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Everything posted by Mossback

  1. Yep, I was saving up for my garage sale stage 3 tune, oh well if I can get a decent discount I might still do it. GL with the Rad swap
  2. Could be worse, I'm coughing up $$ for a rebuilt xmodex throttle body this week ($650)
  3. (Fixed) Spencer, don't go there. Two things, first personal experience I gave up on 18 Yo's when I was 23. Too much learning/training to do. Second, as the father of an 18Yo girl, Se does better with people her own age. Couple of guys, one 30 and another somewhere above that have trolled her (that word works) and paid dearly for it with a bunch of extra drama. You wanna play, you gonna pay.
  4. You will need to have a sanding party.
  5. he's been driving his GF's Acura too much. Also he's in No time left for the constant tinkering these things need. Weekends are gone. Needs a 240, lol
  6. In Portland news, Rye (RZT5) is selling his 89K miles 98 C70.
  7. If it was the Hybrid SUV, they're not getting better tan 23 average, Even though rated at 32/28, the Lexus forums say more like 24/21. douches...
  8. Hah, weather has been so wet this spring, Portland closed all the grass sports fields until further notice. Where are the little nippers going to play their mud ball?

  9. I have to agree, for the money, In-n-out has one of my top favorite burgers. Fries are a personal taste. (some people actually like McMenamins fries, which to me are grease-soaked limp sponges) Closest we have to In-n-Out is Five Guys, which costs 300% more for a burger and their fries suck,
  10. Incredibly frustrated, got my bike all tuned up and ready to go a couple of weeks ago, Travel, monsoons and illness have kept me off since. Maybe Sunday the planets will align.

  11. fever broke, ready to start rejoining society

  12. My Ethanol free gas place in Milwaukie is selling premium for $3.99 gal. just filled up! The corn based stuff is only going for .10 less.

  13. Chilean Bike race, (no dabs) Downhill
  14. I'd love Beibertron's take on this stuff, he was raised in the koolaid
  15. reading William Gibson's Zero History right now. Good geeky fun

  16. I'm appreciating our Prius again, ugly, slow, prone to have poor drivers at the wheel, but love that 45mpg!

  17. Hate, the Zags? I can't imagine why... They've been very good at taking all my money for the past four years. You really think the dub will get past the second round?
  18. Watching The Sea Hawk, classic

  19. Its an old lugged Peugeot frame, Looking good Danny!
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