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Everything posted by matt1122

  1. I got that the first time, honestly, but it was so confusingly worded that after reading it 4x there was a chance I might have missed some part of it... guess not... either way, I just had to post the worm. :P
  2. Dude, show your dedication, put up 10 to replace it.
  3. You really need to read the 9/11 Comissions report, just the beginning part on how the hijackings went down and the way hijackings are handled by NORAD and the FAA, in order to understand how terrible the handling of the hijacking was. No one knows how the hijackers got into the cockpit for sure, if the doors were locked, and the pilots never signalled a hijacking in progress. I'm sure had they had any idea what was about to happen they would have been able to stop it. It was the simple fact that up until that point the best way to keep as many people alive as possible had been simply to listen to the hijackers and do what they say, we were never worried about this method of using an airplane as a weapon before, particularly in the case of a domestic flight. 5 people w/ pepper spray and box cutters/knives vs. 55 people? The hijackers never should have been succesful. Fact is on 9/11 if the pilots had guns, based upon how things went down, chances are they wouldn't have actually gotten to use them, especially if they were locked away.
  4. "Sorry babe, but if you don't claim your male within 7 days it gets sent back, and this male was sent back before it ever even got there." I thought it was quite witty at the time and I'm sure it confused the stuff out of her because now that I'm sobering up a little it even confuses the hell out of me. I think she got the point though. B)
  5. I actually started reading that one the airplain a few months ago but I have no idea where it is now because I got "Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them" and found that more enjoyable. Right now I'm working on the 9/11 Commission Report, but when I'm done maybe I'll see if I can find that. :)
  6. http://www.fictionwise.com/ebooks/eBook26077.htm Looks GREAT! I bet some quotes from VS are in there.
  7. Hey, if you believe legends then you have a legend RIGHT HERE telling you THAT MOFO WAS FAT. (this is going nowhere fast)
  8. Yeah I saw that point coming before you even made it what I didn't know about was that quoted event Charles posted. I do actually understand why they have them now. ;)
  9. Yup, pretty much. That sounds like a grand idea, but I don't think they should enforce traffic laws! :ph34r:
  10. When people are ignorant no one wants to waste their time proving anything.
  11. So, there are other people with permits who can escort them! :P
  12. I know is not sensible, but I don't have to be because I don't have any say in this kind of stuf! Besides, haven't you caught on? It's no longer "in" to tell the people where the money will come from.
  13. I still think a marshall escort or such would be far superior to giving them federal permits.
  14. :lol: Internets. George Bush is like that friend who always says something wrong and doesn't catch himself. Makes you slap yourself on the forhead and think "there go another 250 votes from stupid people who can't actually comprehend the issues so they vote based upon the presidents ability to pronounce nuclear and recognize that generally people say "the internet." (Despite the fact that there is more than one Network, which is why some do refer to it as the internets despite the fact that the internet is the composition of those networks.)
  15. Enough said. Add you to the list of people making wild accusations based upon media stuff when even if you had the facts you wouldn't know what the hel was going on.
  16. So? Giving them guns is f*ing stupid, what they need is escort, not their own weapons, what?
  17. Doug's right, terrorists insult their claimed religions by saying they are doing what they do for religious causes. The real reason they do it is because (a) they are nuts ( they weren't hugged enough when they were little and © they are so pathetic already they have nothing left to lose.
  18. Why the hell do Meat Inspectors need guns in the first place?
  19. Point: A soldier in Iraq has about an equal chance of being murdered to anyone in chicago or detroit.
  20. Meat inspectors can carry guns on planes? If you're telling me so and so can carry a gun on a plane I want to see it in writing, otherwise I assume its just an assumption you're making.
  21. I'm saying that right now being in on an airplane is like being in another country in that aspect, and I like it and think its the best way - and generally I don't think I've ever been on a plane with anyone who had a gun on them, good or bad. It's easier to hide a gun in DC from the cops than it is in your suitcase from an x-ray machine and metal detector.
  22. Okay, but the bad guys can't carry at all, so no one has to worry about carrying. Kind of like in Canada - people don't feel the need for guns so much because its INCREDIBLY unlikely that they are going to encounter one since they can't be legally owned.
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