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Everything posted by herz3mc

  1. This just in: Event link: http://www.24hoursoflemons.com/pnw2011.aspx -------- begin email ----------- NORTH BY NORTHWORST LeMons Oregon to Befoul America's Last Wild Places Portland OR--According to NHTSA, the region with the highest per-capita ratio of hooptie-*** Volvos, smoke-belching VWs, and oil-barfing Saabs is the Pacific Northwest--ie, our national bastion of environmental consciousness. LeMons can no longer ignore this significant contradictory accomplishment. Thus, on June 25-26, the series hits Oregon Raceway Park (applications due 16 April) for its first-ever event in the area. Because of the region's unique characteristics, a few extra rules shall apply: -Racing suits made of Pendleton wool are forbidden. -Due to new Tlingit Totem Pole Penalty, teammates named "Shamu" discouraged. -All teams entering BMWs must show stock-option portfolio at Tech. -Ridiculous goddamn twiddley rubber-banded Burning-Man pimple-ringed chin-Slinky beards will be grounds for immediate ejection. Racers are also advised that the venue, Oregon Raceway Park, is so far from Portland-style civilization that it has only four Starbucks on site. For more info go here; to log in and enter the Great PNW Superfund-Site Creation Derby, go here.
  2. Yeah! Fuel pump! Like your new sig pic

  3. I don't think so. we are brewing up something special and I will be having fun with paint once things warm up a bit
  4. uggs are ugly. tim you make me proud.
  5. Took it work today - not as smooth as the volvo as a daily, but sure is quick

  6. Crazy weather. Evo got aligned and corner balanced today - picking it up tonight and out to the track this weekend. What are you up to?

  7. I wore flip flops and worked in the yard yesterday. Is spring here yet? Chris washed the evo - it looks ugly. I washed the coupe - it looks hot. the volvo is dirty :(
  8. Hey Girl, got two out of the three cars washed so far today. and a bunch of weeding done.

    What about you?

  9. bottled last night. been doing it on and off for about a year and a half. Going to have to make an IPD garage sale special brew I think.
  10. True, but the food you tend to eat with it isn't as good for you as things that pair with wine, thus the bad rep. Beer = cheeze-its Wine = expensive stinky cheese
  11. Love HUB V8 Fusion + Vodka = win, plus you get a full serving of fruits and vegetables.
  12. Oh yeah, stop at the emissions place on the way home from Spokane - that might have helped too.
  13. Ours passed and yours failed. something is wrong with this picture. Next time have a 30 something blond sit in the passenger seat to chat with the tester about cars: )
  14. Thanks - how's it going? you should come to autocross school on 3/12. it will be a blast!

  15. Warning - non-volvo content. FOr those of you interested in the c-rex project - here is some of the amazingness we are creating. My vision is really coming together. LED VTEC toggle switch - you know you want one. Go fast parts: Sexy ladies You know we had to Bro in law helped me put in a SSK today and I installed the CF Shift knob Honda parts are cheap: Front, rear and apillar strut bars for $35 (all three) You can see this beauty at the autox tmrw.
  16. I was instructing a modded EVO9 at the school on Sunday. That thing was facelift fast. Probably one of the fastest accelerating cars I've ever been in. Marshall - good work getting your Dad into a cool car.
  17. Pics are finally up!

  18. herz3mc

    My Car

  19. herz3mc


    From the album: My Car

  20. herz3mc


    From the album: My Car

  21. Register for novice school. Everyone goes on waitlist first so i can review their application.

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