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Everything posted by matt1122

  1. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. (not really but don't you love saying that?) The whole social security argument is dumb. We have plenty of time to fix social security. If you are 17 you can count on whatever gets broken getting fixed before you turn 65.
  2. Except that's not the case at all. Nice try. It's the way I said it and only a fool would look at it any other way, because only a fool would ignore the fact that this is all political stuff and nothing but.
  3. Bush says, "Okay, let's work on social security together, but you guys need to put forth some ideas. It's an important issue, lets not make it a bipartisan one. TEAM WORK! GO USA!" Democrats say, "We are waiting for your full proposal and refuse to work on it at all until we have made ourselves feel better by ranting about what a bad idea your proposal is. Why do any work now when we can put it off till later and make you and your people waste your valuable time putting together a proposal for us to hate on? We will not give our ideas until we waste time being political nanzy panzies whining and crying about what a terrible idea you have. Your idea sucks. Bdoyle rules."
  4. Oh but it has to be. (No, I'm not the one who did it.)
  5. My company pays for my gas, so I'm okay. But I think everyone else SHOULD get a Prius GT!! Good thinking!
  6. Who the monkey are you to decide who is christian and who isn't? And what are you using as the base for this argument? You better have more to say if you're going to mouth off like that.
  7. Who said anything about jesus in that thread?
  8. Well it is obvious but I just want to make sure everyone knows that I know, though I'm sure the flames are on their way. :rolleyes:
  9. Obviously personality isn't everything, but I guess the fact that you didn't look at personality at all is why you voted for a boldface liar flip flop man who thought botox could win him the election. I really don't think GW is faking a thing. I don't think he's good at faking. He might say things here and there because he has to, but I don't think his personality is faked at all, and I think it shows a lot. I'm not talking about the campaign trail so much as his time in office, btw.
  10. What about each candidates personality and or lives made you vote the way you did? I'm just curious. For me, Kerry seems like a fake and I don't like fake people. Bush seems like a family guy, and I like family guys, even if they are presidents because they are family guys - f*ed if I care. George seems so much friendlier than Kerry, too. Even if George was a complete idiot, I'd trust him before I trusted botox face man.
  11. Look at some $$$$ maps, while you're at it. My (immensely flawed) logic - poor peopel voted for Kerry because they are too busy working trying to support there families to actually know what is going on. College students are too busy watching TV and getting drunk. Which leads them to be poor, anyway. I'd say I blame 25-30% of Kerry's vote on that group of people. I also blame 25-50% of Bush's vote on the fact that most of those rich people know darn well know bush is better for them keeping their own money and don't really care what happens to anyone elses, if it makes you feel better. Again, this logic is incredibly flawed, but I like it!
  12. I'm not whining and complaining though. And don't pretend you're an intellectual "big boy" when the position you're taking on this issue and the points you are using point to an incredibly limited outlook on the economical situation of this country. You're clearly far, far off to the left. You should have voted for nader - a $10 minimum wage would probably be right up your alley. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but don't come on the poli forum pretending its the Bush administrations fault. The economic state cannot be affected by the president nearly as much as you like to pretend it can when you make these outrageous attacks on Bush, whether you like it or not. "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?" is a question posed by a politician to use the negative economic trend against an incumbent opponent, nothing more.
  13. Dana - you just hate Bush, your point here is incredibly weak and shows how biased you are for one reason or another. White850T5 - Isn't the parts division of Volvo Cars run out of the USA? I remember someone recently saying they needed to order parts from the USA and that they were glad the dollar was down as a result. The person saying this was from Sweden and they were talking about Volvos.
  14. More likely the person who started this post likes to whine.
  15. The economy was f*ed before 9/11, it contributed but it was still going to do what it was going to do. It's not G.W.s fault, it's the all of the administrations from the past 24 years' faults.
  16. Many people think hitler was gay. I think there are a few entire books on the matter.
  17. A friend just sent this to me. Quality. Sweetness. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=....800&print=true http://www.sunshine-project.org/ I'm watching Planes, Trains and Automobiles, thus making me obviously too busy to read up on this, but someone let me know how funny it turns out.
  18. It's just a small step in the process of aquiring a particularly nice piece of park land upon which to build my mansion.
  19. Silly, we all know that preserves are just stronger tasting Jellys. Your mom is uneducated, and your post is silly.
  20. Do you think it's alright to drill for oil in Alaska? I do. I've been there. It's not that great. Screw wildlife, I need more oil.
  21. I found this for you: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/files/story2679.php The right definitely agrees with me, except on the team america part. So you can consider your last comment vastly pwnd.
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