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Everything posted by matt1122

  1. I'm sorry, but there is plenty of evidence showing that Kerry "whined" his way into those three purple hearts, and I already said why he wanted three purple hearts. And Chuck, if you don't think Iraq had anything to do with the War on Terror you aren't paying attention - Sadam had been making threats on the US for a longggggg time, it's people like you who believe the stuff act he puts on for the UN ("Ooooo me? I don't have anything! I didn't do anything! I'm a good saddam! I've turned a new leaf!") that forced us to act on our own. Good old UN, always gets to the truth. "If you don't let me see those parts of the palace right now, We'll..." "You'll what...?" "We'll be forced to write a really mean letter telling you how much we don't like you." (I can't wait for the DVD, I can't remember the lines worth ____.
  2. Truth about Kerry is he seemed like a terrible candidate a few months ago and a decent candidate now but with all the flipflopping we will never really know which he is. If he is elected I hope to God that he turns out to be the best anyone's expecting of him, but I expect dissapointment.
  3. There's a huge difference between lying and unintentionally spreading a fallacy.
  4. I put stickers on stickers, not on paint or trim or even windows, so it's okay. :)
  5. I believe Jackass now officially refers to one specific leader, and you can't use it to describe any others. ;)
  6. Add it to the list of bullshit they've said.
  7. Um... does covering the Kerry and AntiBush stickers with my own Pro Bush/Cheney stickers count as Vandalism? And Kerry has his lawyers in Ohio already, ready to file suits for all the foul voting that might put Bush ahead. <_<
  8. Sorry, Doug, I can see why that was confusing, I didn't mean your views Doug, I wasn't attacking you. I was saying I wanted Karlson to say what HIS views were, rather than what Kerry's were. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't match up at all... oh wait, that's impossible, Kerry even has met all of my requests in his stuff at one point or another. Ahhhh oh well.
  9. I'm glad you can't vote. Do you know what's sooooo special about having 3 purple hearts? Why Kerry cut himself to earn them and begged like a baby for them? Not for honor - it's because if you get three purple hearts you get to go home. Nice one though, you're really on top of things. BTW, you don't need to be on the front lines to serve your country, jackass, you basically just called the vast majority of the military "scared to go." Oh, and this alchoholic thing? Who the hell told you he was an alchoholic? Even if it was true that wouldn't matter, getting over alchoholism says alot about how strong a person is, and it builds a lot of character. He was convicted of driving drunk or whatnot - huge difference, I know kids that do it and even though it's stupid it doesn't make you any less capable of running a country, or anything else for that matter, when you are sober.
  10. I don't even know what this means... Then again, you ARE from DC aren't you? I always wonder why they gave you shitheads 3 electoral votes. What a waste, they could have gone somewhere useful - like to me. What did Kerry do "to" his country?
  11. *cough cough* They volunteered. One of my best friends is in the military and his family has more money than you will ever see in your entire life. When he's home he drives a Maserati Coupe, costing over $100,000 and he's 24. He might be in the minority but that doesn't mean stuff. Some people may join the military because it's a good career decision - you shouldn't make that decision unless you ARE really ready to give your life to your country, so don't give me any "yeah well some people don't plan on having to go to war" stuff. The military is NOT a free ticket to college or WHATEVER, you have to work to pay for what you get out of the deal. Because in any other case it would rest on the shoulders of this president and umm... Mickey Mouse? He's the leader of our country, of course it rests on his shoulders, that doesn't mean its unjustified. A big part of the reason the electoral college is there in the first place, to keep idiots from taking control of the country. What the hell does that mean?
  12. Those are Liberal ideals? What are conservative ideals? Hate and war?
  13. You should probably go to sleep, maybe you will find a witty comeback somewhere in your dreams.
  14. Forget HIS views, what are YOUR views? I bet you don't even know the issues the way you talk, except what you learned from Farenheit 9/11, of course. I'm not saying there aren't people who agree with Kerry, but you just seem to have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Actually, everyone agree's with Kerry - no matter which side you're on, he's on your side!
  15. Yes, I do like things the way they are. No, I don't feel the need to change enough of our current paths to justify bringing a jackass like Kerry into office - and having NO idea what the hell he is going to do because of all his flip flopping I can't honestly say Kerry would change any of them for the better even if he was going to. I am not a solid republican, I vote for whoever is the better candidate. There isn't going to be a "draft" in that sense under Bush's control, you're an idiot, go do some research and stop talking out your jerk. You're worse than my girlfriend when it comes to politics - at least she hates Bush for a reason, you hate him because you're an idiot and have no idea what is going on. Here is why I'm voting for George W. Bush: http://www.georgewbush.com/
  16. I'm glad your vote didn't count, you are extremely closed minded and have no idea what you are talking about - a true rebel without a cause. Go hug some trees. Oh and Kerry would bat his eye but it's that damned botox, right? BTW, you don't have to sound like a genious to sound like a much better candidate than John Fudgeface Kerry.
  17. Believe me, I'm not idiot (sic), I usually just don't care enough to try, but when I see truly stupid things I feel the need to point them out.
  18. hahaha I actually forgot there was a poll here. Sorry. Still bullshit.
  19. Hey, I just thought that maybe if you were going to go around talking about politics like you know what you are talking about you should at least get it straight - George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, no Jr, no Sr.
  20. Wow, ignorance is bliss, isn't it. You keeeep pretending Kerry is ahead in the polls and that its possible to have a 57% - 52% split. Have fun. And whatever you do don't ever follow this link and see how the polls are really going day by day.
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