule, laughter, and other forms of derision and disdain at the expense of said Futile Attemptor!
  6. I heard you had heater/blower issues. I need to replace both blower and heater core on mine.

  7. nah, we never met, one of the guys mentioned you were in CT and I checked it out.

    any way, i'm kinda local, and have beat up 850 parts car if you need some little parts, or some help let me know.

  8. I'm in Wolcott, work in CHeshire.

    Didnt even know you were on the boards, welcome!

  9. HAHAHA. This has become comical. Now this is funny... A California school district has banned... now get this...DICTIONARIES. Why? cuz the kids look up 'bad words'... OMFG BAD WORDS. Another govt attempt to usurp the responsibility of the parent. Followed by diet and food restrictions in schools, Including home bagged lunches! Yup, progressives got it figured out all right, eventually we wont have any responsibilities, or the ability to learn from our mistakes, cuz Big Brother will take care of it all. Keep voting for social progressives. Its a big winner. YOUR TOO STUPID TO KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOOD FOR YOUR CHILDREN! Oh yeah, they took swing sets out of a playground, cuz junior got a booboo on his wittle knee. Suck it, rub some dirt on it and get back out there and sweat off those Oreos! We are raising a generation of kids that can't make decision, or are too soft too deal with hardship and mistakes in judgment. They'll make great leaders. You should renew your subscription to the Huntington post and the Daily Kos. And just because its obscure doesnt make its wrong or false. Its your job to disprove that its not an issue. I'm not going be a name caller any more. I know how I think and I know what my roots and experience is. As do you. Its not civil any more. Its inane/insane. My ammo will not reform your thinking or persuade you to enjoy my enlightenment. I will do whats right for me and mine, as will you. The good news is, both my sons can vote, and they made up their own minds(4 votes for Founding Principles!!!). Despite the attempts by their college professors to influence their thought and ideals. Everyday my kid comes home with a tale of bias in the classroom. Everyday they challenge them, and everyday they are shut down by the instructor. If their grades reflect this conflict... I'm not sure what to do. I love me some liberals... So glad I'm writing the check.
  10. I have pronounced that summer wil last until Nov 1.

    1. Keep Calm Chive On

      Keep Calm Chive On

      im gunna disagree... 50 degrees, rain, achy hip, braille, speedbumps, all of it points to nope we skipped fall :P

    2. Pops Racer

      Pops Racer

      Dude, I'm in South Eastern CT right now, its all sun and 70 degrees for the last 3 days!

  11. heres your fucking progressive mindset http://www.theblaze.com/stories/uk-pundit-to-shocked-tv-host-suffering-children-should-be-smothered/ and heres another, thees assholes are serious as a heart attack http://www.theblaze.com/stories/no-pressure-new-environmental-campaign-glorifies-eco-fascism/ your dogma socialist democrat progressive communists. did i miss any of you assholes?
  12. I read my local paper, and internet and OMG FOX NEWS. cuz when i watch msnbc I puke. ANd my life experiences tell me whats right and wrong, I was raised by nonsocialist, hard working, godfearing, self-reliant individuals, not whinny victims of there own slackerness. I say again, I will follow the founders, I know what I'm getting, not these userpers of GOds will, the elitists who know better than me, or the smarmy educrats raised in the 60's. Keep whining, the tide is changing, your plans of globalization, income redistribution, and social justice are gonna work out just fine... :rolleyes:
  13. Ahhh more insanity... We have not been a free Republic for sometime now. Its a ll socialism-lite, no doubt and you, cant argue that it isnt. Did you got to DC Saturday? :lol: What a joke, communists, unions, progressiv/socialists, bussed by their slave masters to DC. And they left the place a shit hole. Warter bottles and diapers everywhere. Some environmentalists huh? Lets see, 35% of the country independent, 33% Democrats, 33% Republicans. Guess where the Indy's are gonna stand ? Who's a Fabian socialist, raise your hand?
  14. Reality!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL thanks for the laughs. Pelosi- "the Obama middle class tax cuts" HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA OMG my sides hurt from laughing at your myopic view of politics. There is no reality in DC. All those dick head are living on fantasy island, with fantastic pay, benefits, power and insulation from American reality. Keep writing the check and listen for the flushing sound... And the peasants carry pitchforks. Mine is getting sharpened right now. WRONG DBAG. ive been listening to the left press and news orgs for 35 years, and the mantra is the same. and there are no conservatives with any intellect or education? hmmm 50% of the population wants to debate you on that. madison- intellectual ghetto? jefferson? franklin? you dont know history. they were conservatives.
  15. What violence George? Not in NYC. Not protesting the 'community center'. Your opinion on FOX is taken with knowledge of your position. Its relative to your goals. I keep wondering how they kill every one in ratings...must be millions of misinformed racist gun owners out there. Meh, this Tea Partie thing is just a fad...oh wait, I better tell all those establishment politicians that got there asses handed to them this month... Its rolling and you cant do a thing about it, so be afraid I guess. The media, establishment pols, and special interests are going berserk right now. Your surrounded. Small govt run by 'we the people' not special interests and the establishment, thats what will prevail. I'm stoked by the response of America, they had enough and are doing something about it.
  16. WAIt, you want me to organize a union so I can strike for a flex schedule or shorter hours? THE STATE OF CT ALREADY DID THAT. 35 hour work week with the same pay. SO im supposed to get a job with a company and then tell him his policies suck and he should change it cuz i have to work OT, or 41 hours, or come in at 6 am? See you on the unemployment line cuz no one will hire that shit. Most companies work on a schedule. A has to happen if B is to happen. So what happens if the maker of A is coming in late? I have a schedule of appointments, I need to be a certain places at specific times to do a specific task. Its not practical or good biz. Uniformity promotes fairness, productivity, and predictable results. By the way when you go up to your boss and ask for all this stuff this week, let me know so I can send my unemployed friends up to interview for your job. Its an employers market last I checked.
  17. And there it is, NEWSWEEK. Finally you show your colors. Not that that was in doubt, you just never were specific about your sources of info. Dude, that rag is dead. You and 3 other people read it. Save yourself some money, cancel your subscription, your gonna need it to pay your health care taxes.
  18. Nice blanket statement. Yeah yuck it up, cuz I'm delusional..., no BFD, I considered the source. You are perhaps the most cynical person in Political Forums...and that saying a ton coming from me. The guy didnt burn the Quran. And the Govt did get involved, Sec. of Def. Robert Gates called the minister. If no one burned the church down from Arizona that protests at soldiers funerals... not sure what would incite the crazy right wing nuts more than that. The mosque will be built in Manhattan, 2 blocks from the WTC site. And those folks have every right to protest its building with out being called wackos. NO violence, no big deal. I guess it takes SEIU to bring violence to a protest/rally... Fudgie is going to hell for putting up a pick of Him... :rolleyes:
  19. OK, 100 parishioners, that's a statistical zero. I think its partly because no real Muslim of any importance at all has condemned the tactics, motives or beliefs of the radical element in Islam. They are also afraid of these thugs and murderers. I submit that Muslim on Muslim violence has accounted for more deaths than at the hands of the US. A significant number. As far as the media is concerned, if it bleeds it leads. If you dont think they know they can create a fire storm of cover able news by pumping this thing up then your drinking the koolaid also. Nothing has happened yet, but protests and riots have already started in Afghanistan. And no one is taking about the Arab Christians being pushed out of their homes and neighborhoods. There is a lot of 'em too. Its all a liberal plot to distract us from the fuck up in chief and his cabinet of clowns. ;)
  20. but its ok for the govt to use trickle down? My school system is excellent, and we are the 149th in spending in CT. So lets keep the schools under the domain of the Govt? Bad joojoo. You cant have both. lets see, Soros invests a cazilian dolars into a brazilian oil company, then obama approves a subsidy to the same corp.? Ohhh thats right transparency and no lobbyists. Your outta your mind. 750 billion stimulus. we need 50 more. that tells me the first one didnt work. and dont tell me its worse than they thought. if they didnt know how bad it was then they are stupid and YOU voted for morons. black or gay? no. liberal/communist/socialist? you bet your ass. keep drinking the koolaid. your getting a nice cherry mustache. Jeez dude what do you do for a living? you sound bitter. Im not impotent in the work [place. if i dont like my job i can leave and find another one. or i can go back to school and retrain for another one. or i can invent something and get rich. ive done all these so im not sure what you mean. :lol:
  21. wow. they dont need a reason to hate us, its already built in. so, we should be careful what we say and do, so some crazy wont be unreasonable and blow up a building? If you burned a Bible they would not murder Muslims, or call out a fatwah on all 'nonbelievers'. We are dealing with apples and wackos. The radical Islamists live in the 7th century. And want to keep it there. Christians and Jews have managed to move on and at least pretend to be reasonable. If Jihadists need this for motivation than their cause is fading. Do you think they will run faster with a bomb on their backs to blow up a patrol?
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