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Jippi 855 GLT

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Everything posted by Jippi 855 GLT

  1. i officially boycott clams....

  2. on the way to philly to move ice..

  3. i cant wait to see what you do to it..
  4. im starting to get use to weekly yard work... so much fun...

  5. The 190 is dead, the id10t that worked on it put it together wrong...

  6. im tired of this shit, why the fuck is everyone ignoring me today. these are the times that you know who your true friends are.

  7. now knows who his real friends are amoung the ones he went to HS with..

  8. man i love yard work....

  9. painted the dining room almost done painting the downstairs.

  10. off to harrys for a new glove box doors....

  11. off to harrys for a new glove box doors....

  12. shower then work on the car then more cleaning

  13. i need to head to harrys for a new glove box door...

  14. dammit i need to change the oil...

  15. i wanted to be president when i was 10, when i was in my early teens i wanted to be a designer and design cars for mercedes and volvo. then in high school i wanted to be a mechanic and now im an electrical engineering major with a full time job as a power system operator. im real glad i didnt become a mechanic, if i had to work on cars all day i would get sick of them...
  16. finally sold the cetus'...

  17. dammit....volvo has dead battery....

  18. cool but i dont have manage facebook connect on this page....
  19. wtf..... this dropdown is annoying the shit out of me.... :angry: :angry:
  20. dammit, in AD-free mode Vs freezes up my ie7 at work. only mode that works at work is Lo-Fi
  21. i got ie7 at work and it does it. 7.0.6001.18000 to be exact
  22. im on a computer at work, cache clears when i log off.
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