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Everything posted by matt1122

  1. Funny can also mean "strange" when used appropriately, as in this instance.
  2. IIRC from what I watched a few hours ago the vast majority of people in the film (if not all) are democrats. They seem to defend the truth more than they defend Bush, though the film obviously *looks* like it's designed to be anti-kerry/pro-bush. Definitely anti-moore, and THATS what I wanted to see.
  3. Did bush lie or did he make a human error? How do you think Kerry would have handled the situation? Oh wait, you could never know with the sh*t he pulled.
  4. Have you watched the debates at all? what are you talking about?
  5. Seen it? Just watched it. Loved it. Great film.
  6. This is a *completely* different topic from "are you liberal or conservative", so I don't think any consulting is necessary, sorry.
  7. And so begins the longest post in VS history. No, murder has a very negative affect on society, the murderer's are doing actual harm to the welfare of society and the individual in EVERY instance (except maybe true mercy killings, but there are exceptions to every rule). The vast majority of the time an abortion does not really harm the welfare of society, as a matter of fact it sometimes could be seen as a benefit to the unborn child and the mother. Making murder illegal also helps to decrease the fear an individual has of being physically harmed. You don't need to make murder illegal to get justice - think linch mobs. If murder were legal the linch mobbing would be a legal activity as well. Making murder illegal simply helps to secure a right we wish was there - the right to live without fear. Any scientist would probably tell you that a fetus has no sense of fear in the womb anyway, but what is definite is that the fetus is not affected by the laws governing our fine country, so the fetus is not really going to feel any safer once abortions are made illegal anyway. I could have made this much nicer and clearer, I'm sure, but who has time? I agree with this statement, and these are GOOD examples of when an abortion will benefit the unborn child in the long run in some people's eyes. Yes, the are absolutely horrible. Fortunately, though, we don't have to ban abortion entirely to stop these attrocities. No, which view you share IS part of the point, and your first statement seems like a HUGE self contradiction to me. You basically said the point isn't the point. Well it is the point. As far as adoption goes, talk to me when you are a pregnant girl who doesn't want her baby and YOU are willing to go through what may end up being a difficult pregnancy which will have a big impact on your life and THEN you are willing to give up your own baby after you've gone through all of that. There is a middle ground, those of us who dissaprove of abortion but do not impose our views on others, especially in situations we cannot and will not ever understand. To me Pro-Life legislation and censorship are pretty close together, and BOTH are attrocities. NO ONE is making you look at/listen to/play anything. In the same manor NO ONE is making ANYONE have an abortion, it's a decision people should be able to make for themselves! Now that I think about it, I guess abortion IS a clear liberal vs. conservative issue, even though it shouldn't be. Government Control over our private lives? NO THANKS. You can kill all the babies you want and I'm gonna keep watching south park, listening to 2 Live Crew! and playing GTA3. Our private lives should NOT!!!!! be the concern of our government. Good job, you made me hate liberals even more. Nope. Okay, as long as you aren't doing harm to society that's fine with me. You throw away your vote voting for someone who has a chance for winning anyway, so I don't know why you bother anyway. You have no say in this election, your vote for another party has a much greater effect than your vote for either the republican or democratic party. I see a lot of "I don't like this in the middle stuff/politicians fighting for the middle ground", so why don't you get off your jerk and vote for a party that stands for what you believe in. If enough people thought about where they stand and voted for the party that stands for their beliefs there might actually be a chance for those parties to get on the ballot and maybe even one day win. But don't pretend your vote matters for this election - it doesn't. No matter who YOU vote for the same guys going to win the electoral vote. Your vote is going to have a much larger impact on the next election, you should probably start thinking about that and really voting for who you want to win, and not just whoever you agree most with that actually has a chance. Otherwise you ARE tolerating a whole lot of stuff. Yeah, that's completely true, but it has everything to do with more/less government control, and a lot less to do with morals. You can be pro-life and still be conservative, that just means you aren't a liberal asshole who tries to impose his views on others. Worry about yourself. MYOB - ever seen those letters before? Yes, we will Whatever, I don't really care. No worries, no personal offense to you either. Yes it is. Blow me. And the splitting begins!
  8. Quite frankly no one is asking you or the government what you think of it. There is no reason you have to impose your morals and thinking on anyone else. The US is built upon freedom of choice - people kill other adults even though it's illegal, so what makes you think making abortions illegal would stop them anyway? In no way would banning abortions help our society, even if it did make you feel like you were a better person and you lived in a better and more morally just country. That said, abortion isn't really a conservative vs. liberal issue, it is a partisan issue. One party stands on one side in general, the other party stands on the other side, but it shouldn't influence your decision in this poll what-so-ever since the poll is not party based. See past the parties and politics and decide if you are for a more conservatively government or a more liberally run government.
  9. Guys, I'm not saying which party are you for, republican or democrat, I'm asking that if there was a perfect split and they all stayed completely on their own side and DIDN'T fight so hard for the middle ground, THEN which party would you be for? Which are YOU not which PARTY are you for. There are plenty of conservative parties which aren't the republicans and there are plenty of liberal parties that aren't the democrats, which way do you lean, to the left or to the right? If the ballot said "Liberal" and "Conservative" which would you vote for?
  10. Not terrorism. The country definitely isn't at more risk now then before, the risk has always been there, you just weren't as aware. I think that's an obvious fact a lot of people ignore. Ignorance is bliss. George W. Bush took some of your bliss away by making you less ignorant of the terror situation in our country at any given time. Now you're in denial, pretending the threat wasn't there before and that you were never ignorant. This denial means pretending the threat is greater now than it was before (because, you know, they never tried to knock the WTC down BEFORE bush was in office). Because you deny this you feel that George W. Bush is at fault for our countries terror threat level, when in fact its the lifestyle of our entire country that the middle eastern terrorist organizations hate. Quite frankly, if you became president you'd be hated just as much as GW is, and if you make John Kerry our president he is going to be hated just as much and I highly doubt he will put up as strong a fight against that hate and terror as George W. Bush does, and his message will certainly not be as strong. PS By you I mean everyone else, not necessarily jross. ;)
  11. You know, it's funny, I remember being able to type *better* than a monkey when I was drunk, even if there were some spelling errors here and there.
  12. The president and vice president aren't the whole picture though, consider where our other representatives stand and I think it becomes a lot easier to pick a side, though some issues are still touchy.
  13. That's a good reason to vote for a third party, while they have no chance of being on the electoral ballot this year if they get enough of a popular vote they could actually enter the race, at least that's the theory. And Doug, I never said anything about being extreme, I said which way do you lean. The way you vote is not a good indicator, the way you feel on the issues is. Anyone could vote for Kerry this election if they had been paying attention and made up their mind during the right point in his endless flip flopping. At least now he's starting to develop a more solid solidness to his campaign, though I still have my doubts. The next debates tomorrow, right?
  14. This is the purest form it shall ever have - and the first time without all the stuff and whining. No issue discussion, not about who you're voting for, simply which are you, one or the other. Your own definition, define it however you like, just pick a side. Or don't pick a side, but then you can't vote. ;)
  15. Wow, you're right that happens with the "gray" skin. Try switching over to the old skin when you go to use your gallery for now I guess, gallery works with the "Default" skin fine. (Go to the bottom of any page and use the drop-down box on the far left.)
  16. If you can't pick a team then you can't play, sorry. And those two say they are in the middle, that was my point. Maybe this will help: Which side are you voting for? If you are voting for: Republican, Constitutional, etc. and you like Fox News pick conservative. If you are voting for: Democratic, Green, Socialist, Communist, or if you watch a lot of MTV, etc. pick liberal. I too have somewhat liberal human rights ideals, JFTR.
  17. For the forum-wide/public gallery you just go to Gallery, into the album you want and click "New Image". For your personal albums go to My Controls and then click Your Albums on the left side. Create a new album then look to the right and you will see "upload image." Hope this helps. I'll add it to the FAQ in the SR Forum, too.
  18. I think it's pretty straight forward. I don't want to hear any of this "I'm kind of in the middle" bullshit. Everyone's in the middle. Here's a list of people who are in the middle: Bill O'Reilly Michael Moore Nuff Said Just to clarify, these are two examples of BSers who say they are in the middle. Like them, you are full of monkeys if you say you are in the middle. I only ask because it seems like the majority of VS regulars are a bit to the right, just wanted to see.
  19. I actually haven't had anything to drink in a long time, but thanks. Countdown to 21 - 48 days.
  20. T3h m1nu73 h4nd h4th m0v3d 4g41n! J/K. I'm not REALLY an alchoholic.
  21. This is weak. Some people here are clearly NOT drunk, and that's CHEATING. I can't believe you guys would post here when you're not... ummm.... /leave-real-fast-without-saying-bye-and-hide-somewhere-till-tomorrow
  22. TY Charles, you're our hero! Just so everyone knows - the cookies got confused and my mark read options are not working properly, just log out and log back in to fix this.
  23. Ohhh God's just pissed off about Gore, it doesn't have anything to do with Bush. You see, an angel actually appeared to Al Gore in his sleep and told him how to make the internet! In other words, what a crock of *.
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