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Everything posted by khax

  1. so there is a knocking noise coming from my motor... fuck.
  2. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU my ABS module is dying :(
  3. cause they don't put gross sandwiches on the 5 dollar menu everyone knows that.
  4. what kind of bitch doesn't get a 5 dollar footlong?
  5. danny's post plus new VS just is blowing my mind right now.
  6. wellll considering most keys are like $3 at the store it's relatively expensive. also, when i turn on my car the CEL, service light, tracs off light and ABS light all come on. how fucked am i?
  7. kid at my school drives this really cleanly modded 940 turbo and he got rear ended into oncoming traffic on this major highway type thing ~40mph and his whole car got fucked but he was at school today walking around, apparently he had a neck brace for a bit but that was it. i've really never even talked to this kid but i'll probly say something to him about it. i feel bad.
  8. damn! cause my friend like swore you could get volvo keys at a couple places but yup, he's got a 240. to the stealership i go :(
  9. lol let me call real quick thanks dave.
  10. dammit.. i'm not 100% sure that's what it was last time. anyone know what it usually costs?
  11. damn. it's like $35 or soemthing ridiculous isn't it? is it the type of key that makes it so they can't make it at like fred meyer? oh well, i wanted to roll out there to get a volvo lanyard or soemthing for awhile, gonna wash the car and go :lol:
  12. do i have to get volvo keys made at the dealer? or can i get a copy made at any locksmith? for some reason i thought i had to go through the dealer. if anyone wants to tell me real quick.. :D
  13. hahahah no she doesn't care. lost and volvos she knows she can't take priority sometimes ahahahah but on our first actual date this 855R tried to race me and i'd fucking never had anything like that happen to me on an open freeway and i was so pissed so i explained to her how volvos were bettar than all cars and now she's down with em and her parents think my car is way nicer than it is cause it has pegs. muahahah. but yeah sunday is 1 month sooo gonna do stuff all day but it's shitty cause it's a sunday and we have school. HOLY SHIT. as i was typing this post i just realized monday is memorial day this shit is so good :lol: :lol:
  14. me and gf's 1 month is the day after ipd. epic win. i told her today i couldn't do anything saturday cause i had to go to a volvo thing and she lol'd but then was kinda pissed but pretended not to be :lol:
  15. hahah yeah i need to look into pricing for all that stuff. would most likely be this summer if it happened.
  16. well i don't BEAT it. but i drive like a teenager.. definitely. i've kinda realized it's not worth performance modding my car knowing other stuff is going to be breaking. i really want a manual and i have a feeling my parents would support that and be willing to help me out. but yeah, we should talk at ipd perhaps
  17. meh, i drive it kind of hard sometimes but it's just not shifting as smoothly as before. and i've heard numerous reports of the tranny going around 150k miles. that might be a little soon for me but if i was going to manual it wouldn't be too big of a deal wasting the miles it has left in it.
  18. yeahhhh hint hint danny graduation money is coming soon and i'm gonna need a new trans in like 6 months i bet.
  19. soooooooooooooooooooooooooo. how much would paying someone + parts for a manual swap cost versus paying a shop for a new auto trans when mine will inevitably go out?
  20. hahahahah. i didn't start frequenting it til recently. i like other sections more but /b/ is just stupid shit that's funny sometimes but yeah, i scanned my computer but i was clean :D
  21. is anyone else glad that /b/ is back? :lol:
  22. :lol: so my CEL is just an 02 sensor yay.
  23. i still don't understand how the bailout even happened :arob:
  24. lol i have not been that active since i broke my ankle. it's been 6 months and it still hurts like a bitch. i'm having a really time getting back into skateboarding which was my main form of exercise.
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