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Everything posted by khax

  1. i'm so insanely sore i don't know how i'm gonna go to work in 45 minutes. we started the dodgeball unit in this legit PE class i saved for my senior year and it was the most intense day ever and i woke up today and could barely wash my hair or do anything cause all my muscles all up my body are just done :lol:
  2. yeah but erik at least i don't deny it :lol:
  3. yeah i am content with facebook for now.
  4. i never contemplated those sorts of logistics involving a tempurpedic bed... :lol:
  5. ughh i have been having the craziest mood wings lately it sucks. like 15 minutes ago i was in such a good mood and now i'm all stressed out about nothing. sucks.
  6. haha i'd been sitting on it awhile didn't want any malfunctioning or something. yeah but who reads all that stuff :lol:
  7. so i got conned into downloading java for this facebook shit and now all the sudden i have fucking yahoo toolbar in my firefox FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU i go up to the yahoo menu, there's an option that says "remove this". i click it and it removes the yahoo options dropdown box. i'm going to fucking kill someone. edit: lulz, all you have to do is go to view and toolbars.
  8. bahahahah. different girls are different situations ;)
  9. hahahahaha. i probly could have found one but if it had actually come down to it it woulda been kind of shitty trying to find one versus just having it. if i really thought i had needed them i probly would have had one with me i'm not trying to rush her.
  10. yeah usually i just keep one in my wallet. i stopped by 7-11 after work the other day and stuck em in there and forgot to take them out and stuff til i was right next to her house about to pick her up last night :lol:
  11. :lol: depends on your definition i didn't get laid but i wasn't really expecting to. good times were had though she had to leave the party at 1:30 though and we got there right before midnight so it kinda sucked. we didn't even head upstairs til like 1 sooo. but yeah, my condoms were in my center console and i didn't have my keys. it was nearly the most epic fail in history.
  12. prom was fuckin legit. except i lost the keys to my car somewhere along the line and my clothes were locked in my car at my friend's house where we were all staying sooo partied in a tux ahahahah. except now i have to go on a hunt for my keys and call a bunch of places and shit and i'm just hungover as fuck and don't wanna :(
  13. good luck dave. today's a big day for me too. prommm :D
  14. gf = bank account fuckin drained :lol:
  15. his wife is driving it is the best part :lol:
  16. yeah the phone i have right now is the first phone that's ever broken prior to me physically breaking it :lol:
  17. i just wanted a single faced phone, all the sliding and flipping just pisses me off and makes weak points on the phone. i used to like them but some of them just feel like.. brittle. anyway, need to get this on my thing ASAP so i start sexting.
  18. $80 with wall charger, case and car charger included and all the original boxes and shit. pretty old but along the lines of what i wanted. was better than anything i was finding for anywhere near that price and i'm pretty sure there is no mandatory $30/month bullshit with this. the phones verizon has right now are so ftl i can't even go in the store. i'd take the storm if it wasn't so expensive but other than that there's only a few i'd want and verizon's prices before the rebate are retarded.
  19. so i call this guy up on criagslist for a phone like 30 minutes away. i pull up, get to his door and he goes "is that an s70?" and i'm like wat and he's like "nice, i just got a v70, i put in my HIDs today." i was like :o so we talked about random shit for awhile then i got a phone yay. he even got his lights from sharp.
  20. sailor jerry good choice dave :lol:
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