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Everything posted by ErikS

  1. Thanks, would never put one of those on the 850 but I guess a shirt is ok.
  2. I agree nobody "won." We all support with our federal taxes Americans dying, wars, immigration, medicare/medicaid. If you take a foreign service position in a scary country, risks ensue - they know this before taking the position. When I travel to Africa, S. America, and The Middle East, I am taking a risk for my job. Trump declared how smart he was that he doesn't have to pay federal income tax, as in, he financially does not support anything mentioned above. That to me, with a family of two and $500,000 of federal income tax paid in the last six years makes me upset. A billionaire - not paying a fraction of his share, putting the burden on me to support our social system and global dominance. I look at the two candidates now and ask myself who brings stability for my kids, one here, one due in a few weeks. It is not Donald.
  3. That's a bit too specific to not be creepy.
  4. I 'm just effin with you too. I didn't get that opinion from the internet, I got it from words that are directly spoken out of Trump's mouth.
  5. I hear Trump needs a new campaign manager, you should apply. I guess I "regret" some of the "things I have said" about you. Get behind a xenophobic, narcissist, pandering demagogue who has shown over and over again he is only interested in his headlines and the news cycle. You're flushing America down the toilet with that vote, you, and your kid's future with it. I built a car today from scratch ... just so you know
  6. I am in no pain my friend, just find it sad and funny how easily you were manipulated.
  7. I will be in Saudi Arabia on election day. I've already requested my absentee ballot, and I've said many times before my local elections mean way more than the general election. Oh, I'll be ok too regardless of who is president. I know you know my name and where I live, rather not broadcast it to everyone. Trump is not fit to be president, he tried to abdicate the responsibility already. He would not make this country a better place, if you can give me a valid reason why he would, feel free to share. You play the antagonist role well, its sad you have nothing to back it up with.
  8. I see you took the high road, and didn't get personal. Your maturity is beyond your years. Also ...
  9. Long overdue, I finally found the Trump train. Gary still on board?
  10. It is pretty hard to piss off Mormons. Where is Gary and the Trump train? Woowoo ...
  11. ErikS

    '98 S70 Build

    Just don't lock him in the car with it running.
  12. Not, that's not what I meant. It's just not as easy for some as it is for others - its not a switch that can be flipped and people's lives can be complicated. You can get stuck in a routine and its not super easy to break free from it.
  13. I find the life advice from those <35 w/o kids "interesting." On topic did Trump eat any babies with a knife and fork or steal from any poor people today? Haven't been on the news sites.
  14. I'm not voting for Hillary. I wish we had a parliamentary system. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda
  15. You really seem like an intelligent guy. Yes, we all know Clinton made mistakes. The last republican president made mistakes along with the CIA, FBI, and NSA. It cost us 9/11 and its aftermath. You know that Trump has been involved in 169 Federal lawsuits, right? What will happen with all his legal woes, businesses, etc if he becomes president? Do you really think he will let it all go and be 100% our commander. That makes me real comfortable he will have his best intentions of average Joe on Main Street. Since you can't articulate why, even though I've repeatedly asked you, what makes you believe Trump will make America great again here it is. Fear, and superiority. Through fear of others, whom we don't identify with, we can become superior through force. Others that are different should not have equal footing for those that are the same. Weakness is inherent in compassion, those that show compassion for the weak are not making America great. Got my voter ID card today. The second I see a "Make America Great Again" bumper sticker on one of your cars, I will finally believe you haven't been trolling this whole time.
  16. I heard Trump can communicate with dolphins and doesn't poop. Gary, can you confirm with your sources?
  17. Sorry to hear that, it has some strange side effects for some.
  18. Did the neurologist talk to her about Gabapentin? That is what I take now if one of my discs slips, it helps a lot, is non-narcotic and also non-addictive.
  19. Those that truly need help, yes. Free passes and rides? No. What is interesting is the data is the data, but if you look at Trumps points and why America is not great - it goes against every data point we have. All his talking points are complete utter bullshit.
  20. Again, you need to operationalize "superior" what does that mean, you've changed it from "elite"? Yes, those countries provide better public education, better health care, and a higher quality of life for the vast majority of its citizens than the United States does. I'm not sure why I'm now a "socialist", or why you think the socialist boogey man is going to come into your house and take away ... what? You know those taxes you have no choice to pay from your income, property, and items you buy? Those fund social programs. I already pay for other children's education. Texas has one of the highest property tax rates in the nation, and my zip code is one of the highest in the state. "Obama is a liberal pussy" That is why you are voting for Trump? Yes, lets see where his administration got us in the last eight years. The U.S. trade deficit has shrunk by 24 percent; exports have grown faster than imports. The number of immigrants in the U.S. illegally has gone down — by 3.4 percent according to one independent estimate and by 9 percent according to another. The economy has added 9.7 million jobs. The unemployment rate has dropped below the historical norm. The buying power of the average worker’s weekly paycheck is up 4.2 percent. Corporate profits are running 144 percent higher and stock prices have soared. Federal debt has more than doubled, and annual deficits, after shrinking, are again on the rise. The number of people lacking health insurance has gone down by nearly 15 million. http://www.factcheck.org/2016/04/obamas-numbers-april-2016-update/ I told you why I would vote for Johnson, did you watch his CNN town hall? I have never said I was a socialist, still not understanding why you think that.
  21. You know I was just using a Trump tactic. Its seems to have gotten under your skin so I will stop. There is nothing "weak" about anything I've said in my answers or arguments - Is emptiness a sign of strength in your book? There are quite a few "elite" countries with highly socialized systems. GB for one, Norway, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland ... they are largely culturally monistic, which helps. I setup a 529 for my son when he was six months old, he'll have a couple hundred grand when he is 18 ;) I did register to vote when I had to renew my driver's license. I will probably vote for Gary Johnson as he likes limited government, but is more socially liberal. I don't agree with everything he wants to do, but certainly more than the other two options - also he's a badass. So, why are you voting for Trump? What will he do to make America great again? Do we get more empty, hollow, one liners from you, or are your going to show how strong you are by explaining?
  22. I've never set foot in a Walmart, but many don't have a choice. My point is saggy balls Gary has done nothing to support his argument for Trump. One liners, question dodging, changing the subject, bullying, and bullshit. That is Gary's argument so far.
  23. :sigh: Free market economics and social welfare programs are part of every modern "elite" society. What is an elite society by the way in your definition? They have to be in balance - and in the US, they are not. Those surgeons and chemists and engineers? They are all immigrants, or children of them my saggy balled trumpster friend.
  24. Walmart is the largest employer in the US, and a benchmark of success in capitalism. It is publicly traded and private-sector - committed to one thing, profits. They pay such a low wage to the vast majority of employees in the US that they are forced to turn to medicaid and medicare, and also receive welfare to compensate for their low wages and complete lack of benefits. Social programs propping up capitalism is not sustainable. I know your retort is "these are not permanent jobs", but they are for tens of millions of Americans. Your taxes will go up in the future to continue to support this model. That is reality. If these large multinational and socially impacting corporations gave better wages and simple benefits you and I take for granted, perhaps things would be better for those who truly are not able to move up in the social and economic classes, and the socialist programs you are already paying for out of each paycheck would not need more money to remain solvent.
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