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Everything posted by matt1122

  1. Okay, I don't think this discussion can go anywhere, but I do want to demonstrate how fact check isn't as reliable as you think it is - YES, they showed that the people saying Kerry LIED to get his medals were not completely believable and some people said it was the truth - but that wasn't the true issue - fact of the matter is Kerry whined over VERY minor injuries to get those medals, THAT is an act of cowardice, much worse than lying in my opinion if you are running for the position of commander in chief. Fact Check doesn't even touch on the middle ground - they disprove the extreme point of view - that Kerry lied - and ignore the middle ground which is where the real issue is - the fact that Kerry whined and begged and harassed his COs to get the recommendations for the medal and so on and so forth. I wish I had time to go back through everything I've found that pushes this fact, but I don't - if you search heavily on the matter you will come upon plenty of support for this. Just like wth the lumber company incident they proved the bare facts - Kerry did not lie. Lumber Company incident - they left out the fact that Bush doesn't control his own funds, didn't know he owned the stock in the lumber company and also that the lumber company stock was the result of owning a share in an oil company. This incident - they leave out the accusation that Kerry exagerrated and whined and begged to get those medals for things not medal worthy. They don't follow through on the issue, just on the facts, and it can be misleading.
  2. Yes, I know what Fact Check is, and the reason Fact Check is not the most reliable source is because ANYTHING can be proven true or false regardless of what the truth really is if you try hard enough - you can't get more flawed than that. No, I don't think seeing your best friend killed due to Bush's monkey-ups is a valid reason to vote against him because blaming it on Bush is foolish. What I was pointing out, though, was that you essentially said that 1/4 of the people you have talked to's best friends were all killed as a result of Bush's monkey-ups.
  3. It's not "innocent people" I'm worried about. I realize that a bullethole "supposedly" couldn't cause too much trouble, but all those movies where someone shoots and the little hole causes the plane to go down make me uncomfortable. Besides, a tripple dose of tazer action is more than enough and its more fun to boot.
  4. I think if they are properly trained we will all be alright. I think I'd actually feel safer if they holstered them in their belts once in the cockpit though. I don't particularly like projectile weapons on planes though, maybe they should all cary daikatanas instead.
  5. It was the first post I wonder about. Fact Check may get the facts straight but it is definitely biased, sorry to say. I wish people would stop looking to it as a reliable unbiased source. Then again, it's better than my Macro prof. who thought "Mother Jones" was unbiased and "pretty reliable."
  6. Unfortunately the majority of voting adults aren't much smarter.
  7. sometimes I put nader in just for fun. they actually ask the political questions and the demographic questions on every single poll right at the beginning, regardless of the actual survey topic, so sometimes I get tired of paying attention and click around hoping I hit something sensible.
  8. Actually I have been polled before, and still take a lot of polls because they give you about $2.00 for every one you take - and it's a crisp new $2.00 bill every time and I love them.
  9. Where is that from? I think it might be too convenient to be true.
  10. has a lot to do with the fact that its the internet and i couldnt care less what just about anyone thinks of me, but someone had to say it - not enough people have died in iraq that anyone could have talked to "plenty" of people who's "best friend [was] killed" in Iraq.
  11. :lol: Wow you must know the right people! Wake up call - not that many people have died in Iraq.
  12. I think the president should ride around in a Volvo, I'm not confortable with the safety associated with limos, a bulletproof S80 would make me much more comfortable.
  13. Did you know there are over 40,000 toilet bowl related injuries reported some years? Accidents? I think not!
  14. What was the point of that comment then?
  15. Here's the problem - you think Al Quaeda is the sum of all terrorism in the universe. Sorry, but AQ or not, Saddam rules in part by terrorism, even if it's not all against us. Have you seen the stuff he did to his own people? Most of his prisoners would gladly be monkeyed up the butt to get away from Saddam's prisons.
  16. I wasn't being sarcastic, I want to pin them all - to a cross. And then burn it. Yeah. BILL NYE for PRESIDENTE!
  17. Jester, isn't your name Patrick? I KNEW there was a 16 y/o named patrick and I KNEW he'd vote for Kermonkey.
  18. South America? Have fun in the third world, I'm going to Canada.
  19. Kerry won't do stuff about Russia, don't be fooled.
  20. Doesn't really worry me all that much, but we definitely don't "need" it so I guess I'll sign an online petition no one cares about.
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