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Everything posted by matt1122

  1. hey... i didnt announce my dinner so you could go around telling everyone! ^^^^ Not funny at all.
  2. I was shocked when I saw the word "dumbasses" used on the screen to advertise a product from a sneaker company... Is this a first in US TV? Anyway, my personal opinion is no. Yeah, maybe YOU don't want your kids to be saying "dumbass" quite yet, but I find it funny when they do. :D
  3. I would list to state my position on this once again... oh wait, it was the first post in the thread. Whoever wrote that is smart for a hater.
  4. And here I thought my Volvospeed was in "Winter".
  5. So this is why I get my daily updates in the form of 176 e-mails once every quarter? <_<
  6. Just so everyone realizes, this thread has been monkeyed with and there's a bit missing. I'm not racist. <-- What I said.
  7. Big question is... who the heck drives the japanese/korean cars? Socialists?
  8. Yes, this really will tell you who will make a good moderator.
  9. How about the pain she'd go through to get back in good enough shape to start moving again? I'd be hoping for an afterlife.
  10. This definitely deserves a ??? Don't be playin down tha big ?!
  11. Kevin - Suspended 7 Days - Won't stop the infighting. Attempts to end it were met with more provokation. Took the only action I could think of to make it stop. Doug - Suspended 7 Days - Same thing, and even tried to spread it over the whole forum, probably succeeded, I'll have to wait till I get home to find out what happens over the next few hours.
  12. 15 years... Man, if I was in a coma that long I wouldn't want to deal with the stuff one would have to deal with when waking up, so I'd say axe me right away...
  13. I would pack the monkey up and move the monkey out FAST.
  14. It's not just appeals, there are also "death" rows where the states haven't actually executed anyone in a while because they don't feel like it, IIRC.
  15. ^^ Case in Point. ^^ *Just Kidding!* (Milk Chan Syyle) (Even though that show is t3h suck.) No seriously, just kidding.
  16. Suspending myself for 2 days, because I was bored.
  17. It hasn't happened to them so they will all say they don't feel like the death penalty is necessary or some crap like that.
  18. This thread should be called "how are we going to fix the justice system" because that is where it appears to be going. It's a waste of time though. There is no win-win situation unless crime stops completely. There will always be flaws and problems. I actually think this entire argument that the thread is based on is null though. Take a bunch of law and CJ and US Politics classes and you will realize that decisions that make and change the law are made all the time because Judges must interpet the law. Different people have different interpretations and sometimes justices will bend the law as much as possible to get the best outcome they can. There are a few types of views on the law, and I'm not going to get into them, but not everyone believes it should be treated the same way you believe it should. Some of us believe in justice. I think those kids should get the penalty, but the law says they shouldn't because obviously they don't know write for wrong or understand what they did... Do you have more details on this case? Transcripts perhaps?
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