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Everything posted by ruecatinat

  1. Or, also likely, "These 15K speakers won't sound good unless you have a 15K amp, 15K in cabling, 15K in source components and 5K in room treatments and are seated in the perfect, measured seating position"
  2. That is precisely what I'm afraid of I already have a hard enough time convincing myself to keep components and cabling for longer than a year
  3. Some serious stuff on both those websites...speaker building is another world I know nothing about
  4. A little far from me. We have TAVES here, hopefully making it out this year... Post some pictures if you go!
  5. Decided to conduct a cheap experiment this weekend... On the left is the power cord that came with my Denon 2800 DVD player I currently use as a CD transport. On the right is a $23 power cable off Amazon (https://www.amazon.ca/gp/offer-listing/B0069FLXLU/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new) that is close to the commonly known "Iron Lung Jellyfish" - a medical grade power cable. Added a surprising amount of bass and filled out the lower end - definitely worth it.
  6. Out of my neighbourhood In other news, picked up one of these over the weekend...
  7. I'll have to hunt down some DeOxit and take a peak. Sounds like a weekend job for when the girlfriend is travelling on business. Is it merely a preference in sound that makes vintage a thing? I look at these polished metal and wood 1970s behemoths and then a compact, slick NAD and the Pioneer doesn't accept banana plugs, doesn't have a detachable power cord, and has maybe 1 AUX input. Also no remote control
  8. Scratchy sound, static, uneven power distribution (you can see on the little radar scale) and pops on start up/shut down. After taking a look at this http://www.oldbrokenjunk.com/wordpress/?cat=22 I'm not sure if I want to dive into this myself.
  9. I've seen them play before, a coworker of mine did some work with their website That Tamron looks like a nice lens!
  10. I actually have 2-3 vintage Pioneers...a QX-747, a Sound Project (basically a Pioneer, super low end), and another I can't remember the model of. They all need work to some varying degree - they've all been sitting in storage for decades without much or any use. I'm okay with my h/k right now - it isn't broken or awful but I am looking for more power and a better phono stage. I appreciate the offer of the Kenwood but the shipping, especially in US dollars, would be close to $75 Those speakers look great!
  11. eBay has the biggest selection by far but the Canadian dollar + shipping to Canada has almost killed it for me The local classifieds are a much smaller pool unfortunately, but I can audition stuff and not have to pay shipping so I'm holding out a bit Curious about matching a Rotel to my B&Ws as well
  12. Why integrated? No space for separates right now and no need for the power, really. I have a set of small, efficient bookshelf speakers. Budget too - looking to buy a house within the next year and I have a cap on all things audio for the next foreseeable few years. I do like NAD gear but the few BEE units I've seen for sale haven't had phono stages. Been a while since I've seen a PE unit as well. If I were going new I'd look at a Marantz PM6005, Rotel RA-12 or best case scenario Hegel H80. Used I'm open to a lot of things and waiting for the right NAD or maybe a Rotel RA-1062 to pop up.
  13. Still looking for an integrated, haven't really made up my mind on what I want 100% so I'm surfing the classifieds and seeing if anything in my list pops up. I've found some decent luck on Amazon for brand new vinyl - I need to make it out to the record stores to find some more for sure though. That would probably be your best bet - I got lucky on eBay a few years back when I was replacing the fuses in an old Sound Project (made by Pioneer) receiver from the early 70s and got a whole bag of a very specific and hard to find fuse from China
  14. The V12s are a great tire for the price but I noticed they had a bit of a softer sidewall. I've tried them on an 01' Mini Cooper S Works, 2008 GTI and S2000 FYI The Conti DWs are basically a German PSS - cheaper and better wear. There's a BMW in my underground with a set of PSS up front, DW in the back...can't tell the difference visually unless you go up and look lol. If I had the choice I'd go Continental. I've seen two coworkers tear through a set of PSS (Volvo XC60 R Design w/Polestar, Golf R) in less than 2 seasons.
  15. Glad you're enjoying it! I'm getting back into browsing used stuff for a new integrated amp and also slowly collecting more records. Do you buy new or used vinyl?
  16. Look into Continental ExtremeContact DWs If you're going budget - Falken FK series
  17. That looks nice and sharp. I still keep my 60 2.8 on the lens 80% of the time (except for when using my 12-24) but I can't help thinking it would be easier to have something shorter in focal length for all my light tent stuff. For what the lens goes for it seems I can't go wrong. Those are nice shots - looks like you might find a circular polarizer handy for those car shots
  18. Those look nice - wish I had the space for floor standers NAD integrated?
  19. Anyone a fan of the Nikkor DX 35MM 1.8? Been using my 60MM 2.8 (full frame) on my D7000 daily for over 2 years now and it's a little long for indoor/studio use for what I do (product photography in a light tent)
  20. B&W DM100i Doesn't seem like it but I will really look for it next time I play some vinyl.
  21. I don't really have the resonance problems Mike mentioned for one reason or another, maybe I got lucky or it's where my table sits - couldn't tell you. Throwing money at this thing would be taking from more important things like saving for a new integrated amp, I've already dropped enough on new ICs and the acrylic platter.
  22. Either way I think that Music Hall is a safe bet - I've never heard anything bad regarding those. We should revive the Home Audio Thread I think it closed on us discussing the Pro-Ject
  23. Yeah, they shouldn't. Does mine? yeah, some of the things you listed. My comparison was in jest for the most part but look up Yangotang's thread on his C30 - it happens. I get you and you're one of the better posters on this forum but you could be more polite in this instance
  24. Do you have a good dealer near you? A used table through a dealer was going to be my plan of action.
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