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Everything posted by ErikS

  1. They are most definitely different. One is focused on the physical world, the other the spiritual. The physical world can be tested, the supernatural cannot. There are very specific rules on how an electron is supposed to act under certain conditions. That CPU allowing you to type on that computer to respond? The power cord running to your outlet? The power line to your house? The transformer to the power plant? I don't need to assume that electrons exist, or someone to tell me they exist, I know they exist independent of another's communicated assumptions.
  2. We know very little, we should stick to the simple questions, true evidence comes by way of religion .. but only if you believe in it. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/04/160422-atheism-agnostic-secular-nones-rising-religion/
  3. Except for those god damn nihilists. No pun intended.
  4. Glad to hear you got high on your adventures too.
  5. I cherish my Boy Scout years. Fire, knives, camping, knots, sticks you can make into weapons, more knives.
  6. Hold up, tell me how I proved your point. Religious people have fucked up the world just as much as those without a faith. Shouldn't it be more like 99% of the world's problems are from those without religion, and 1% from those with it? We've had 2000 + years to get it, and God to show up. Where is he? I'd love to go to heaven and live eternal in pure light and knowledge and clouds and shit. And don't do the whole "reading comprehension" bullshit. I am very good read, very good.
  7. Hitler was a deist, he used political means to accept or reject religion .. as in he used it to his advantage to raise up established religions, and then of course destroy them when it seemed fit for his nationlist views. These were men, doing bad things for political reasons. If you think a person being agnostic or an atheist is a following, I fell sorry for your thought processes. Faith is the absence of evidence. Its the core argument.
  8. I should start taking my wife to church more.
  9. I have a question, what bathroom could God use in North Carolina? And Jesus was a dick sometimes, really just concerned about himself. Mark 11:12-21 Luke 19:27 Matthew 10:34
  10. Or the hundred thousand plus in the Israeli/Palestine conflict over a tiny piece of holy land. God sure loves that real estate. And that phrase comes from Jim Jones, the ultimate Christian who had all his disciples kill themselves in the name of God. Ironic you use it that way, huh?
  11. I did not say that - its words typed down clear to see Gary;), it was an example to make a point. Religion is used for evil as much as it is used for good.
  12. Is that a question or a statement? How is my moral compass somehow skewed for not believing in God? Millions (some estimates are in the hundreds of millions) have died "in the name of God." I can't say the same number have died "not in the name of God." When I travel to Saudi Arabia, I have to lie on my visa application or I could actually be punished by death for not saying there is a God. Makes you feel war and fuzzy doesn't it?
  13. How can something be true and not true simultaneously? That's what we are asking the religious. There is evidence for facts, and there is fiction - if God is not fiction show me evidence. Absence of evidence is not evidence for the opposite argument. Its the absolutist view that a religious view is right, and everyone is wrong that irks the fuck out of the rest of us. If a religion is so right then why is everyone else so wrong?
  14. Hold on now. Kevin may be quite a bit younger than us, but he has a right to voice whatever opinion he has. We get it is a social teaching tool, with stories that relate to how people should treat each other - why does the Bible need to be the reference book? Again, I hold to my statement that there is more important information out there now to further humanity, not a static religious text.
  15. I'm just bored. I don't have any other excuse. I saved a baby mockingbird on Saturday. Little guy woke me up chirping in the bushes, got knocked out from the nights storm. Read up and I built a nest and pinned it to his tree. Day two and the parents are still feeding him and seems to be thriving. Plus one for life.
  16. I think its time for a GTX turbo for the 850, or something else to make it really fast.
  17. I hope you understand that I am not happy with any of the judeo-christian religions Alain, or most religion in general. When you keep presenting yours it leaves it for scrutiny, I am not trying to attack your faith just presenting questions that seem reasonable. I respect your faith and admire your convictions. If I had it my way I'd be re-incarnated as a buddhist in Bhutan in the next life sipping tea and staring at the mountains. I wish I had a life that simple.
  18. DMC is media, insurance, and hospitality. That's right. Y'all own a huge insurance company that is for profit. Religion. Insurance. For-Profit. Give me a break.
  19. So why does your church run for profit businesses like DMC and AgReserves? What good does 40 billion in fancy temples and real estate around the globe do for the poor starving child in Africa? Not very Jesus like. The Jesus I've read about would tell you to sell it all and give it to the poor.
  20. No. Its the same when modifying cars. You can't build a cheap, fast, and reliable car - you can pick two, you can't have all three. When a monotheistic religion says god is all knowing, all powerful, and all loving its the same thing. You can't have all three. Why are you a Mormon Alain? Is it because your parents were Mormon. If you were born into a Catholic, Hindu, or Jewish family do you think you would have still found the Mormon faith? Do you think your faith is a business?
  21. That is 9 year old data and then using a very small religion to show how Mormons do the opposite. I grew up in Eastern Washington and had many Mormon friends, if they were still Mormon in college chances were they stayed that way. I wonder if there is new data ... don't be lazy Alain sticking to the first coupe of links you can pull up when you search ;) http://www.pewforum.org/2015/05/12/americas-changing-religious-landscape/ I am referring to global scale on how intelligence and level of education do not correlate with religiosity, especially in other developed first world countries. Funny you should mention that. I sat in on a lecture today by Daniel Levitin at my conference. Did you all know we have created more new information in the last 4 years, then we have in the rest of human history .. The task now is not having everyone gain access to the information, the internet has solved that problem - the challenge is using that information in creative ways and empowering others to distinguish between fact and fiction, misinformation and truth. The one "faith" I have is that religion, any religion, is bound to a limited and static set of information, you can't add pages to the Bible or Koran. In the end it will limit the power it has over people, it will only take time.
  22. Why does religiosity drop based on the level of education a person has? Is God all powerful, all knowing, and all good? How can you have access to God's mind when you can explain things, then say He is mysterious when you cannot?
  23. Now who's not versed in all religions? I see you need some thetans released.
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