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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. "We are disappointed with the court's decisions, declining to hear Mr. Gardner's case," one of his attorneys, Megan Moriarty, said in a statement to The Associated Press. "It's unfair that he will be executed without a full and fair review of his case." WTF? In 25 yrs you couldnt get all the info aired? Lawyers blow, till you need one of course. So efficient, 4 bullets. Prolly most humane too.
  2. weak to act and scatter brained. Obama is far more likely to get us attacked. and far more likely to respond like a community organizer.
  3. AS soon as she called him a weak ass bitch he chicken winged her hi and hard. He took it easy and put himself in jeopardy by being perceived as weak and slow to respond. TAsAr and night stick.
  4. This dude is in waaaaayyy over his head. Jimmy Carter redux.
  5. No answers to my quiz? Or is it so obvious its embarrassing? That was a copy of Mexicos immigration laws. The irony is too deep. Ummmm, no. See above. 4th Amendment history And they dont have this either. 10th Amendment
  6. D-bag didnt go to Arlington. Asshole in chief.
  7. This country has a law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are: * in the country legally; * have the means to sustain themselves economically; * not destined to be burdens on society; * of economic and social benefit to society; * of good character and have no criminal records; and * contributors to the general well-being of the nation. The law also ensures that: * immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor; * foreign visitors do not violate their visa status; * foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics; * foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported; * foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported; * those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison. This is a general paraphrase. Can you name the country it comes from?
  8. 125 billion for labor union pension bailouts 25 billion for teachers pension bailout. I thought bailouts were over? And us nut job conservatives predicted it would not be the end. Oh, and guess what? DR's will get payed from another bailout because the Health Care bill dosent cover the charges. Losers and liars. told ya so! Almost forgot. Shoreline bank from Chicago, is getting bailed out, 125million I believe. Why? Obamaville, thats why. Valerie Jarret sat on the board with a banker buddy, and other Obamites are involved with them also. More fucking change.
  9. You dont pull a gun to warn someone, you pull it to use it. Period. One step towards you after a warning and 17 rounds go down range. I'll take my chances with a jury of my peers.
  10. Tongue in cheek. You did get that right? Obama sends 1200 NG troops to border, and wants $500 million for more security plans. Open that barn door before the horse gets out.
  11. OK. Dont cop and attitude about it. Damn. And I submit your ancestors traveled the land bridge from Asia. Just calm down big feller! :lol:
  12. I want the criminal element rounded up and deported. Take the gainfully employed, put them in a special group, fast track them to visitor worker status with citizenship pending. then hit them for income tax, SSI, medicare etc, like everyone else.
  13. Total agree. Why is this so hard? All our families are immigrants. They came here, learned english and the way of the land. And succeeded. If its so terrible, why do they come here? The drug market is a huge deal. We should bill Mexico or any other country when we grab one of their citizens. And I dont wanna hear about work being done that Americans wont do, thats BS. Lets try it and see. I cleaned toilets and houses for cash as a part time income. Cut lawns too. And worked on a bedding plant farm. Not great, but I paid my bills.
  14. Basically, yeah! ICE was not taking the cases. And the locals were discouraged at one point from reporting cases. I think that rancher getting shot and killed on his property, plus the leaking drug wars on the borders finally got people concerned. My opinion. Texas has people dying and deserting towns. Mexicans as well as gringos. ALready almost 400 kidnappings in Phoenix this year. I mean, can you blame them? When does personal and civic safety finally trump political correctness? If you are a legal or can produce papers, drivers license etc. then you have nothing to worry about. Especially if you dont commit any primary crimes or moving violations. Those are laws you and I live by every day, it can't apply to immigrants? Obey the law. Period. I dont have the answer to the problem, but I'm appalled at the amount of extra crime, cost of education and use of social services attached to illegal immigration.
  15. Did any of you read the law? All it does is mandate local and state police enforce the existing Fed law. You can not be pulled over because you look illegal. If you commit a moving violation or are suspected in a crime, you will be pulled over, and your shit checked. Thats it. Do you really think cops wanna pull over cars to bust for iullegals? Really? Paperwork, time, effort and danger. They caught the Times Sq idiot because he had entered the country legally, with documents and addresses. If thats not reason enough, then you dont get it. Thats all I want, I dont care if your a white Irishman or a Blue Ukrainian, if your illegal, I wanna know you are here and where you are, and why. What Phoenix is going thru...they should be able to do whatever they want.
  16. Dude you cant be serious. I just dont poist much cuz rthe evidence is pilling up and i dint want to get outta breath Check debt numbers$13000000000000000000..... Demandin Germany pays Greece for being stupid Bailing on oimmigration and letting Arizona =swing in the wind, trying to do the right thing Your family mewber hasnt been kidnaped in Phoenix, so you cant say squat Or shot on his ranch... Or cost Cali billions.. The people he surrounded himself with are as far left as you can get and you cant deny it czars that arnt approved by the representatives of the people dictating policy unchecked Gas will be $5 if these clowns keep it up. In 10 yrs youll still blame Bush so whats the dif to you? 165,000 wind mills to produce 20% of US electric power needs TODAY. Where do you want your dozen? CBO just revised health care number and all supposed savings are now calculated to be lost $150 billion. Liars is right. Am I surprised? How many terror attacks on US soil when Bush was Prez for 8 yrs? 0 18 months Of Obama and at least 3. VAT is coming with no reduction in income taxes. Iran is on the UN council for Womens Affairs. Lets stone a few for baring there lips. 18 months of bs and Iran merrily builds nukes and bomb tech. He had a summit on nuke prolif. The 2 most likely to press the button did not attend, North Korea and Iran. He deserted and destabilized Poland and the Ukraine. Russia can and will do whatever it wants. SEIU chief Andy Stern is on the Prezs council on economic policy. I wont even give you the handfull of links of that guy talking about, in not veiled terms about wealth redistribution. And not to US citizens, but to not so well off folks around the world.If you really care you;ll look 'em up yourself. Pure bread communists, and there is no denying it. Every one in the US is in the top 20% off world wage earners, who do you think is gonna pay trhe vast bulk of that world income tax, and thats what it will be, you wont see it but it will be inb shit you buy. There is no society that can sustain this level of govt largess. none. ever. in history. socialism (progressives)can only last as long as the taxpayers money.. Churchill paraphrased. He's weak and every one but the US Left know it. And i suspect a big change in November. A'hll Be bahck!
  17. Sasha Cohen needs to be euthanized...with Windex.
  18. Cup cake dog!!! LOL. Thanks I needed this.
  19. 15 beers in 3 hours? Not bad. No driving allowed. And no hot dogs. Erp.
  20. 24 hours late, my buddy showed up at my house for my Bday, with a 12 pack. My deck, sunshine and cold beer. Oh and a nice samich. He left I passed out, then woke up and went out and did it all over again.
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